AnandTech gave a ps4 vs. x1 hardware comparison


SOHH 2001
May 8, 2012
Back in MIA
Why did xbox 1 games look better than ps2 games when they were ps2 ports?:mj:

Because the developers actually went back in there and resampled/recreated all of the textures and took advantage of the XBOX hardware.

I said that it was possible that they would do that in this situation but unlikely.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
One mans theory on the internet

Multiplats = Buttery smooth on PS4 with good texturing, filtering and anti aliasing. Runs like poop on XONE at lower resolution with lots of tearing and stuttering. You need but look back at 2007-2008 to know.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
Ya. I get what you're saying.

But if the PS4 can handle shading and textures better. You're not going to see better shading and textures if the devs don't put them in there for the PS4.

So the point I was trying to get across is that if everything is developed on the One and just ported as is. Regardless of how much more power the PS4'll never see it.

The PC dev process is different. They develop with higher settings in mind and scale down for lower end users. Because there are so many different pc configs out there. Not the same with consoles.

That's all. Then nikkas started shouting out names :snoop:
nikka we get your point and keep telling you its asinine because it completely defies common sense...Every multiplat game that hit PC this gen was coded first on Xbox...The PC version of these games are drastically suprerior even on some low end setups...Providing sharper textures and turning on post procesding effects for one version is not rocket science nor costly...


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?

Do you think those textures are magically created by your PC? :russ:

Their created as image files you fukking dumbass. If they are created at a certain res, for a certain think your PC is going to magically turn them into a higher res? Please STFU nikka. You remind me of the idiots who want wallet size photos blown up into posters.

You are fukking DUMB, the point being is that the files were created for a port, on a system PC that has a much lower userbase than consoles. But yet, here you are trying to argue that the PS4 won't have higher quality textures, even though the machine is apparently built with throwing obscene amounts of high quality textures on screen quickly. Your entire point earlier was that it would cost so much more to do these things, yet PC games are generally ports of PS3/Xbox games and they feature effects and textures well beyond the PS3/360.

PC Devs will create 5 different versions of one texture. One that will work efficiently for each different setting. Vector art is different. but it's limited. Console devs don't need to do that. It's one setting. PERIOD.

Unreal, you keep missing the fukking point, I'm talking about PORTS OF PS3/360 games to PC that release at the same fukking time as their console counterparts, with higher res textures, DX11 features, 16x AA etc. They add all of these features to the PC port, yet your dumbass thinks they'll just be like "Ok, well the PS4 is more powerful, lets make sure it looks exactly the same as the One" fukk outta here.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Posted yet? Digital Foundry take

In terms of the GPU hardware, hard information was difficult to come by, but one of the engineers did let slip with a significant stat - 768 operations per clock. We know that both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are based on Radeon GCN architecture and we also know that each compute unit is capable of 64 operations per clock. So, again through a process of extrapolation from the drip-feed of hard facts, the make-up of the One's GPU is confirmed - 12 compute units each capable of 64 ops/clock gives us the 768 total revealed by Microsoft and thus, by extension, the 1.2 teraflop graphics core. So that's another tick on the Durango leaked spec that has been transposed across to the final Xbox One architecture and the proof we need that PlayStation 4's 18 CU graphics core has 50 per cent more raw power than the GPU in the new Microsoft console. Now, bearing in mind that we fully expect PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to launch at similar price-points, how did this disparity come about?

The answer to that comes down to a specific gamble Sony made that Microsoft could not - the utilisation of a unified pool of GDDR5 memory. In the early days of PS4 development, only 2GB of this type of memory looked viable for a consumer-level device. As higher density modules became available, this was duly upgraded to 4GB. By the time of the reveal back in February, Sony had confidence that it could secure volume of 512MB modules and surprised everyone (even developers) by announcing that PS4 would ship with 8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM. The design of its surrounding architecture would not need to change throughout this process - one set of 16 GDDR5 chips would simply be swapped out for another

:whoo: @ that last part.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Because the developers actually went back in there and resampled/recreated all of the textures and took advantage of the XBOX hardware.

I said that it was possible that they would do that in this situation but unlikely.

SO they did that for practically all the xbox games because i remember the majority of ps2 games ported to xbox 1 being better. Thats not possible this gen? Come on, friend. I dont think you give devs enough credit for how certain aspects of their jobs are more simple. Maybe it just seems difficult to you because you're not in the industry.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
A good post on ram from the internet.

Here are some things that will be stored in RAM:

number of assets in the area, more assets, more unique enemies, larger levels
high resolution models, obvious what this does
high resolution textures, so better looking textures, bump maps and parralax maps are part of this so better definition on them as well
more assest prefect, larger levels and preloading the next level
A combination of these things allow for more unique assets in each level, say instead of have 4 character models that are complete, we have 2 models and 4 shirts and 2 armor pieces and multiple textures for each one. Pick one of each at random for each character and random textures and we can create an army of unique character vs an army of the 4 same guys. This applies to pretty much any asset in the level.
Larger resolution rendering, so there are some very technical things going on where some frames are prerendered by guessing the next frame and they must be stored, also rendered frames are usually dropped into memory before post processing effects, also the algorithms used for these effects require memory.
Of course some will be used to store calculation and such but that is incredibly small in comparison to the graphics assets.

Now to the benefits of the GDDR5 over DDR3, we can basically move assets in and out of memory faster, or read it faster. So hypothetically reading more assets on the ps4s memory should give it an advantage right? Well yes but we also have to consider even if we can read all those assets can the GPU render all that stuff and maintain a good speed? Throwing 16 gigs of GDDR5 at a GPU that cannot utilize it all is waste, so balance is something to consider. We don't know if DDR3 is a bottleneck here or not, it may be overkill. Also moving the rendered frames in and out of memory will use up a chunk of bandwidth especially if its HD and post processing effects reading and rewriting will eat away at that. That's one reason why the memory speed on GPU's affects the pixel fill rate and the max resolution of the card.

So it is a possiblity that 4k requires GDDR5 and that is why its there. To be honest at this point GPU's have been using GDDR5 for awhile now because 1920*1080 res images moving in and out of memory eats up bandwidth like crazy plus the stuff. So to handle these high resolution we moved to GDDR5. If M$ is creating a console to last them another 7-8 years it would be silly to slap DDR3 in it with a PC like architecture. It may cut it for just assests like its used for as RAM in a PC but it would be silly to stick all the memory into 1 bus where the entire APU must share it. For all we know the GDDR5 in the ps3 is on 1 bus and will peak it out, but the xbox may have DDR3 memory with 16 or 24 buses. Think of it like this 2 highway lanes at 70mph or 16 highway lanes at 35mph; overall which highway is going to move more cars? There is much more to it than just what kind of memory we are using.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
SO they did that for practically all the xbox games because i remember the majority of ps2 games ported to xbox 1 being better. Thats not possible this gen? Come on, friend. I dont think you give devs enough credit for how certain aspects of their jobs are more simple. Maybe it just seems difficult to you because you're not in the industry.

He's contradicting himself left and right in this thread, shyt is hilarious.

First it's too expensive and time consuming to take advantage of specific hardware, now it's "Well they went back and blah blah blah" :russ:

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles


SOHH 2001
May 8, 2012
Back in MIA
nikka we get your point and keep telling you its asinine because it completely defies common sense...Every multiplat game that hit PC this gen was coded first on Xbox...The PC version of these games are drastically suprerior even on some low end setups...Providing sharper textures and turning on post procesding effects for one version is not rocket science nor costly...


the argument in here has been that more power makes your games look better regardless of how it was developed.

check the posts. nikkas are on some revisionist history shyt in here.

I said from the beginning that the trend in console development is to program for the lowest common denominator and PORT. why would it change now? if you have assets for the lowest common denominator...having more power isn't going to magically make those lower assets better. A .JPG is a .JPG. You can't turn a medium res one into a complicated high res one because you have more power. It's either there or it's not.

The PS4 may be able to handle the highest resolution textures and 1,000,000,000 of them at a time. But if the textures were created with the XBOX One in mind, then that technological point is moot. A PC Developer HAS TO create the highest res textures, and a few different versions of those textures to account for all of the different PC's out there. They have no choice. The vast majority of PC's are not highest texture capable.

As a dev what's my incentive to add extra code, models, textures, shaders, light sources for the PS4 version to take advantage of? Absolutely NONE. There are no incentives.

Get the game out as cheap as possible. And that's developing for the One and porting to the PS4 with no adjustments.

The End.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles

the argument in here has been that more power makes your games look better regardless of how it was developed.

check the posts. nikkas are on some revisionist history shyt in here.

I said from the beginning that the trend in console development is to program for the lowest common denominator and PORT. why would it change now? if you have assets for the lowest common denominator...having more power isn't going to magically make those lower assets better. A .JPG is a .JPG. You can't turn a medium res one into a complicated high res one because you have more power. It's either there or it's not.

The PS4 may be able to handle the highest resolution textures and 1,000,000,000 of them at a time. But if the textures were created with the XBOX One in mind, then that technological point is moot. A PC Developer HAS TO create the highest res textures, and a few different versions of those textures to account for all of the different PC's out there. They have no choice. The vast majority of PC's are not highest texture capable.

As a dev what's my incentive to add extra code, models, textures, shaders, light sources for the PS4 version? Absolutely NONE. There are no incentives.

Get the game out as cheap as possible. And that's developing for the One and porting to the PS4 with no adjustments.
Incentives? because you want to see your games look better. These individuals are artists friend. Not people who are making McVideogames. What was the inventive for all of the xbox 1 library to look better than their ported ps2 counterpart. Mind you ps2 had very complex architecture? It was Nothing for them to port those games up and with the architecture being so simliar this gen it will be NOTHING to port those games up but i feel ps4 will lead, this gen.

Financially knowing ps4 will be the top selling console in the world is all the incentive they need. xbox1 was a FLOP and they still got that kind of love from devs. Stop it friend.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Developing for the most powerful system first then working down is easier.

The reasons why the 360 was developed for first are because:
a) it came out first and had a big install base
b) much more easier to develop for

With this upcoming generation I don't see most developers picking the One as the console of choice. This is just going by the revels, and fan/press/developers reactions


May 2, 2012
I think games (multi-plat) will be developed with the weaker system in mind first hence holding back the stronger ones capabilities, :mad:

i wouldn't be surprised. we already let microsoft gimp this current generation of gaming.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang

so what yall think?

I think not having all the facts makes this threads topic moronic. But the guy is basically saying they both about equal. PS4 will be more powerful but it remains to be seen if it translates into anything. And usually the weaker of the bunch sets he benchmark so I guess even in losing xbox one :cape: It also says xbox has a wider broader approach which is somehow viewed as a bad thing? For gamers its who has the best and most fun games. And a proper online playground to enjoy them. Until PSN is improved, there is nothing to see here. All we know so far is XBL now has 300,000 servers and dedicated servers for all games which means lag is a term that will be associated with me as a console exclusive :sad:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
A good post on ram from the internet.

Here are some things that will be stored in RAM:

number of assets in the area, more assets, more unique enemies, larger levels
high resolution models, obvious what this does
high resolution textures, so better looking textures, bump maps and parralax maps are part of this so better definition on them as well
more assest prefect, larger levels and preloading the next level
A combination of these things allow for more unique assets in each level, say instead of have 4 character models that are complete, we have 2 models and 4 shirts and 2 armor pieces and multiple textures for each one. Pick one of each at random for each character and random textures and we can create an army of unique character vs an army of the 4 same guys. This applies to pretty much any asset in the level.
Larger resolution rendering, so there are some very technical things going on where some frames are prerendered by guessing the next frame and they must be stored, also rendered frames are usually dropped into memory before post processing effects, also the algorithms used for these effects require memory.
Of course some will be used to store calculation and such but that is incredibly small in comparison to the graphics assets.

Now to the benefits of the GDDR5 over DDR3, we can basically move assets in and out of memory faster, or read it faster. So hypothetically reading more assets on the ps4s memory should give it an advantage right? Well yes but we also have to consider even if we can read all those assets can the GPU render all that stuff and maintain a good speed? Throwing 16 gigs of GDDR5 at a GPU that cannot utilize it all is waste, so balance is something to consider. We don't know if DDR3 is a bottleneck here or not, it may be overkill. Also moving the rendered frames in and out of memory will use up a chunk of bandwidth especially if its HD and post processing effects reading and rewriting will eat away at that. That's one reason why the memory speed on GPU's affects the pixel fill rate and the max resolution of the card.

So it is a possiblity that 4k requires GDDR5 and that is why its there. To be honest at this point GPU's have been using GDDR5 for awhile now because 1920*1080 res images moving in and out of memory eats up bandwidth like crazy plus the stuff. So to handle these high resolution we moved to GDDR5. If M$ is creating a console to last them another 7-8 years it would be silly to slap DDR3 in it with a PC like architecture. It may cut it for just assests like its used for as RAM in a PC but it would be silly to stick all the memory into 1 bus where the entire APU must share it. For all we know the GDDR5 in the ps4 is on 1 bus and will peak it out, but the xbox may have DDR3 memory with 16 or 24 buses. Think of it like this 2 highway lanes at 70mph or 16 highway lanes at 35mph; overall which highway is going to move more cars? There is much more to it than just what kind of memory we are using.