The fact that so many thought Romney would "do the right thing" is just more proof of how resistance twitter and a large portion of the MSNBC pundits, have rotted a good portion of Democrats brains, to the point some still truly believe there are republicans who are honest actors.
Romney is the same guy who bragged in front of an old white crowd while running against Obama that "No one asked to see my birth certificate. You all know I was born right here
" The guy, like all republican politicians and operatives, has no sense of decency. He's just like Flake and only pretended to possess it when it doesn't matter, or won't mess with the outcome. The truth is, he like the rest of the so called "Never Trumpers" love every single policy decision Trump makes. What they hate is that his racism doesn't come with a side of plausible deniability, and he doesn't give them an out.
Romney is the same guy who bragged in front of an old white crowd while running against Obama that "No one asked to see my birth certificate. You all know I was born right here