
Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I'm amazed that we are still this naïve to think Power is wholesome and all good. It's gonna have some bad negative things in there, you gonna wrong a lot of people with Power Wealth and Success. That's part of the game.



Jan 7, 2017
that's not how the world works. don't know why yall think a small few can wave a magic wand and change everything. these families are considered powerful/influential, but they're still not the top of the food chain. they're not the select .01% who rule global business and politics, they've been given an invite to the gala, but they're not getting in back room. even people like bezos, buffet, gates aint in that circle (yet)
:ohhh: Who is in this circle? Top bankers? Oil sheikhs? Rothschilds?


Jun 22, 2014
They all launder money through govt approved "charitable" programs/institutions. Show me the impact on the ground in the HOOD, where people live. Show me the poor black communities uplifted from me ONE. Y'all can keep buying these propaganda charity plays if you want but it's all a game and a hustle.

These youngins need their ENVIRONMENT changed where they LIVE. Their parents need jobs/opportunities/business loans without usury.

The black Panthers didn't have billions and had 1000x the impact of all these so called charities and "donations".
Neither had a lasting impact on “the hood,” because a lasting impact would simply mean that the “hood” will cease to exist in any recognisable way.

How does one create enough jobs to alleviate poverty, business and mortgage to loans to the poor that won’t bankrupt the lender, and any deep recognizable change without bending the will of the system?

nikkas are still scared of socialism. :yeshrug:
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Feb 21, 2015
****Black Elite AfroCentric Edition****

The Jones/Whipper/Purnell/Shadd Clans of Chicago, DC, Philadelphia, Chatham, Ontario, and Delware.

John Jones of Chicago was the wealthiest black man in the country of his generation in the 1860's.


He was a fierce abolitionist who used his home, originally located on S. Plymouth Ct. in downtown Chicago, as a stop on the underground railroad for fugitive slaves making their way to Canada. He and his wife, Mary Richardson Jones, gave generously and fought for black causes throughout the city, including successfully campaigning against and finally repealing the Illinois Black Laws in 1865.


During their campaign against restrictive laws against black people in the state, they published a pamphlet entitled Black Laws of Illinois and a Few Reasons Why They Should Be Repealed.

The black laws of Illinois : and a few reasons why they should be repealed (eBook, 1864) []

John Jones wealth came from being a proprietor of a tailoring business that exclusively serviced the city's gentry class as well as amassing a sizeable real estate portfolio.

Jones went on to become a Cook County Commissioner in 1871 and led the fight to desegregate Chicago schools of which he was victorious in 1874. He was the first black person to serve on the Chicago Board of Education.

The Joneses were closely tied to many prominent African Americans of their time.

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams - the black doctor who was the first man to perform a successful open-heart surgery and founder of Provident Hospital, the city's first black hospital, lived with the Joneses in his early years in Chicago. The Joneses were one of the earliest benefactors of Provident.

Dr. Dan Williams

Provident Hospital


Provident Hosptial Nurses

The granddaughter of John and Mary Richardson Jones, Theodora Lee, married Dr. William Whipper Purnell. Together they had a son, Lee Julian Purnell.

William, Theodora, and Lee Julian

Dr. William Whipper Purnell was a Washingtonian physician that graduated from Howard School of Medicine. He served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection.



William and Theodora's son, Lee Julian Purnell, the great-grandson of John Jones, was one of the earliest black graduates of MIT, along with Robert Robinson Taylor.


Lee graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and opened his own successful practice in Washington. Lee also became the Dean of the Howard School of Engineering for over 20 years.


Dr. William Whipper Purnell was the son of James Whipper Purnell. James was an abolitionist and lumber merchant in Chatham, Ontario, Canada and was secretary to Martin R. Delany (black abolitionist and first proponent of black nationalism) as he was preparing his Back to Africa Expedition.

Major Martin Delany

More on Delany known as the "Father of Black Nationalism"
Martin Delany, 'Father of Black Nationalism'

James Purnell was also a member of the John Brown Convention that was held in Chatham spearheaded by the famed abolitionist who headed the raid on Harper's Ferry.

John Brown

James Purnell was married to Julia Ann Shadd, the cousin of the remarkable Mary Ann Shadd Cary.


Mary Ann Shadd Cary of Wilmington and Chatham was a teacher, journalist, and leader of the black Canadian emigration movement of the 1850s. Mary was the daughter of Abraham and Harriett Parnell Shadd, who were prosperous abolitionist from Wilmington, Deleware. After moving their family to Chatham, Ontario, they took up many anti-slavery causes. Mary graduated from Howard Law School, returning to Chatham to teach the children of escaped slaves. Following the steps of her activist family, she began to write of the hypocrisy of the United States, which had identified as a democracy, yet supported slavery. She eventually abandoned teaching and turned to journalism, taking over the Provincial Freeman in Windsor, Ontario in 1853. As the primary editor of the Freeman, Shadd traveled throughout Ontario and parts of the United States writing essays about her travels, revealing her support for sex and race equality.

James Purnell Whipper was raised by his uncle, the formidable William Whipper, patriarch of the Whipper Family of Philadelphia.

William Whipper

William Whipper built one of the most successful lumber and real estate empires in nineteenth-century Pennsylvania. Business holdings included real estate, railroad cars, and a steamship- all of which were frequently used to help fugitive slaves escape to the north.

Whipper was an Underground Railroad activist, from 1847 until 1860. He often donated $1,000 a year to help fugitives who were passing through Pennsylvania. In 1835, he attended a convention of the Improvement of Free People of Color. He wanted the word “colored” to be dropped. Delegates agreed and that is when the American Moral Reform Society was founded of which headed.


The purpose of the reform society was to help educate Black people, establish reading literature for the communities and documenting the life of Black Americans. He contributed to various abolitionist papers like the Liberator, the North Star, and the National Antislavery Standard.

He was also involved in the Philomathean Institute of Philadelphia, a literary organization which included Frederick Douglas, Charles Purvis, and other notable black Philadelphians.

Whipper’s sister, Mary Ann Whipper, married James Hollensworth and settled in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, a final destination on the Underground Railroad. Mary Ann and James were the overseers of William Whipper's investments in Canada.

William Whipper operated a major Underground Railroad station and provided shelter for slaves primarily from Virginia and Maryland, moving them in part in the railroad cars he owned.

*****Back to Lee Julian Purnell Sr. (great grand nephew of William Whipper and great grandson of John Jones)*****

Lee Julian Purnell Jr. graduated from Howard University and worked as an electrician throughout the district.

Purnell Jr. had two sons Lee Julian Purnell III and Dr. Bruce Purnell.

Lee Julian Purnell III is a DJ known as DJ Spiritual One and you can find him on instagram here:

Dr. Bruce Purnell is a psychologist and Executive Director of Higher Hopes, Inc. and Love More Movement.


Dr. Bruce Purnell is all about the upliftment of the community and continuing his family’s legacy of fighting for justice, equality, education, self- sufficiency and freedom.

Dr. Purnell can be found on instagram here:

Dr. Bruce Purnell (@brucepurnell) • Instagram photos and videos

This family is also very extensive and has a lot more important people that I missed but will stop right here.

I have my own personal connection to this family as my own maternal line came to Chicago from Chatham, Ontario, Canada. They were also abolitionist and worked with many of the Whippers and Shadds on anti-slavery causes. Reverend Benajamin Whipper, nephew of William Whipper, was ordained a minister by my 4th Great Grandfather, Walter Hawkins, who was Bishop of the Canadian branch of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a contemporary of Richard Allen.

Also, not known to many people but the town of Chatham, Ontario and many smaller towns in the vincinity, have a lot of African American history, being the northernmost stop on the Underground Railroad. Ontario was home to free back abolitionist families, black business owners, escaped slaves and their families that settled and made a new life for themselves. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin was located near Chatham.

Will be doing the family of Frances Cress Welsing next.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I'm not sure if this was posted in this thread. This was an appearance by Lawrence Otis Graham on c-span promoting his book. I've read this book and "Member of the Club". ....and I remember having this clip on vhs or dvd-r. ....was glad to find it on youtube.

*Watch his face as the guy delivering his intro mispronounces "Greenwich" .@ :20


Feb 21, 2015
I'm not sure if this was posted in this thread. This was an appearance by Lawrence Otis Graham on c-span promoting his book. I've read this book and "Member of the Club". ....and I remember having this clip on vhs or dvd-r. ....was glad to find it on youtube.

*Watch his face as the guy delivering his intro mispronounces "Greenwich" .@ :20

I have to find it but I think some author, whose family was outed in OKOP, in retaliation, wrote a fictional book that was pretty much an exposè on LOG. Something to the effect that LOG was on the downlow and his wife is his beard. I don’t think his kids are his biologically either.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I have to find it but I think some author, whose family was outed in OKOP, in retaliation, wrote a fictional book that was pretty much an exposè on LOG. Something to the effect that LOG was on the downlow and his wife is his beard. I don’t think his kids are his biologically either.
I knew that there was some pushback against his book and him putting that segment of the community under a spotlight, but I didn't know that it went that far.
A good friend of mine told me years ago that his mom lives her life as a white woman.....even shunning him and keeping him at arm's length. I never fully believed him or understood what he could have been talking about. I associated "passing" with Louisiana and past generations. His family is northeast MV crowd.
His parents divorced when he was in high school(boarding school) and his mom married a white man and.....lives her life as a white woman.

I can imagine some of the passing crowd to be upset at being exposed, and striking back. I don't look at his mannerisms as being gay. 50% of Princeton guys speak and act the exact same way..hehehehehe. I also think that his kids resemble him and if the aren't his, they are closely related to him.

However, that social group is so insular that the ones writing the revenge book would easily be able to find every skeleton in his closet.

I am forever confusing what I read in MOC with OKOP..but I think I had a negative reaction to the first one, and rather enjoyed reading the second. LOG is actually a funny guy and has a great personality for media.

I enjoyed the "Black Elite Afro-centric" post....


May 1, 2012
And at this point there is a pretty simple blue print to become Boule in ATL lol.

1.Go to Howard or Morehouse
2.Pledge Alpha, Kappa or Omega - preferably one of the chapters at Morehouse or Howard, if you couldn't do that then the Eta Lambda Alpha chapter or Stone Mountain Kappa chapter
3.Attend the top AME or Historical Baptist Church in your city - I.e Big Bethel or Ebenerzer Baptist church
4.Become a member of the 100 Black men of your city (usually this is done by getting into a role that pays 6 figures whether its via corporate or running business, you'd probably need to get invited to the Emerging 100 first)

Once you do that you pretty much are well on your way to get that invite lol. I got a few Boule old heads as FB friends and them dudes are super regular.

Real talk but what’s the benefit these days to even joining the boule? Access to hot educated redbones ?

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Real talk but what’s the benefit these days to even joining the boule? Access to hot educated redbones ?

Lotta that stuff is symbolic because these Boule cats pretty much get choosen to be white supremacies puppets/faces when they need black people to support something.


Feb 21, 2015
I also think that his kids resemble him and if the aren't his, they are closely related to him.

The oldest is his biologically. The two younger children are not.

The water issue became personal for the Grahams when they got in touch with a specialist regarding a series of miscarriages that Pamela Thomas-Graham had from 1999 to 2001. The specialist asked if they were on well water, which was acknowledged. The water was tested and a high level of nitrogen was found. The problem with nitrogen, Graham explained, is that it can lead to miscarriages. Despite the family’s personal tragedies, they had good news when they subsequently adopted two kids, in 2002.

Town Boards Vote to Consent on Graham Annexation; Referendum is Next

And I’m not going to say any more on his own preferences because it isn’t something I can substantiate and just comes off as chatty patty.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
The oldest is his biologically. The two younger children are not.

The water issue became personal for the Grahams when they got in touch with a specialist regarding a series of miscarriages that Pamela Thomas-Graham had from 1999 to 2001. The specialist asked if they were on well water, which was acknowledged. The water was tested and a high level of nitrogen was found. The problem with nitrogen, Graham explained, is that it can lead to miscarriages. Despite the family’s personal tragedies, they had good news when they subsequently adopted two kids, in 2002.

Town Boards Vote to Consent on Graham Annexation; Referendum is Next

And I’m not going to say any more on his own preferences because it isn’t something I can substantiate and just comes off as chatty patty.
Ab with the receipts.
Again..WOW. In a previous thread, we might have discussed the "racial" incident that his kids went through and the article that he wrote about it. I think that might have been the first time I saw a pic of the kids, and nothing stood out as odd. The oldest DEFINITELY looks like him, and he shares features with the younger brother.

In the passages of OKOP where he details the lives of people who pass as white , he mentioned the specifics about how they would adopt kids (to ensure that they didn't have children with African blood or features)..very specific that the kids resembled them slightly .
I don't know what trick LOG used for his own adopted children but they resemble the oldest one and the parents.

That thinly veiled expose book author wasn't playing any games, I see. I also see that the bootleg white folks still have ties to that OKOP circle to be able to dig up dirt like that.


Jun 22, 2014
We say that these are "powerful "Black families," but for many that was not how they described themselves.

These were "fine Negroes" as my relatives used to call them. Or they were simply "colored."

Up until the late 1960s, if you called some of these folks "black," it would be almost the equivalent
of calling them "crispy" today. It was a slur.

"Black" was not always synonymous with "colored" and "Negro."

And folks from the pre-1960s era would let you know it for sure.


before "black power" took over fully, even dark skinned blacks didn't like be called "black". Funny enough, one of the earliest promoters of the term "Black" was light and would have been like the people in this thread


James McCune Smith (April 18, 1813 – November 17, 1865)

was an American physician, apothecary, abolitionist, and author. He is the first African American to hold a medical degree and graduated at the top in his class at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He was the first African American to run a pharmacy in the United States.

In addition to practicing as a doctor for nearly 20 years at the Colored Orphan Asylum in Manhattan, Smith was a public intellectual: he contributed articles to medical journals, participated in learned societies, and wrote numerous essays and articles drawing from his medical and statistical training. He used his training in medicine and statistics to refute common misconceptions about race, intelligence, medicine, and society in general. Invited as a founding member of the New York Statistics Society in 1852, which promoted a new science, he was elected as a member in 1854 of the recently founded American Geographic Society. But, he was never admitted to the American Medical Association or local medical associations.

He has been most well known for his leadership as an abolitionist; a member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, with Frederick Douglass he helped start the National Council of Colored People in 1853, the first permanent national organization for blacks. Douglass said that Smith was "the single most important influence on his life."[1] Smith was one of the Committee of Thirteen, who organized in 1850 in New York City to resist the newly passed Fugitive Slave Law by aiding fugitive slaves through the Underground Railroad. Other leading abolitionist activists were among his friends and colleagues. From the 1840s, he lectured on race and abolitionism and wrote numerous articles to refute racist ideas about black capacities.

The first African American to receive a medical degree, this invaluable collection brings together the writings of James McCune Smith, one of the foremost intellectuals in antebellum America. The Works of James McCune Smith is one of the first anthologies featuring the works of this illustrious scholar. Perhaps best known for his introduction to Fredrick Douglass's My Bondage and My Freedom, his influence is still found in a number of aspects of modern society and social interactions. And he was considered by many to be a prophet of the twenty-first century. One of the earliest advocates of the use of "black" instead of "colored," McCune Smith treated racial identities as social constructions, arguing that American literature, music, and dance would be shaped and defined by blacks.

The absence of James McCune Smith in the historiographic and critical literature is even more striking. He was a brilliant scholar, writer, and critic, as well as a first rate physician. In 1882 the black leader Alexander Crummell called him "the most learned Negro of his day," and Frederick Douglass considered him the most important black influence in his life (much as he considered Gerrit Smith the most important white one). Douglass was probably correct when, in 1859, he publicly stated: "No man in this country more thoroughly understands the whole struggle between freedom and slavery, than does Dr. Smith, and his heart is as broad as his understanding."

As a prose stylist and original thinker, McCune Smith ranks, at his best, alongside such canonical figures as Emerson and Thoreau. His essays are sophisticated and elegant, his interpretations of American culture are way ahead of his time, and his experimental style and use of dialect anticipates some of the Harlem Renaissance writers of the 1920s. Yet McCune Smith has been completely ignored by literary critics; and aside from one article on him, he has remained absent from the historical record.