Is episode 2 out? when do new eps come on?
Is episode 2 out? when do new eps come on?
Asking me to watch 3 seasons of a show that cancelled without a good wrap up is a big ask.
breh this has been posted. 12am EST time every Sunday morning/Sat night depending on where you live it's posted on the Starz app and ONDemand and then elsewhere not long after I'd assumeIs episode 2 out? when do new eps come on?
I'm watching that shyt right now. This shyt is on point.Orlando jones monologue though
So far, all of the "worship" we have seen has been fatal to the worshippers.
I don't think the gods on this show are out to save anyone's lives.
That's the old gods downfall. Requiring bloody and violent sacrifices compared to the new ones.whats fukked up is he could've saved them but needed a blood sacrifice instead
Gods and Goddesses sure is petty eddies in this show lol
If it never comes back on, it ended perfectlyAsking me to watch 3 seasons of a show that cancelled without a good wrap up is a big ask.
One of the most terrifyingly powerful, heartsick and hilarious moments in TV history. I had the whole range of emotions:Orlando jones monologue though