oh that is what i thought, you havent read the book, cuz i cant see how she wrote an article with points that she left out of her book, the article i posted was just a review of her book and you just ran with it like it was her whole argument
and that article that @
alybaba posted is also based on an assumption of what she was saying
so its incorrect to suggest she somehow flipped on anything, all the nuances are in the book, it wouldnt make make sense if they weren't
this whole attack of yours on asians westernizing is silly, werent you referencing some guy that said that integration increases creativity and is good for society, what you are criticizing is integration and the reason that bothers you is because you are stuck on multiculturalism which is NOT intergration
at the end of the day people that come to this country should assimilate and integrate so there is nothing wrong with somebody changing their name when they get to the us, they can keep their name also its a free country after all