i'm not disputing African empires were as harsh as any European empire during their history of rule over foreign lands..infact like last year I just saw a documentary on how the Kemite armies slaughtered whole villages of enemy Eurasian men from the Mid East and took their women as cocubines after war campaigns that had me
but my point still stands that life for these people was generally better under black rule cause outside of the imperialistic nature of the relationship they were treated okay if they behaved...as far as technology created by euros a lot of it's roots are African science/knowledge for the moors and ancient Egypt and even many inventions which were widely assumed to be created by Europeans(stop light, light bub,etc) were created by the decedents of Africans.
the whole notion of a kinder gentler imperialism i just find to be a bit silly, there is no kind and gentle way to create an empire
and i dont even agree with connecting african empires, a lot of african empires had nothing to do with each other, egypt had no connection with the moors for example, the notion of putting them together under the label of black empires is itself iffy, and i dont agree with connecting european empires either, the greeks, romans and british were all very different people
when it comes to science and technology, i have to give props where props are due, while there were a lot of ancient sciences and technology, modern science and technology started with isaac newton, nobody is really fuking with newton in terms of science, like i was saying in another thread any black person that thinks newton was just another cac scientist is making a huge mistake, newton is the gawd of science