This lady was under the influence of some drug either alcohol or some pills.
Because there is no way someone who the State issued a gun as a police officer, who passed an exam and went thru camp can come tell me they thought they were at their apartment, when you think about the details of this situation. YOu try your key and it does not work, yet you are standing on a doormat (that's RED the most noticeable color to man)
and you cannot discern that its not your apartment. GTFOH.
Then you want me to believe this black man opened his door for you, and you did not notice that it was not your place, and could not take a moment to gather what you saw. UNbelieveable. They might need to completlely revamp the process for training officers and issuing guns.
This officers judgement clearly indicates she should not be allowed to handle a firearm, nor should one be issued to her by law enforcement. Either she is absolutely negligent, or she was under the influence of drugs. Or the BISh did this shyt on purpose.