white sex 

He still ended up getting killed while taking the less aggressive approach.
That's what I'm saying. But saying White babies need to have their heads chopped off is bullshyt though.
No one is really advocating that. However, based on the dark and disturbing ways white people have treated black children throughout history, I can see why those comments were made.
You have absolutely no idea how propaganda works and its effect on the population.all this tells me is people cant think for themselves if they allowing media to turn them gay.
not no stupid ass agenda to turn people gay
but i'll let yall cook with these conspiracy theories
You have absolutely no idea how propaganda works and its effect on the population.
I guess I'm going to have to watch this and give my final thought.
please explain it to me then since i have no idea how it works
because yall love to throw this gay agenda stuff around but give no specifics on it
just 1 question....exactly what does this gay agenda suppose to accomplish
The number one goal of the gay agenda is to cut the Black population. It's a form of population control, and its working. We went from having almost no gays to having the largest gay community in America. If being gay were natural like the CAC scientists try and convince us it is--our gay community would've stayed more or less the same in terms of numbers. Since the gay agenda came around in the mid 90's via the media and now politics being pro gay is seen as normal. This agenda workeds especially well with Blacks because so many of our children grow up in a single mother household.
For people to say "the media can't turn you gay" is an intellectually dishonest statement. The media as of the last 10 years has made being gay completely acceptable, and lost negros are eating it up in droves. Just look at Morehouse 15 years ago, and Morehouse today. It's full of fakkits. The CAC can't just go around sterilizing Blacks like they did with the eugenics movement so now they mentally castrate you and make sure you don't pro create by convincing you via the media that being gay is an acceptable and normal life style
Coke doesn't spend billions of dollars annually on advertising because it DOESNT work. Think about it.
The number one goal of the gay agenda is to cut the Black population. It's a form of population control, and its working. We went from having almost no gays to having the largest gay community in America. If being gay were natural like the CAC scientists try and convince us it is--our gay community would've stayed more or less the same in terms of numbers. Since the gay agenda came around in the mid 90's via the media and now politics being pro gay is seen as normal. This agenda workeds especially well with Blacks because so many of our children grow up in a single mother household.
For people to say "the media can't turn you gay" is an intellectually dishonest statement. The media as of the last 10 years has made being gay completely acceptable, and lost negros are eating it up in droves. Just look at Morehouse 15 years ago, and Morehouse today. It's full of fakkits. The CAC can't just go around sterilizing Blacks like they did with the eugenics movement so now they mentally castrate you and make sure you don't pro create by convincing you via the media that being gay is an acceptable and normal life style
Coke doesn't spend billions of dollars annually on advertising because it DOESNT work. Think about it.