Are blow jobs a sexual perversion?
Is a guy that only gotten head a virgin ?
Are blow jobs a sexual perversion?
Is a guy that only gotten head a virgin ?
You didn't answer my question.
Are blow jobs a sexual perversion?
What is the point of asking this qustion?
Oh your going to try to point out some kinda hyrocisy
Well as he said earlier on in the lecture, the white male became upset when he'd have sex but to only have her pregnant with HIS kid 9 months later. Well, if he could have sex with the slaves and then have the other housemaids take care of the kid that came out, he wouldn't share ANY of the responsibility to raise that child. On top of that, the mixed baby was/is considered black so he really had no fukking worriesI see where you're going with that. I was kinda focused on the movie he showed while he was lecturing.
Now the pregnancy thing is a tough sell. You can imagine that it wouldn't be looked kindly upon if a slave owner's wife showed up with a half black baby. Hell even today a white couple would be the talk of the town if the wife wound up pregnant from some cuckhold deal.
Now as far as the sex part with him watching, man I think you're right on about that part. Man maybe I don't have the imagination for that kinda stuff but you sure as hell bet that slave owners all over were thinking about that shyt. I don't get it but you know it happened.
What is the point of asking this qustion?
Oh your going to try to point out some kinds hyrocisy
st0rmfr0nt plants and c00ns are mad.
I'm glad that the real Black men and women got the message though. Watch the rest of the lecture in that guys youtube channel. It's worth it and you'll learn a lot.
I don't subscribe to the notion that its in the nature of the Black man and the Black woman to be homosexual. During slavery there were no gay slaves. Now we're facing a pandemic of homosexuality in our communities, and you idiots think that's "naturally occurring"
Yall believe what you want to believe, and ill believe what I want to believe. No one in this thread has torn down any of my arguments so im going to continue to think the way I think. Nothing you say is going to change my mind.
So black nationalist work for the government now?
LOL OH shyt, THAT'S THE DUDE, so much loss in this thread. Y2Dre just saved a lot of smarter posters time figuring out whose seriously worthy of intellectual discussion. God Bless him for that.
The only chance we have to get free from the tyranny of white supremacy is through Nationalism. If a war occurs in our effort to become free then so be it.