almost kicked an africans *** today


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Why do we as black Americans always catch feelings over this issue? We've known since we were children that they don't like us, so why do you even bother? Get over it. For people that are always claiming we are hard or in the hood, why are we so damned sensitive? Do people really go around hoping to be dapped up by other races?


Is racism vital for human survival?
Jul 1, 2013
Why such venomous hate for Africans? You people make me laugh. You worship white people and try so hard to assimilate into their way of thinking. Some of you are straight up white supremacists in black face. You believe the lies that they tell you esp the one that says you were sold by other black Africans into slavery (a lie). Then you go on to brag about how mixed you as if you look like mixed Dominicans or Puerto Ricans etc (I've seen both American Black males and females do and say this) are and how different you look from Americans lmao! Bragging about your 35% European blood (yet get 0% of the privileges). And some people talking about how only the descendents of enslaved blacks are mixed? Like wtf, you're telling me those evil white folk picked out the ones they want to rape put them on boats and rapped them when they got to their destinations?! Doesnt work like that mate, hence why Africans also come in different shades, just like you.
The sad truth is if you were to go to Africa, the majority of you would blend in. I know it hurts, but you will have to deal.


May 5, 2012
:snoop: Learn your history, African slaves were sold by African war lords, nobody invaded shyt.

I've stated this many times, yet you keep ignoring what I'm saying. For the last time, Hebrews mixed ourselves with Africans (due to skin color) to escape persecution in Israel. We lived there for awhile, before we were TAKEN BY THE WHITE MAN (with the Africans help) and sold across the world. If you ignore, dismiss, dodge this statement, then do you.


Ok Jose, so let me get this straight. You "lightskinDED" (lol at the confused c00nery in here) Israelites mixed with Hebrews are essentially claiming to be better than your darkskinDED enemies in Africa (aka your actual ancestors and people, fool).

This sounds like a nikka that got his higher learning on in jail - nothing wrong with that, but a lot wrong with hiding behind religious nonsense (btw conjured up by white people) trying to make yourself somehow special and chosen. HOOOW about we all accept the reality, slavery is one of the worst things ever and black people EVERYWHERE where and are systematically oppressed. How about you nikkas think of ways to empower yourselves and shyt...

I mean I'm Eritrean myself, and due to Arabs, Jews and Italians raping my ancestors and enslaving them in Egypt etc, my people look different from most Africans. Not to even mention that humans were born in the same area (Eritrea and Ethiopia, aka Kush, aka Aksum etc) and the first real civilizations come from there..YET you still don't hear me spewing this ridiculous Israelite type shyt - EVEN though my people would actually be those Israelites you speak of...


Jun 12, 2013

Ok Jose, so let me get this straight. You "lightskinDED" (lol at the confused c00nery in here) Israelites mixed with Hebrews are essentially claiming to be better than your darkskinDED enemies in Africa (aka your actual ancestors and people, fool).

I said nothing about being 'lightskinDED' nor 'mixing' with Hebrews. The Negro in America are descendants of the original Hebrews, so how can we 'mix' with them? I clearly said that Jews fled into Africa to 'mix' among the people due to SIMILARITIES IN SKIN COLOR. How the hell are the Romans going to pick out Black Hebrews among a nation of Black people, especially when people today still can't/don't differentiate the differences between us?

This sounds like a nikka that got his higher learning on in jail - nothing wrong with that, but a lot wrong with hiding behind religious nonsense (btw conjured up by white people trying to make yourself somehow special and chosen.)

Baseless statement with no proof...moving on.

HOOOW about we all accept the reality, slavery is one of the worst things ever and black people EVERYWHERE where and are systematically oppressed. How about you nikkas think of ways to empower yourselves and shyt...

I mean I'm Eritrean myself, and due to Arabs, Jews and Italians raping my ancestors and enslaving them in Egypt etc, my people look different from most Africans. Not to even mention that humans were born in the same area (Eritrea and Ethiopia, aka Kush, aka Aksum etc) and the first real civilizations come from there..YET you still don't hear me spewing this ridiculous Israelite type shyt - EVEN though my people would actually be those Israelites you speak of...

Eritreans are descendants of Ham, not Shem so no, you're not an Israelite. Yes, there are Ethiopian Jews (Falashas) who are Israelites, but they are descendants of Shem, not Ham. You're a fukking African, deal with it. It's funny how you got all these Africans on the net that get mad when a Negro finds out the truth and proclaims y'all aren't our people, yet y'all have had no problem in the past separating yourselves from us to look better to the white man. The only 'c00n' around here is you.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
I said nothing about being 'lightskinDED' nor 'mixing' with Hebrews. The Negro in America are descendants of the original Hebrews, so how can we 'mix' with them? I clearly said that Jews fled into Africa to 'mix' among the people due to SIMILARITIES IN SKIN COLOR. How the hell are the Romans going to pick out Black Hebrews among a nation of Black people, especially when people today still can't/don't differentiate the differences between us?

Baseless statement with no proof...moving on.

Eritreans are descendants of Ham, not Shem so no, you're not an Israelite. Yes, there are Ethiopian Jews (Falashas) who are Israelites, but they are descendants of Shem, not Ham. You're a fukking African, deal with it. It's funny how you got all these Africans on the net that get mad when a Negro finds out the truth and proclaims y'all aren't our people, yet y'all have had no problem in the past separating yourselves from us to look better to the white man. The only 'c00n' around here is you.

Your genetics don't lie clown your west African, put down that bullshyt you on :heh:

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Let's not ask dumb questions. PROVE I'M A DESCENDANT OF WEST AFRICANS.

Let's not play simple minded games then. That is where your lineage is traced as a black American based on history and science. The DNA does not lie even if history might be biased...

I don't do fairy tales.... Even if your people did somehow end up in Egypt they had west African lineage. It was recently proven Tut had west African Roots that would make him bantu, yet most of the black skinned Egyptians were believed to have been nilotic or kushytic in origin like Nubians or Ethiopians but this disproves that. My point is you could go anywhere in the world it doesn't change your origin.

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Why do we as black Americans always catch feelings over this issue? We've known since we were children that they don't like us, so why do you even bother? Get over it. For people that are always claiming we are hard or in the hood, why are we so damned sensitive? Do people really go around hoping to be dapped up by other races?

Why such venomous hate for Africans? You people make me laugh. You worship white people and try so hard to assimilate into their way of thinking. Some of you are straight up white supremacists in black face. You believe the lies that they tell you esp the one that says you were sold by other black Africans into slavery (a lie). Then you go on to brag about how mixed you as if you look like mixed Dominicans or Puerto Ricans etc (I've seen both American Black males and females do and say this) are and how different you look from Americans lmao! Bragging about your 35% European blood (yet get 0% of the privileges). And some people talking about how only the descendents of enslaved blacks are mixed? Like wtf, you're telling me those evil white folk picked out the ones they want to rape put them on boats and rapped them when they got to their destinations?! Doesnt work like that mate, hence why Africans also come in different shades, just like you.
The sad truth is if you were to go to Africa, the majority of you would blend in. I know it hurts, but you will have to deal.

Example of stupid africans and stupid black americans.

Who else read both post with the :stopitslime: face.


Jun 12, 2013
Let's not play simple minded games then. That is where your lineage is traced as a black American based on history and science. The DNA does not lie even if history might be biased...

*Scans for proof...finds none*

I don't do fairy tales.... Even if your people did somehow end up in Egypt they had west African lineage. It was recently proven Tut had west African Roots that would make him bantu, yet most of the black skinned Egyptians were believed to have been nilotic or kushytic in origin like Nubians or Ethiopians but this disproves that. My point is you could go anywhere in the world it doesn't change your origin.

Whether Tut had West African roots or not is irrelevant. King Tut was a Hamite, not a SHEMITE, hence he wasn't my people anyway. He was an African just like Cleopatra was an African. I could care less...the point is, prove that the Negroes sold during the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade were African (Hamitic) people, not Shemitic. I know that you can't do it, just like the other idiots who opened their mouth in this thread and have no proof.


Is racism vital for human survival?
Jul 1, 2013
Example of stupid africans and stupid black americans.

Who else read both post with the :stopitslime: face.

I'm stupid because I spoke the truth that most black Americans like to deny? OK. Most black Americans are just white people in black face and would be happier if their blackness came from Europe and in a lighter colour. If it had to be from Africa, i bet most would hope for East Africa or the

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
I'm stupid because I spoke the truth that most black Americans like to deny? OK. Most black Americans are just white people in black face and would be happier if their blackness came from Europe and in a lighter colour. If it had to be from Africa, i bet most would hope for East Africa or the

Do you want me to "speak the truth" about africans?

famine, war, bleaching, children getting killed because they supposed witches, corruption, genocide etc :what: Obviously im smarter than that so i know this is not the "truth" about africans.

You don't know shyt about black americans..."mate". Never in my life have i wished to be an east african what the fukk are you talking about.

Either way, I don't think i can help seeing as i am in the UK .

You're from the uk but you know so much about african americans righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht :shaq2:


Is racism vital for human survival?
Jul 1, 2013
Do you want me to "speak the truth" about africans?

famine, war, bleaching, children getting killed because they supposed witches, corruption, genocide etc :what: Obviously im smarter than that so i know this is not the "truth" about africans.

You don't know shyt about black americans..."mate". Never in my life have i wished to be an east african what the fukk are you talking about.


You're from the uk but you know so much about african americans righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht :shaq2:

That could be true about some parts of Africa, no denying that. I never said "all"black Americans, but I assumed you would have guessed that seeing as when black males disrespect black women as a whole and then they are called out, they start to backtrack say "Not all". Of cause I do not live there, I sometimes visit my relatives. I have told by family friends who are black American that the biggest crime in the American black community is being dark skinned black or supposedly looking "so called African". What looking African means i don't know seeing as Africans come in all shades etc.
The light skin worship, dark skin loathing. Yes it may also happen in Africa too (much much smaller scale though). And you may not wish to look stereotypically East African but a lot of black Americans do.

I mean can you explain the love for Egyptian Kings and Queens but no mention of West or Southern ones...

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
That could be true about some parts of Africa, no denying that. I never said "all"black Americans

even still it's disrespectful

but I assumed you would have guessed that seeing as when black males disrespect black women as a whole and then they are called out, they start to backtrack say "Not all"..

Most black men who diss black wommen are c00ns

Of cause I do not live there, I sometimes visit my relatives. I have told by family friends who are black American that the biggest crime in the American black community is being dark skinned black or supposedly looking "so called African".

So you're relatives are the spokes person of the whole african american community...ok. Do you honestly believe that shyt? the biggest crime is to be darkskinned? i hope you are younger than 16 because if you're not and you actually believe this then smh

The light skin worship, dark skin loathing. Yes it may also happen in Africa too (much much smaller scale though). And you may not wish to look stereotypically East African but a lot of black Americans do.

Its a bigger problem in africa shorty.

Oh and trust and believe no african americans wants to look east me on that lol

I mean can you explain the love for Egyptian Kings and Queens but no mention of West or Southern ones...

Me in this very same thread.

Im sorry breh no african american is east african/egyptian. We mostly come from west africa (usa, cuba, puerto rico, jamaica) or southern africa (brazil, colombia, Ecuador etc)

relax before you start trying to talk down on black people in america.
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