almost kicked an africans *** today


Is racism vital for human survival?
Jul 1, 2013
even still it's disrespectful

Most black men who diss black wommen are c00ns

So you're relatives are the spokes person of the whole african american community...ok. Do you honestly believe that shyt? the biggest crime is to be darkskinned? i hope you are younger than 16 because if you're not and you actually believe this then smh

Its a bigger problem in africa shorty.

Oh and trust and believe no african americans wants to look east me on that lol

Me in this very same thread.

relax before you start trying to talk down on black people in america.

Oh my word. I am not even trying to diss AAs. I am just going by what I see, what I read, what i know, and what i have witnessed.

That would mean a very large number (not all) of black men are c00ns, no? I really disagree with you about the light vs dark skin thing being bigger in Africa, seeing as I once lived there and for the most part, no one made a big deal about it like i see in SOME westernised black families. Yes Africa has it's problems, we were once colonised too but for the most part all we care about is being African first, black second. I am of cause not speaking for most Africans.
Yes there are some weird Africans who value light skin. My father's side of the family is a black african and arab mix. Some look mixed , some look black, some look more Arab. Some of them are really in love with their light skin & hair and are happy because they look like the steryotipical Arab. Most of them though are not like this.

And that bleaching video, the lady is South African. Just because she bleaches doesn't mean the rest of us do. A lot are naturally light skin or nearly light skin.

If you look online you will see AAs celebrating East Africans, North Africans and not a peep about their ancestors, the West Africans. Even offline. You should thank God you have never met them because I have.

Africa is a very big continent, not a country. Opinions vary.

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
If you look online you will see AAs celebrating East Africans, North Africans and not a peep about their ancestors, the West Africans.

See thats your problem ....."if you look online"

Most of what you're talking about is stuff that you have seen or read online.

Stop looking online.

That would mean a very large number (not all) of black men are c00ns,

No because in the real world (not online) black men aint out here dissing black women like that.

I really disagree with you about the light vs dark skin thing being bigger in Africa,

There was a war in rwanda between a light skin tribe and a dark skin tribe. No war has ever popped off like that in america.

And that bleaching video, the lady is South African. Just because she bleaches doesn't mean the rest of us do

Just because some black people think their better than africans don't mean the rest of us do.

If you look online you will see AAs celebrating East Africans, North Africans

I swear to god i have no clue about what you're talking about. Never in my life have i seen an african american male/female wanting to be east african or north african lol. Im sorry but ive never seen it.


Is racism vital for human survival?
Jul 1, 2013
See thats your problem ....."if you look online"

Most of what you're talking about is stuff that you have seen or read online.

Stop looking online.

No because in the real world (not online) black men aint out here dissing black women like that.

There was a war in rwanda between a light skin tribe and a dark skin tribe. No war has ever popped off like that in america.

Just because some black people think their better than africans don't mean the rest of us do.

I swear to god i have no clue about what you're talking about. Never in my life have i seen an african american male/female wanting to be east african or north african lol. Im sorry but ive never seen it.

I see it offline too, but this must not be your experience so it doesnt apply to you. We shall have to agree to disagree then. And I again have to disagree with you with the whole black men don't diss black women in real life. It happens and some black women are speaking about it. They might not be saying it out loud, but thats why the internet, tumblr, blogs etc exist so black women can write and talk about their experiences. Notice black African men never speak ill about African women, even if they date interracially or what not. But Western black men do. There is no African Tommy Sotomayor or that Willie guy.
The Rwanda war some of these people from both tribes are dark skinned so i dont really think it has anything to do with light vs dark. It has to do with those messy Arabs.

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
I see it offline too, but this must not be your experience so it doesnt apply to you. We shall have to agree to disagree then. And I again have to disagree with you with the whole black men don't diss black women in real life. It happens and some black women are speaking about it. They might not be saying it out loud, but thats why the internet, tumblr, blogs etc exist so black women can write and talk about their experiences. Notice black African men never speak ill about African women, even if they date interracially or what not. But Western black men do. There is no African Tommy Sotomayor or that Willie guy.
The Rwanda war some of these people from both tribes are dark skinned so i dont really think it has anything to do with light vs dark. It has to do with those messy Arabs.

Cool we can do that but your first post was disrespectful. And if a african american said something nasty about africans you shouldn't complain. read it again.

Why such venomous hate for Africans? You people make me laugh. You worship white people and try so hard to assimilate into their way of thinking. Some of you are straight up white supremacists in black face. You believe the lies that they tell you esp the one that says you were sold by other black Africans into slavery (a lie). Then you go on to brag about how mixed you as if you look like mixed Dominicans or Puerto Ricans etc (I've seen both American Black males and females do and say this) are and how different you look from Americans lmao! Bragging about your 35% European blood (yet get 0% of the privileges). And some people talking about how only the descendents of enslaved blacks are mixed? Like wtf, you're telling me those evil white folk picked out the ones they want to rape put them on boats and rapped them when they got to their destinations?! Doesnt work like that mate, hence why Africans also come in different shades, just like you.
The sad truth is if you were to go to Africa, the majority of you would blend in. I know it hurts, but you will have to deal.

the rwanda genocide had nothing to do with skin

Niggga i dont give a fukk :what:


Is racism vital for human survival?
Jul 1, 2013
Cool we can do that but your first post was disrespectful. And if a african american said something nasty about africans you shouldn't complain. read it again.

Niggga i dont give a fukk :what:

Ye Gods! Next time, i think i will use the word "some" on every sentence I type because like a lot of people, i thought it would apply to those who it was meant for.
What is the American equivalent of African booty scratcher and other African slurs panned by American blacks? Can't say i can even think of one. Again, some not all.

And just like you were so quick to jump to the defense of Americans, I'll be quick to jump to the defense of Africans.


May 1, 2012
Wow this lion of Judah dude is a fukking idiot. The Israelites in the street make better cases for themselves.

Step ya game up.


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
why u bring up not being able to defend his backyard :russ: it's actually your ancestors that couldn't defend their backyard and children his obviously did OK because he was born there :pachaha:

:dead: @ the fact that 2 black dudes would even get in that argument