Allegedly How many slaves were brought over?

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Were these Indian slaves reclassified as negros?
We got another “we been here!” fan who is questioning whats long been known to speak on things.

You DO KNOW that Columbua diary talked on the things youre asking, right?

I bet you have the same line of scrutinizing questions on DNA showing African lineage of Black Americans.

Thats next

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

Some were the children of African slaves and Indians who it was clarified that they were never to be white! But no, Indians were not reclassified as black.

Stop listening to dumb ass topcatz, Dane, and Kurimeo.

Now you see this,if you show dna evidence of Africa its proof of slavery. If you show dna that ties you to people who are considered the natives in modern times its "Bu bu but thats because Africans had children with natives". So essentially you could never show these people proof that they would believe. The European has created a full proof plan where the idea can be written off. Great way to avoid having to honor any indegenious rights for black people. Great way to never have to give black people land,or for Indians to have to split up any of their land. Just keep black people believing we all came from slaveships. Will any of you go on record and say there were no black/African looking natives in the Americas prior to slavery? You all sound very confident in here:respect:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Now you see this,if you show dna evidence of Africa its proof of slavery. If you show dna that ties you to people who are considered the natives in modern times its "Bu bu but thats because Africans had children with natives". So essentially you could never show these people proof that they would believe. The European has created a full proof plan where the idea can be written off. Great way to avoid having to honor any indegenious rights for black people. Great way to never have to give black people land,or for Indians to have to split up any of their land. Just keep black people believing we all came from slaveships. Will any of you go on record and say there were no black/African looking natives in the Americas prior to slavery? You all sound very confident in here:respect:

You do know many enslavers have written journals on their exploits, right?

You do know that there are over 1 million Yoruba people in Sierra Leone and Gabon due to being rescued from slavery in the mid 1800s, right?

I don’t think you’re read. It’s all social media theorizing. None of you dudes read books or cite a book told to you by some nut with a microphone and a camera confirming your uneducated biases

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Now you see this,if you show dna evidence of Africa its proof of slavery. If you show dna that ties you to people who are considered the natives in modern times its "Bu bu but thats because Africans had children with natives". So essentially you could never show these people proof that they would believe. The European has created a full proof plan where the idea can be written off. Great way to avoid having to honor any indegenious rights for black people. Great way to never have to give black people land,or for Indians to have to split up any of their land. Just keep black people believing we all came from slaveships. Will any of you go on record and say there were no black/African looking natives in the Americas prior to slavery? You all sound very confident in here:respect:
Preface this with "who cares if africans were in America before Columbus. History isn't a competetion".

That's the problem with most blackologists. You treat it as a competition.

Africans, west africans were not seafaring peoples. They had no need to be! They would not reach America consistently in their boats. I say consistently because of course a few could survive capsized boats and drift to America.

This isn't difficult, african slaves were brought here and when given the opportunity they did what humans do, had children with other available humans.

The children who were half black and half Indian, some of them were trying to escape slavery by finessing and claiming they were white or Indian. Can't blame them cause who wouldn't? Certain states took steps to stop that by clarifying those children were not white and not escaping slavery.

No one cares about "honoring black peoples indigenous rights to land". That's not how the world works! They TOOK the real native american land and told them go live on these reservations!

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Before we get to that, let’s be real…

Over a hundred women menstruating without the ability to cleanse themselves at the bottom of a moldy boat for 3 months.

What do you think that would smell like my brother?

You think that odor would affect the men on the boat? Crew included?

You don’t have to believe everything they tell u

I own this book

“Grim account by a former slave ship captain describes the apalling machinery of the commercial slave trade, including the harems and "factories" maintained by slavers, treatment and discipline of black Africans on slave ships, the suppression of slave revolts at sea, and much more. Republication of the classic 1854”

Is the point of your garbage questions REALLY looking for answers or is your goal to bolster your raggedy belief that these things didnt “really” happen? :childplease:

You’re not well read. You have never had real interest on what happened.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Preface this with "who cares if africans were in America before Columbus. History isn't a competetion".

That's the problem with most blackologists. You treat it as a competition.

Africans, west africans were not seafaring peoples. They had no need to be! They would not reach America consistently in their boats. I say consistently because of course a few could survive capsized boats and drift to America.

This isn't difficult, african slaves were brought here and when given the opportunity they did what humans do, had children with other available humans.

The children who were half black and half Indian, some of them were trying to escape slavery by finessing and claiming they were white or Indian. Can't blame them cause who wouldn't? Certain states took steps to stop that by clarifying those children were not white and not escaping slavery.

No one cares about "honoring black peoples indigenous rights to land". That's not how the world works! They TOOK the real native american land and told them go live on these reservations!

I never said anything about Africans.

Sweet potato is native to South America, but was found cultivated throughout the Pacific islands by early European explorers (Hartmann 2, et al. 1988). A sweet potato, being much less durable than coconut, could not have reached the islands by means other than human transport. It is of no coincidence that the South Pacific is home to the great seafaring Polynesian people. Polynesians were sailing far and wide in the South Pacific long before the Europeans. Their culture revolved around it, as in the myth of Ru and Hina, two ancestral Polynesians who sailed the seas and discovered new lands (Pape-au, 1824). Using only the stars, the sun, and knowledge of currents, these people sailed their double-hulled canoes all over the South Pacific. Colonization of the islands in the South Pacific is believed to have occurred from west to east, despite the presence of easterly trade winds and currents. Nevertheless, linguistic, cultural, physical and archaeological similarities betwen Pacific islanders and Asians support this theory (Finney, 1976).

Ben Finney proved that long-range sailing without navigational instrments could be done successfully in 1976 when he sailed a Polynesian replica double-hulled canoe from Hawaii to Tahiti and back"

But the European would rather have popular belief be that it took the great mind of the white man to be "sea fearing". And that you couldnt do it using a damn canoe:mjlol:. Just because they needed all those gadgets,because they werent in tune with nature,doesnt mean it couldnt be done. I dont think you would deny that their were in fact "black"/African looking Pacific Islanders. Unless your willing to go on record today and say that. Then you can no longer deny #WeWereAlreadyHere factually.

Now heres where yall tell me "bu bu but Pacific Islander" doesnt show up in most of our 23 and Me Benefited":mjlol:. Well first of all those companies admit they dont have enough sample sizes for accuracy. Not to mention they dont have the knowledge of history for accuracy.

But one reason you have no point there is because last I checked,most black people havent taken those test to make that assertion. Plus the main reason you have no point is that I dont put a number on it,as theres no way of knowing. If the test could be 100% accurate,and only showed up on 50,000 black peoples results out of 40 million. Would it change the fact#WeWereAlreadyHere:respect:

You will have to save those arguments for people who contend that he transatlantic slave trade didnt happen in the numbers they say it did,and that most of us are native Americans.

Yall have fun with that,im only here to provide reasonable doubt on the Europeans narrative you blindly believe and parrot. Im telling you a narrative is just that without all the facts.


Jan 29, 2017
It gained a lot of steam in the early 2010s on social media
Yup and the funny thing is the narrative has never been consistent.

I’ve seen it go from claiming Black folks and Indians are the same people, back when they would post comparisons of celebrities like Lil Wayne with Geronimo and shyt.

Then it became, “We’re the real Indians and the current ones are the $5 Indians and we still wasn’t no slaves”

Then it switched to, “We were already here, and were enslaved, but we still aint no African, the white man tricked us into believing we’re African”

Then somewhere along the line they learned about Melanesians and Pacific Islanders and started claiming descent from them.

Then they went to the more rational approach and switched it to, “Well some of us are African, but a lot of us were already here too”.

shyt I’ve even heard some use the “everyone is from Africa” argument by claiming we got over here through Pangaea.

All of these people are unserious.

Ty Daniels

Dec 13, 2019
Yup and the funny thing is the narrative has never been consistent.

I’ve seen it go from claiming Black folks and Indians are the same people, back when they would post comparisons of celebrities like Lil Wayne with Geronimo and shyt.

Then it became, “We’re the real Indians and the current ones are the $5 Indians and we still wasn’t no slaves”

Then it switched to, “We were already here, and were enslaved, but we still aint no African, the white man tricked us into believing we’re African”

Then somewhere along the line they learned about Melanesians and Pacific Islanders and started claiming descent from them.

Then they went to the more rational approach and switched it to, “Well some of us are African, but a lot of us were already here too”.

shyt I’ve even heard some use the “everyone is from Africa” argument by claiming we got over here through Pangaea.

All of these people are unserious.

Add to the fact that 100% of Black Americans that take DNA Tests show primary African ancestry (West-Central).

Not a single "Pacific Islander" in the results.

You would think that out of all the Black Americans taking DNA tests, that there would be at least 20-30% of us that had Melanesian DNA.

They also group "Pacific Islanders" under the same umbrella, but they(Pacific Islanders) aren't all closely genetically related .
Polynesians, and Melanesians are NOT Closely related on a Genetic Level.

Both Melanesian and Polynesians DO NOT Cluster with Africans or African Americans on a Genetic level.

Black Americans are genetically Related to "Tropical" West-Central Africans.

And there is no "Mistaking" Melanesian or Polynesian DNA for African/African-American DNA.

It's an "Argument From Ignorance".
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