So far deadline has it beating the studios projections and making around 32 mil this weekend which is good.
For a 2.5 hour pac biopic movie, they had to have been hoping for more.
Then there is the reviews:
Newsday called it “a badly botched biopic that won’t earn Shakur any new fans and will disappoint the ones he has.”
Variety says, “Comprehensive but sketchy, richly atmospheric but often under-dramatized, it is not, in the end, a very good movie.”
The A.V. Club says, “All Eyez On Me has a guy who looks like Tupac, but not much else.”
Rolling Stones gave this movie 2 Stars while saying, “Tupac Shakur Does Not Get the Biopic He Deserves. The hip-hop icon gets the big-screen treatment – and not even a charismatic lead can keep this movie's head up.”
NY Times says, “All Eyez on Me’ Is Uninspired. Tupac Shakur Was Anything But… not only a clumsy and often bland account of his life and work, but it also gives little genuine insight into his thought, talent or personality.”