The thing about De La that made them so ahead of the time is the fact that every album compliments a era of hip hop and life in general.
- 3 Feet and Rising-Raising the feeling of peace and harmony within hip hop (Native tongue movement, dancing, etc...just the essentials of hip hop)
- De La Soul is Dead-Death of the peace and onto trying to find self in a gangsta rap era
- Buhloone Mindstate- Found the lane with friends to accept that times are a changing
- Stats is High- "Are people really going to accept me for me, I miss the days when it all made sense"
- Art Official Intelligence- Time to focus on the never know what could happen...just keep doing you
- AOI Bionix- Lost in limbo with no SOS in sight because the headquarters are not even listening...
- The Grind Date-Times are bad, but the grind continues
- And the Anonymous Nobody-Here I am but do people see where I'm at or even care what I have been through...
It's like a downward spiral of greater time, lost time, self acceptance, feeling lost, and finding self to accept you can't change the past, but make way for the future...
God bless these kings