Lydia was all types ofwithout her makeup
lol I bet the makeup crew put makeup on her for that look. Funny how tv works.
![heh :heh: :heh:](
Lydia was all types ofwithout her makeup
one minor change I would've done editing-wise in that last ep....peep and give me your thoughts
so you have Marie and Skyler talking about Walt being in this point we all know Walt is obstructed from the camera by the pillar...Marie tells her that the police are probably watching her too... at this point i would of cut to the school bus/cops scene where we see Walt looking at Flynn through the window... so the viewer thinks at this point that Walt was at least thinking about visiting them but probably got spooked by the cops....then i would of had the episode play out the same and at the end after the nazis are dead and walt nods to Jesse and he is walking around the lab dying...
at that point, I would of cut back to the behind skyler zoom in reveal of Walt behind the then the viewer see's that he did in fact make it inside previously....that scene would of been so much more intense knowing Walt went out guns blazing...even when he says the cops will come to me.... so you know at that point that Walt is dead or dying in real-time....and is for sure last time he see's holly and skylar....Skylar even says "Flynn will be home soon" so even the dumbest viewer can figure out that Walt did see skylar... and we all know this was the most emotional scene of the whole finale...
.then you cue baby blue song & can do the zoom out of him dying to end the also end the show with the most powerful scene also
same scenes just cut different
i like the idea of walt dying in the car and the rest being just his dying imagination, or i like it being a possibility
Lost fell off brehI did my share of WTF at the Lost ending. I still do. However, my beef isn't with the ending nor the theory behind it. It is with what was shown. Showing them in the special meeting place created by the most important time in their life was risky and daring as hell. It was definitely over my head at the time. Had he shown something, anything resolving questions dealing with the island, I would have shut up early.
The Breaking Bad hype train is in full effect with many bandwagon expansions. Lost accomplished classic television moments and people who don't know or have forgotten have some nerve to attempt and throw revisionist dirt on Lost. My chief complaint with Breaking Bad is that Walt has done terrible things many times over but received a sentimental send off in the eyes of the viewer. A "win" if you will. I am starting to dislike that more and more. It would have been better for Walt to "lose" not being able to do anything that he started out because he did it for himself. This ending is definitely for the fans especially with the hand holding throughout the last episode.
Listening to a really good interview with a couple writers from the show on NPR Miami right now.
1. Tuco (Raymond Cruz) was supposed to have a larger role throughout season 2 as Walt's enemy, but due to Cruz being on another show he couldn't do any more episodes so they had to change their plans up.
2. Mike's character was created on a wimp because another actor was not available. Would've been a shame if he was never on the show.
3. They almost had the last scene of season 4 be the last scene of season 5A, where Hank finds the book. And they seriously played with the idea of Hank building evidence on Walt and going to the DEA first.
I'll post the link when they put it up.