My only gripe was that a lot of what happened was a little too convenient, like all the Nazi dudes standing up at the right time when the gun went off or Walt sneaking in to speak to Skyler when cops should have been all over the house, or the fact that the Nazis didn't blast Walt straight away and brought Jesse to the room so Walt could save him etc.. But apart from all that it was very solid.
haven't made a beat in a and work got a nikka tied up...but I been making a long ass list of samples that im going chop upgoing to put that work in on the chops i bet
Love Is Running Through Me by Javaroo
Todd was an autistic sociopath, Jesse killing him was the most satisfying death on the shows run.fukk outta here
Todd was OG as it comes. nikka was prolly the realist character on the show. I respected his hustle. Hope he hit Lydia before they bit the dust cause she had some nice cheeks on her.![]()
How satisfying was watching that blood thirsty Lydia get got?
The Nazis checking the inside of the car and patting down Walt and not bothering to check the trunk...obviously they didn't have any reason to believe he had a homemade terminator gun torrent that Walt threw together in a couple of hours, but some type of improvised explosive device perhaps would have not been beyond the realm of possibility from a guy that you stole 70million dollars from....also the fact that beyond Walt's Macgyver like genius, he's also something of a clairvoyant...he made his terminator trunk gun the perfect height and all that to shoot perfect threw the windows of the Nazi hideout without ever seeing or being there before...what happens if the Nazi hideout is a brick/cement building with no windows? What if it's underground? That whole thing was a lot more pulpish than I would've liked
I think you're in the minority, it was pretty much implied in the last episode - newscast, interview, articles, Heisenberg will go on to be covered in future history channel episodes of American mobster. And how would they have even done it, it would've been corny to have the new clips, thirds party discussions, etc.
But Walter white jr gonna learn how to cook meth and bring back the heisenberg name for s06 thoughI think the best thing about it was the finality of it all. So many of these shows either try to do something to leave wiggle room for furthering the show with movies or something. Vince Gilligan put a bullet in his shows head and I commend him for it.
She put a hit out on skylarI marathon ran thru like 12 eps. all day yesterday to catch up to the show to be able to peep the finale and may have missed things, so someone please explain to me exactly why Walter wanted to and did kill Lydia. Bout the only thing that was lost on me. A co-worker said something about tying up loose
Also, Lydia could fukking get it.![]()