"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


I'm The Cook that killed Gus Fring
May 29, 2012
Liberty City

That whole scene with Walt and Jesse, right now when he's talking to Jesse about Jane's dad. He almost came close to telling him he watched Jane die. Walt's ego is so big he actually almost slipped up but since Jesse is so slow he didn't catch it. Just the entire dialouge, and then Jesse cutting off Walt and saying "I'm gonna get that bytch." It would seem like he did right? Well when Walt wakes up at his condo guess what's in there? A fly which is right on the red light of the smoke detector.

Anyways it was a "bottle episode", minimal character & minimal cost to make. Which I think help add to the great writing. Jesse realizing the only way to control Walt's craziness with the fly was to play along, kind of how it's been for him in the meth business since he met Walt. Basically just going along to get what he wants as well. Another dope scene for me is when Jesse is standing at the top of the ladder, with his only support coming from Walt who's barely conscious from sleeping pills, and Walt is talking about Jane. How he apologizes for Jane and Jesse replies to him by telling him that it wasn't his fault but both their faults, he was talking about Jane but you can't help but notice the writers way of connecting the dots. Also how he tells Jesse you can't keep stealing from the meth we cook or I won't be able to save you and Jesse basically brushing him off. The ep was about bringing it back to the whole teacher/student relationship and them re-visiting the damaged they've caused on each other. The whole ep is just about Walt & Jesse. I just really like those details they put it and how you can connect things from previous ep and of course eps that came after "FLY"

That almost bland, no real big issues going on type of setting is what made it to me more great. Because it's just so dull but in them, there's this anger and destructiveness and frustration in them that can't be seen but sinks out a bit when you see them handle the Fly.

People always speculated that the fly represented Gale. But I always knew it was meant to represent Jane. And how Walt couldn't get it because he wouldn't be able to cope with letting Jane die. Walt even says that the fly would "stay there forever." It's funny because like I said Walt wakes up at his condo with the fly on the red light flashing
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May 8, 2012
Land of Pleasant Living
I strongly disagree on the overall picture Breh.......to a certain extent you're right the Schwartz's don't have a hatred for Walt, he has a hatred for them. They made billions of dollars in a company that he sold his interest in for $5,000 using, at least in Walt's mind, Walt's research. Their success, his failures in life and his jealousy/anger over how things worked out have been key, critical plot points right from the beginning. You and the others holding to the "he's not mad at Gretchen and Elliott" theory desperately need to go back and re-watch the bar scene;

1) Walt knew Todd was trying to cook blue meth. Hell, Walt taught him. He was fine with that... so this AXES out him gunning for Jesse i.e the blue meth telling him Jesse is alive etc he doesn't seem to care about that legacy.

2) Walt was in a rage BEFORE the TV interview got to the part of the blue meth return. Watch his face, his shoulders moving forward, his clenched jaw, his fist tightening. All of that was attributable to them dismissing him and his contributions. The timing was clear.

3) Have you been paying attention through 5 seasons? Walt ALWAYS demands credit for his work. Always. "Say my name!", Telling Hank that Gale was not the mastermind and that someone much smarter than him was still out there, etc. His ego was bruised and THAT is what got him off that bar stool (last straw to break the camels back type situation). While he will almost certainly clear up other loose ends and attack the Aryans when he's back in town, that interview is what lit the fire. Not the meth news, the dismissal of his work.

4) He might not necessarily kill the couple ( I too think the Ricin is for Lydia ), but he most assuredly is going to do something unpleasant. Maybe force them at gunpoint to record a confession citing his actual contributions? Walt is all about ego, they slighted his ego, he can't let that go.

It is evident that during TV interview scene you can tell at that point he realizes he actually is a completely different person. He isn't Walter White any more. He realizes that he *is* Heisenberg :blessed:and he still has things that need to be done (revenge against Jack's crew for Hank's murder and taking his money). Because up to that point, after the call with Walt Jr, he had given up and decided he was going to let the police trace his call and just wait for them. Also, I don't think he kills Jesse, unless Jesse goes after him first ( I think he will see saving Jesse as his redemption after coming to grips will all the wrong he has caused ). In my opinion I think since he lost his family, he'll realize what he dragged Jesse through, and he'll have sympathy towards him. Just a guess. Who knows, but I'm pretty excited for the last episode :youngsabo::dj2::stylin:
Plus he knew the blue meth was still being cooked from the newspapers he got from the Vacuum Repairman

"Feds Move Against White Family. Walter White aka "Heisenberg" still at large.

Left column: Deputies were called to the White family Negra Arroya residence on Saturday night on a report of domestic violence and potential homicide. (This is Walt Jr.'s call.) When they arrived, White had abducted his one year old daughter and fled the scene. Shortly thereafter, White's wife received a threatening phone call from him, which authorities were able to trace to a local fire station - at which they found White's daughter, but no sign of White himself. Known by the DEA as "Heisenberg," the drug lord responsible for the eleven prison murders months ago, Walter White was known in his personal life as a mild-mannered family man and cancer survivor. After many years teaching chemistry at a local high school, he and his wife purchased A-1 Carwash on Snowheights Circle. He had no previous criminal record."

Right column: "Skyler White, a former accountant, is accused of helping White launder his drug money through their car wash. Jesse Pinkman, Walt's former student who has long been under watch by the DEA on suspected drug charges is suspected of helping Walt manufacture and sell methamphetamine, a Class C felony. Pinkman is also missing, and presumed on the run."

"Heisenberg's methamphetamine, known on the streets as 'crystal blue,' is a highly pure form of the Schedule I substance. Reports of the unique psychostimulant have been consistent for the past year across the Southwest, through recently the blue meth has appeared in Europe." (This means Walt already knew that the blue meth was still being produced...so that part of the Charlie Rose interview wasn't news to Walt).

"Also reported missing Saturday evening, DEA ASAC Hank Schrader and Special Agent Steve Gomez dissapeared while investigating Walter White. Local Hero Schrader is White's brother-in-law and investigators are unclear what role - if any - he played in these events"

White Family Rackets. Feds Threaten Racketeering Charges.

"The trail has gone cold in the search for drug kingpin Walter White. Two months into the national manhunt...at the DEA have not given up hope especially as Heisenberg's classic blue meth" continues to appear in the Southwest and Europe. Reports of his whereabouts have been called in from thirty-one states, including Alaska, but the notorious "Heisenberg" is still at large. The search is still ongoing for DEA ASAC Hank Schrader and Special Agent Steve Gomez, first reported missing two months ago. Law enforcement from Bernalillo and Valencia are reaching out to surrounding counties to expand the search. Family members of the missing agents have not given up hope, as no bodies have been found."
That's all. Also interesting are the pictures of Pinkman, Schrader, and Gomez in the lower left hand corner as well as the articles entitled "White Family Rackets" and "Claim: Wife Knew." which confirm that Skyler is in deep shyt.


I'm The Cook that killed Gus Fring
May 29, 2012
Liberty City
I just noticed how Gus says he didn't do anything to Jesse out of respect for Walt

Now Todd's the one who saying that lol