Post it if u dont mindFred and someone else pretty much called this going down
Post it if u dont mindFred and someone else pretty much called this going down
No they don't! Goons are blunt instruments to be directed and instructed. They do whatever is asked no questions. You don't give goons complex task, they fukk it up! Hence why Todd, despite having written down Walts entire method word for word keeps fukking up the cook. Can't even get the color right. Todd is a goon. A dependable mindless thug you point at things you hate. shyt that needs a bullet attached to it you call Todd and Ayran Air Out Gang for
Todd is an excellent goon & accepts who he is. He's not one of those guys who feels they need to be the boss. He knows his limitations. He's extremely loyal to Walt. Even when Walt was out the game, he would call Walt to update him. He was very appreciative of Walt taking him under his wing & showing him how to cook. Walt showed him how to make a living. With the skills Todd acquired from Walt, he could go anywhere and be an asset. Todd has everything you could want in goon. He is young in the game. One thing I would recommend for young Todd is to stay quiet about criminal affairs, even with your family members.
Just seems like the past couple eps the characters have done some out of character things. But maybe that's just the way it would actually go down
Lets be reality...Huell scene was wack and forced. Pinkman phone call to Walt and the drive to the money was poorly voice acted and poorly directed. Other than that, episode was piff and the tension during Hanks phone call to Marie was off the charts
#TeamHank holding my breath for 7 days. Gomez is a goner for sure but that fakkit Jesse gonna survive and Hank Da Gawd in limbo