Check this out brehs, it's a small piece from the issue of Entertainment Weekly with Bryan Cranston & Aaron Paul on the cover.
Marie shoots the delivery guy
PLOT Convinced there is a bad man lurking around her house, Marie (Betsy Brandt) opens fire on a UPS guy by mistake. (Yes, the gun would be purple.) The idea stemmed from Brandt’s desire to shoot someone on the show. “We loved it, we didn’t know what it meant, we didn’t know where it would go,” says Gilligan. “When Betsy reads this, she’s going to be upset with me: ‘Why didn’t I get to do that?’ ”
WHY IT WAS REJECTED It felt a little too broad and silly. And as Hutchison notes, “Hank would have to get her out of it and that definitely pushed it.”
Walt takes on a high school “bully”
PLOT Walt Jr. (RJ Mitte) comes home with a black eye, leading Walt (Bryan Cranston) and Skyler (Anna Gunn) to think he’s being bullied by a classmate. For revenge, Walt plants pot in the student’s locker, only to find out that Walt Jr. was the one bullying the kid, who fought back.
WHY IT WAS REJECTED “The stakes weren’t high enough,” says Hutchison. In addition, “we were better served by keeping Walter Jr. a little pure. It’s been really useful for us dramatically,” says Gould.
The bloody mystery box
PLOT Actually, it’s not so much of a plot as it is just a mesmerizing image: Walt is in a rowboat and he drops a box that’s dripping blood overboard. It was discussed as a potential flash-forward scene for season 4.
WHY IT WAS REJECTED “We never figured out where it would go,” says Gould. What might have been in the box? “At one point, we did talk about Walt having to bring a piece of Gus to prove that he’s been killed,” he says. “It probably was Gus’ head.”

some other good ones in there