a part of me is holding out for a Malcolm in the middle reference just have walt walk in on junior watching a scene with frankie muniz and the wife , just once vince!
I'm thinking at least the Talking Bad after show will mention it jus once.
a part of me is holding out for a Malcolm in the middle reference just have walt walk in on junior watching a scene with frankie muniz and the wife , just once vince!
See i watched that scene and thought it was all done for just 2 reasons. 1. to help hank put together all the loose strings he had in the garage just to confirm everything he thought Walt did and more.
2nd reason, i thought it was done so he can get Gomez on his side. As previously Gomez was pulling his guys from tails that Hank sent up. Since he hasn't officially gone to the DEA with this info Hank he can't get any resources and Gomez will call him out again on acting sketchy and being a rogue cop. So when he says to Gomez you believe em, its like Hank really saying I'm not crazy right? ur gonna help me?
As for Jesse being the star witness, I think they'll try that and jesse will sketch out, get high again or jus flake out and the real star witness will be Lydia. Remember how shook she acted that time when Mike broke into her apt. She was willing to do anything.
a part of me is holding out for a Malcolm in the middle reference just have walt walk in on junior watching a scene with frankie muniz and the wife , just once vince!
You couldn't see her but in the restaurant scene with Hank/Marie/Walt/Skyler in "Confessions" Jane Kaczmarek (Lois from "Malcolm In The Middle") was sitting at the bar.
a part of me is holding out for a Malcolm in the middle reference just have walt walk in on junior watching a scene with frankie muniz and the wife , just once vince!
What's the bucket symbolize?
Brehs check this out I might be wrong I might be right. The Schrader's whole shelf was full of books. Just a shyt load of stuff right. Well I found on tumblr the list of books (it's a shytload of books so I'll just link the page) :http://bookshelfcinema.tumblr.com/post/60262308327/so-by-now-youve-probably-seen-last-weekends
a part of me is holding out for a Malcolm in the middle reference just have walt walk in on junior watching a scene with frankie muniz and the wife , just once vince!
Don Cheadle (apparently he's a huge "BB" fan) will be the guest on this Sunday's "Talking Bad" along with Steven Michael Quezada (Gomez) and Heisenberg himself, Bryan Cranston: