"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


I'm The Cook that killed Gus Fring
May 29, 2012
Liberty City
Heisenberg has no limits breh

He even kills Vince



Also I don't know if it was noticed but there was a Deadwood DVD box set on the Schrader's shelf.

Well Anna Gunn was on the show and in the show her son dies accidentally by a horse.

How crazy is it that there is a bunch of Horse books on the shelf as well.

I also found this on tumblr about Deadwood

Jim Beaver, the actor who sells Walter the 38-snub nose revolver in 4x02 and the M60 machine gun in 5x01, also had a prominent role in the series.


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
I feel like Walt's GOT to lose somebody close to him. This can't just end with him "dying alone" there's got to be some type of deeper consequence. I don't think the writer's would be SO cold as too kill off Flynn or Holly but Skyler is right up for grabs. If what we're all guessing is true and Walt runs afoul of Meth Damon and The Nazi Nemesis Squad then they'll want to send a message, and what more ruthless than murdering Skylar?

I want Jessie to live, and this entire time before last Sunday I thought he would. But When Walt made that call it had a certain feeling of reserved finality to it. No half measures, you don't make a call to Meth Damon and expect someone to NOT get got. I could see the Nazi Nemesis Squad going for Jessie, and seeing him hanging around Hank, decide to murk both of them for good measure.

But knowing that his family is alive and they turned his back on him when he got into this for them in the first place is the ultimate kick in the teeth. I wouldn't put it past Skylar to rat Walt out when the going gets tough and leaving him, every one is expecting her to be on side all of a sudden when it's been four seasons of whining and trying to escape from him. IF the family is taken hostage, I can probably agree with you that Sky is a goner but even if Sky manages to survive she's going to escape.

Sky leaving would put Walt in a very precarious position IMO but it would be the logical ending. It begins the domino effect of him losing control knowing his family is gone AND his last allegiance in Saul turning his back on his best interests. If you think about it that's what's been happening all a long. Jesse is pretty much gone and Walt's lost more and more allies as he feels more threatened and the final nail in the coffin would be Saul helping Sky leave. After that all's fair in war and a whole host of fukkery may occur.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
But knowing that his family is alive and they turned his back on him when he got into this for them in the first place is the ultimate kick in the teeth. I wouldn't put it past Skylar to rat Walt out when the going gets tough and leaving him, every one is expecting her to be on side all of a sudden when it's been four seasons of whining and trying to escape from him. IF the family is taken hostage, I can probably agree with you that Sky is a goner but even if Sky manages to survive she's going to escape.

Sky leaving would put Walt in a very precarious position IMO but it would be the logical ending. It begins the domino effect of him losing control knowing his family is gone AND his last allegiance in Saul turning his back on his best interests. If you think about it that's what's been happening all a long. Jesse is pretty much gone and Walt's lost more and more allies as he feels more threatened and the final nail in the coffin would be Saul helping Sky leave. After that all's fair in war and a whole host of fukkery may occur.

Only thing I see wrong with that is that if Saul went behind Walt's back and helped Skyler and the kids go without his knowing Walt would probably murder Saul with his bare hands. I don't think Saul really wants it with Walt, he knows what Walt is capable of...

And how would Skylar get enough money to pay for Saul's guy when currently ONLY Walt knows where it is?


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
Only thing I see wrong with that is that if Saul went behind Walt's back and helped Skyler and the kids go without his knowing Walt would probably murder Saul with his bare hands. I don't think Saul really wants it with Walt, he knows what Walt is capable of...

And how would Skylar get enough money to pay for Saul's guy when currently ONLY Walt knows where it is?

As much of a money hungry ass Saul is he's shown on certain occasions that he has a conscience. Perhaps Saul puts a foot wrong and him and Walt have a falling out? Perhaps Sauls hands are tied and he knows he's going to die? This self destructive streak Walt is on at the moment will make him lose every one and Saul is only on side for the money he's being paid.

Maybe he gives her the money and they flee as his last act of humanity? Maybe Walt has hidden, "rainy day" money with him in case a situation occurs like the end of season 4? Walt didn't bury every single dollar in that dessert, how would he pay Meth Damon breh? :obama:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
As much of a money hungry ass Saul is he's shown on certain occasions that he has a conscience. Perhaps Saul puts a foot wrong and him and Walt have a falling out? Perhaps Sauls hands are tied and he knows he's going to die? This self destructive streak Walt is on at the moment will make him lose every one and Saul is only on side for the money he's being paid.

Maybe he gives her the money and they flee as his last act of humanity? Maybe Walt has hidden, "rainy day" money with him in case a situation occurs like the end of season 4? Walt didn't bury every single dollar in that dessert, how would he pay Meth Damon breh? :obama:

You right:ohhh:

I guess with the power hungry, control addicted way Walt's been the past two seasons I don't see him just allowing Skylar and the Kids to go away without him, that was once an option but I think Walt's so drunk off his own genius and past escapes that he'll think he can outwit everything and everyone and come out on top again. I agree that the family leaving without him would be a painful wake up call for him, I just think that they'll be blood on his hands (Metaphorically) before the time jump and somebody he really holds dear will die. If its not Jessie then it'll be Skylar


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
You right:ohhh:

I guess with the power hungry, control addicted way Walt's been the past two seasons I don't see him just allowing Skylar and the Kids to go away without him, that was once an option but I think Walt's so drunk off his own genius and past escapes that he'll think he can outwit everything and everyone and come out on top again. I agree that the family leaving without him would be a painful wake up call for him, I just think that they'll be blood on his hands (Metaphorically) before the time jump and somebody he really holds dear will die. If its not Jessie then it'll be Skylar

This is something I can't give an answer to, you're right because I do think that Sky or Jesse will suffer but I can't incorporate either into the ending I'm thinking will occur, especially since I'm sure Meth Damon and the Neo Nazi brigade will hold Walts family as a bargaining chip. :sadcam:

Call me lazy but I'd say Jesse shooting himself in the head or some shyt in the last few scenes in front of Walt, giving a speech about him being the spawn of Satin with a :mindblown: amount of quotes that will go down in internet meme history would be the, "poetic" sort of ending I've been alluding to when I made my initial statement about this whole artistic direction.

:wow: Man Vince is a genius, I always have shyt like this figured out but for the first time ever even I'm having doubts. Breaking Bad really is the GOAT TV show, I love The Wire but it's nowhere near this level. The writing and originality is 10/10.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
I doubt it breh, Gomez seems like a good guy and their rivalry is purely friendly. I don't see his return as something that can be a threat to Hank, although I'm sure his now involvement can only be a threat to himself. It wont end well for Hank though, I see him resorting to some dirty tactics to solve this case. It's funny because Walt always saw himself as the inferior, "man" (see the way Hank almost bullied him in certain social situations in season 1) and now this battle has been escalated up a notch :ohhh:

I see Walts family being taken as hostages for sure by Meth Damon and the Adolf unit, at the moment it's a guess what will happen to them.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I Deadass Think We Can Get The Name "Meth Damon" Big Enough To Get A Mention On The Show :laugh: I Can See Hank Sarcastically Saying That shyt (If He Ever Found Out About Todd) lol
a part of me is holding out for a Malcolm in the middle reference :to: just have walt walk in on junior watching a scene with frankie muniz and the wife , just once vince! :sadcam:


Organize the non obvious
Oct 19, 2012

What's funny is if Jesse really wanted to fukk over Hank he could just tell people they coerced a confession out of him. Hank did damn near beat him into a coma in season 3.


Imagine (I don't know how this would happen, but if it did....) if Gomez somehow sees Walt's "confession" video and assumes Hank is doing all this to cover his own tracks. Hank being like :manny: "if Pinkman dies, we get it on tape" sounds even worse then.

The way Hank's eyes switched to :demonic: when he said that.

That's totally believable. And Gomez has seen Hank snap before in season 3 when he initiated that bar fight with out his gun.

Totally plausible :yes:
May 7, 2012
T Dot
I think he did all that because Hank is basically on his last leg trying to get anything to catch Heisenberg. Didnt really think it through that's why he asked Gomez if he believed Jesse and Gomez told em yea but it doesn't matter. Which Jesse has already figured out before Gomez even explains it to Hank. Which is why I think Jesse doesn't end up helping Hank at all.

See i watched that scene and thought it was all done for just 2 reasons. 1. to help hank put together all the loose strings he had in the garage just to confirm everything he thought Walt did and more.

2nd reason, i thought it was done so he can get Gomez on his side. As previously Gomez was pulling his guys from tails that Hank sent up. Since he hasn't officially gone to the DEA with this info Hank he can't get any resources and Gomez will call him out again on acting sketchy and being a rogue cop. So when he says to Gomez you believe em, its like Hank really saying I'm not crazy right? ur gonna help me?

As for Jesse being the star witness, I think they'll try that and jesse will sketch out, get high again or jus flake out and the real star witness will be Lydia. Remember how shook she acted that time when Mike broke into her apt. She was willing to do anything.
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May 7, 2012
T Dot
I feel like Walt's GOT to lose somebody close to him. This can't just end with him "dying alone" there's got to be some type of deeper consequence. I don't think the writer's would be SO cold as too kill off Flynn or Holly but Skyler is right up for grabs. If what we're all guessing is true and Walt runs afoul of Meth Damon and The Nazi Nemesis Squad then they'll want to send a message, and what more ruthless than murdering Skylar?

But isn't dying alone almost the same as losing everybody close around you? We gotta remember the start of the show and the whole point of all of this, Walt wants to take care of his family, and on many occasions he says i'm not leaving my house, or your not taking my kids. He's giving up millions before for his family when you see the back story on the old company he helped started and their all loaded and rich now. So with this we see Walt's willing to sacrifice.

With this, you can see it ending mutual for every1 almost. Hank gets Lydia to be his star witness, she gives up the ENTIRE world wide network, that's a huge billion dollar score for Hank and Gomez they'll get some serious promotions for that. In Lydia's deal she can't mention Walt as being Hisenberg. Marie and Hank gets walts kids, as Marie can't have kids/hank's boys dont swim. Sklar either lives with them or she could be the goner that every1 is waiting for. Hank is told you get off scotch free, but never come back to this state, you can't contact your kids or see em ever again. All your money will go towards their education and to them, just as you initially wanted. He tells Hank, he doesnt want his kids thinking that he abandoned them, so he works out a scheme to have his car blow up or something, body badly burned cant tell the person. Then calls Saul's guy and we see him waiting on the hwy like Jesse was for him.

Then after a last commercial or the credits, we get the full flash forward again with everything, which reveals the ending of Jesse's story.


I'm The Cook that killed Gus Fring
May 29, 2012
Liberty City
Brehs check this out I might be wrong I might be right. The Schrader's whole shelf was full of books. Just a shyt load of stuff right. Well I found on tumblr the list of books (it's a shytload of books so I'll just link the page) :http://bookshelfcinema.tumblr.com/post/60262308327/so-by-now-youve-probably-seen-last-weekends


Back on topic, I think Vince and the writers did this as a way to tease the fans because if you notice the list and piece them together you will see its basically all the breaking bad fans' theories.

The deadwood DVD set and wild horse book and the other horse books basically eluding to one of Skyler's sons dying. ( I say sons because Walt basically looks at Jesse like his own son.

The financial books and then the titles on some of them eluding to Walt basically winning everything in the end even if he stays alone.

Again some of the financial books talk about dealing with collapsing "EMPIRES" eluding to the theory that Walt basically once again because of his ego loses his empire.

Some names are just there to tease maybe??

The Money Harvest?
The Blue Nowhere?
Big Secrets: The uncensored truth About All Sorts of Stuff You are Never Suppose to Know?
The Crazy Horse & Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors?
The Drawing of The Three?
The RAT, Real Amplitude Test:
Preparing Yourself for Leaving Home
The Final Days: The last Desperate Abuse of Power by the Clinton WHITE HOUSE

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