"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


May 7, 2012
After watching the most recent ep, I'm thinking Walt's entire family dies including Hank and Marie (maybe the Neo Nazis doing) and the only person left that's important to him will be Jessie and the final moments of the show will be Walt going out in a blaze trying to save him
I'm thinking along those lines too even though I don't think Jesse deserves it


May 18, 2012
I'm thinking along those lines too even though I don't think Jesse deserves it

Yeah, I understand that. I've been rooting for Jesse since after his junkie phase but now I'm okay with him dying. I dislike him more now that he's becoming a spanner in the works against Walt who just set up a nice plan to throw Hank off his back. :stopitslime:


Mar 18, 2013
Season 4

Walt needs Jesse on his side to get to Gus

Context: If you recall, Jesse is the one who tells Walt that Gus seems to have a big hatred for Hector "Tio" Salamanca, then Walt figured out how to plant the bomb on Tio, Gus died... etc etc

So Walt forms a scheme to get Jesse to distrust Gus.

Walt tells Saul to somehow extract the cigarette from Jesse. Thus Saul has Huell lift the ricin cigarette from Jesse's pocket (most likely by simply trading out the packs, dummy pack for the real one with the ricin).

Context: Originally Jesse was somewhat distrustful of Gus, Walt had hatched an earlier plan to have Jesse kill Gus with the ricin. But Jesse was befriended by Gus, and he eventually came to like the guy. Also, if you remember, Saul is frantic to get Jesse to his office, calling him over and over again. It was to get him in the office to get the cigarette off him.

Jesse now has a dummy pack of cigarettes. With this in mind, Walt now makes the moves to make Jesse distrust Gus. Walt takes his "Lilly of the Valley" extract and gives it to Jesse's girlfriend's young son Brock.

Context: Vince Gilligan, the show's creator, has stated several times that the writers have imagined Walt's delivery system as perhaps a doctored juice box or something of the like. Sneaking into Brock's school to place it in his lunch or even hand it to him would've been fairly rudimentary for a teacher.

"Lilly of the Valley" gives pneumonia-like symptoms that appear very severe (the same symptoms that ricin gives when killing someone). So Jesse thought that Brock was poisoned by the ricin. Jesse frantically searches in his cigarette pack only to find, ah! It's not there! (Huell took it!)

Jesse bursts into Walt's home, gun in hand demanding Walt to admit that he poisoned Brock with the now missing ricin. Important to note: Jesse says that Huell must have took it when he went to meet Saul. Jesse is no idiot, he was 100% right on his instincts. Walt claims ignorance, saying he has no reason to do so and he has no idea what Jesse is talking about (lying obviously). Through Walt's machinations, he convinces Jesse that it must have been Gus, who has hurt children before (Andrea's brother who shot Combo was killed by some of Gus' lower order thugs).

Jesse now doles out the details of Gus' hatred for Hector "Tio" Salamanca leading to Gus' eventual death via Walt's admittedly ingenious scheme.

At the end of season 4, the doctors at the hospital tell Jesse that Brock was not poisoned with ricin, but had consumed "Lilly of the Valley" berries in some shape or fashion. Jesse, taken aback, rationalizes with Walt that even though Gus didn't do it, he "had to go," although he is clearly still rattled.

Season 5A

Walt and Jesse go on a hunt for the missing ricin cigarette (although Walt knows exactly where it's at, and we're even shown Saul throwing the ricin cigarette back to Walt in a plastic bag, making a crack about Huell's "nimble sausage fingers"). Walt is just making a facade to make Jesse think the cigarette was simply misplaced. They "find" the ricin cigarette in Jesse's electronic vacuum (although it was Walt who placed it there).

Jesse breaks down in tears, realizing he almost killed Walt over this (as aforementioned when Jesse confronted him in season 4, saying he was the one who took the cigarette and poisoned Brock). Although in reality, the b*stard diddeserve it.

Season 5B

This episode! Jesse is ready to move on with his life, move to Alaska, and just leave ABQ. Saul tells Jesse he can't bring pot to the meet with his "guy." The guy won't be inclined to help a druggie disappear (sensible). Jesse defiantly and silently refuses to give up his stash. Saul leaves the room to get "money bags" and while he is out there he tells Huell to pinch Jesse's stash off him (rewatch the scene, you can actually see him snatch it from Jesse!).

Jesse is waiting at the stop, he searches his pockets, at first just simply realizing the pot isn't there. But he looks at his pack of cigarettes and realizes, holy shyt, Huell took my pot just now... and they took the ricin just as I had originally thought. Walt has been bullshytting me ever since.

And that's where we're at!​

ok the more i think about it, i guess walt just didnt have any other way of convincing jesse that gus did it. if he had just poisoned him with the flower, it would have took a leap of faith for jesse to believe gus did it. but with the ricin, he managed to convince him that gus knew about it and used it to try and turn them against each other. i mean it still seems kind of weak to me but i guess i get it :manny:

still, WOW @ this show. amazing.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Punk and Koffi are picking up an order of the blue Meth.


May 7, 2012
Yeah, I understand that. I've been rooting for Jesse since after his junkie phase but now I'm okay with him dying. I dislike him more now that he's becoming a spanner in the works against Walt who just set up a nice plan to throw Hank off his back. :stopitslime:
Hopefully with him being more active now that he knows what's up .... But on a side note he was ok with signing walts death warrant by cooking for gus why should walt have felt sympathy with making a kid temporarily sick to save his and his family lives


Apr 30, 2012
Its Not Too Out Of The Norm For A Husband Just To Trust His Wife To Handle shyt :manny:
Especially when he's relearning how to walk and can't take a shyt without Marie's help. I'd think in that situation, your wife would say "Don't worry about anything but getting better" I doubt somebody in Hank's situation is balancing checkbooks and going through electric bills.

People are rooting for Walt... and that's where I think some of the angst is coming from.

The creator of the show said Walt became the bad guy in season 1 when he turned down that money from Grey Matter and instead kept on with the meth business. But people are still defending Walt, even his poisoning of a kid which apparently isn't bad and Jesse's acting like a bytch because Brock didn't die :dwillhuh:

I like how Jesse forgets that Walt caught bodies wit da Aztec for his bytch ass.


And that situation came about because Walt decided to sell in other dealers' territories. Combo got shot by Andrea's brother. Walt talked to Gus about it, Gus' men kill Andrea's brother and the gif above happens.

Walt's naive ass thinking that moving into another dealer's territory is the same thing as a Burger King opening across the street from a McDonald's led to that.


May 6, 2012
how would gus get ricin in the first place then ? gus aint a chemist

and yes that is one of the reasons ricin line is a bit weak to me. walt actually was able to convince dumbass jesse that gus knew about the ricin, took it from jesse and then went to poison brock just to get jesse to kill walt.

OK we're gonna have to go over this one more time.

  • Walt gave Jesse the cigarette to use on Gus in Season 4. But soon Jesse started getting closer to Gus and growing apart with Walt. Jesse kept the cig instead of using it. Gus then kicks Walt out and threatens to kill his family if he hangs out with Jesse again. Walt needs to scheme to get Jesse on his side again.
  • Walt poisons Brock with the Lily of the Valley gets Saul and Huell to pickpocket the cigarette from Jesse. At first the doctors thought he had been poisoned with ricin and treated it as such, and Brock's condition got worse. Jesse caught on almost immediately and accused Walt of poisoning Brock. His first hunch was right, but Walt convinced Jesse that Gus must've switched cigarettes when they had dinner at his house (that was when Jesse was supposed to poison Gus). After all, Gus had shown in the past that he didn't care about kids getting killed (Jesse's sidepiece's younger brother), and Walt, a family man, had never shown any sign of being willing to hurt children.
  • When Jesse discovers the real cause of Brock's illness (eating berries from the Lily of the Valley plant), he immediately realizes that Gus couldn't have poisoned Brock, and he's left thinking that it might've just been an accident. He still worries about where the ricin cigarette could be, but Walt plants a fake ricin cigarette (it had salt in it instead of ricin) in Jesse's roomba. Walt "finds" the cigarette and puts Jesse's mind at ease.
  • Now we get to last night. As Jesse left Saul's office to get lost to Alaska, Huell secretly switches Jesse's weed for a pack of cigarettes. When Jesse looks for his weed and finds the cigs, he immediately figures that Saul made Huell lift the weed from his pocket. Just like how he could have made Huell swipe the ricin cigarette earlier.
Now, under normal circumstances this would be a stretch. But Gilligan did a great job building towards this hunch in the episode. When Jesse confronts Walt in the desert, he's angry and suspicious, accusing Walt of killing Mike (which Walt doesn't deny). In the last few episodes, Jesse's started to realize how much Walt has fukked his life up, and how he's merely Walt's pawn. He's more aware about this than ever before. So when he clutching the cigarettes on the side of the road, Jesse starts thinking about what other times people could've manipulated him. Brock might not have been poisoned with ricin, but Walt tried real hard to convince him Gus lifted the cigarette from him. Why? Maybe because he had Saul/Huell swipe the cigarette himself.

Someone asked why Saul would've given Walt up so easily. Jesse was in a shaky state of mind. After all that Jesse's been through, it's completely plausible to believe Jesse would've killed everyone in the office to get the truth. So Saul gave it to them.

OK. Rant over.
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May 6, 2012
Never trust a junkie, Jesse is not an innocent guy, he is a weak minded guy who is in way over his head,

1) That was back in season 2.
2) He's not nearly as evil as Walt right now. Remember when they killed Drew Sharp. Jesse could barely keep it together, while Walt lied about being broken up about the murder and whistled like he didn't give two fucks about the kid.