That's what I thought aswell, that swerve from Gilligan, Heisenberg's probally gonna go full on Scarface on Todd's crew at the end, but knowing Gilligan it will probably be used something else entirely.
Why Would He Do That?
That's what I thought aswell, that swerve from Gilligan, Heisenberg's probally gonna go full on Scarface on Todd's crew at the end, but knowing Gilligan it will probably be used something else entirely.
On talking bad, they asked Aaron Paul the same question they asked Vince last week about what would hurt Jesse the most, to find out about Jane, Brock, or Mike and like Vince he said the death of Jane. I really really hope Jesse finds out about her some how. For some reason that's the one thing I really want Jesse to find out about.
Why Would He Do That?
Making of S05E10, "Buried". I'd like to point out that in this video Bryan Cranston says the area Walt buried the money in is called To'hajiilee. That's also the name of episode 13 this season.
yo someone tell me where walt jr. was at the whole episode?
Walt Jr clearly out somewhere getting honies with Louis
Next episode is titled Confessions.
Followed by "Rabid Dog"
If that's not a reference to Jesse going nutso, I don't know what is. He's gotta learn bout Jane.
(Ep 7 from S4 is called "Problem Dog" - related to Jesse)
Walt Jr clearly out somewhere getting honies with Louis
Hanging Out Till Morning And Taking Em To Breakfast