I can't even interact with this fool anymore. Where did he come from?
He said that it's "100% wrong" that every Republican in the Congress/Senate is giving a green light to Trump.
He said that when rich kids graduate with a C- average it doesn't mean they weren't trying, they're just bad students...but these are the same kids he was caping for when I pointed out they were graduating college at higher rates than even the A students among the poor kids? And then he says he doesn't see how that is relevant?
He said that having your parents take care of your college is "personal" responsibility. So apparently if you grow up poor, then it is "personal" responsibility to take care of yourself, but if you grow up rich, it is your "personal" responsibility to benefit from your parents' wealth.
He said that I believed that no hard work was involved in me getting through college while QUOTING me saying that I worked my ass off.
He said that I believed no parental motivation was involved when I TOLD him that the fact both of my parents went to college was one of the main reasons I was able to go.
He literally said that damn near all poor people are lazy, and laughed.
He tried to associate free college with Nazi Germany.
He claims that the French economy is "in ruins" (6th largest economy in the world, current 2% growth rate) because of free college.
He said that Swedes and Norwegians leave in hordes to come to the USA for jobs when only about 1,000 of each immigrated to America last year, while 50% more Americans immigrated to Norway and Sweden!
He totally ignored Black-White wealth disparity.
He totally ignored that his claims of free college leading to loafing obviously don't apply to the very rich.
He said that anyone who doesn't get into college can work one of the menial jobs the illegal immigrants are doing.
When I pointed out that most Americans are forced to work bullshyt jobs that don't do any good for anyone, he pointed out that unemployment is at an all-time low.
Who is this guy even? Is this just an alias Napoleon set up cause he's desperate to interact with all of us who blocked him?