of course this isn't true. It use to be that most dems and repubs differed on certain issues but all moved towards central. Now you have 4 or 5 parties. Moderate Dems, Progressive/Extremeist Dems, Moderate Repubc, Ultra Conservatives, and Crazy right wing nationalists.
How many national-level Republicans in the entire country are openly opposing the crazy right-wing nationalist agenda of Trump and putting their money where their mouths are? Who was the last moderate Republican or ultra-conservative to stop Trump on a vote who isn't dead right now?
And the next piece of legislation passed by progressive dems will be the first in my lifetime.
Even if you think there are 4-5 parties, the crazy right-wing nationalists (proto-fascists) and the moderate dems (neoliberals) are the ones running things for either side right now.
Of course scholarships aren't guaranteed , they are earned and there's several that actually go unused btw. If you make good grades in HS you will get a free ride somewhere.
You talk about shift in investments, making college free is only going to shift the status of a bachelor's degree and the same thing that happens in HS will happen in college. The undergrads in the free college will have a lackluster education while all the smart and we'll to do kids start shifting into private schools which will then be the pool of kids that companies hire from. We have some really low unemployment , kids are already having difficulty finding jobs with a BS...so let's give everyone one and make it harder for companies to discern credible candidates.
Again there's other dynamics at play...some kids don't need to be in college and should go other routes like technical or vocational schools or community college. Personal responsibility.
The worst-performing high school students from the upper 10% of the income bracket have a higher college graduation rate than the best-performing students from the bottom 10% of the income bracket.
If you are an A student in high school and your parents earn in the bottom 10%, you are less likely to graduate college than if you were a C- student in high school and your parents earn in the top 10%.
Earned my ass. Personal responsibility my ass.
And I'm one of those "poorer" kids (not bottom 10% but maybe 40th percentile) that worked his ass off and got straight A's in high school and got all sorts of scholarships and paid his own way through two degrees. But I could still see the system was rigged. I was working work study and summers and Christmas break while the rich kids didn't have to worry about any of that. The rich kids that were 95% of my classmates had all gone to better schools than me, had been exposed to better opportunities than me, had all sorts of better support than me. They weren't having to share books with classmates or going around trying to buy stuff secondhand to get by.
And I know even I had tons of advantages. My parents didn't have a ton of money but they both went to college and I grew up in a stable two-person household. We weren't all that poor, like I said better off than at least a 1/3 of the country. My high school wasn't shyt, only like 10% of us went to college, but that's still far better than the sort of schools most Black kids have to go to in this country. And I know I have a brain well into the top 1% - you can't expect every damn kid to have to have that shyt to succeed.
Yeah, college isn't for every kid. But right now we have a racist, classist system where the kids who don't get to go are the ones poorer and darker than everyone else. I never hear rich White parents say, "College isn't for everyone, Johnny, maybe you should just go to welding school."
that's the capitalist manifesto
"College isn't for everyone!" (only the rich whites)
"Health care isn't a right!" (unless you rich and white)
"Getting free shyt makes you spoiled and lazy!" (unless you inherit it from your rich white parents, then we better make sure you get every penny)
They on some bullshyt with all that. We can pay for military bases all over the damn world and entire new trillion-dollar fighter jets when our old ones are hardly ever used because they're ALREADY light-years better than anything anyone we have any chance of having a war with will use, but we don't have money for education and health care? Come on now.