We are the richest but not in the top 10 or 15 on these lists. Don't you wonder why? And I didn't cut shyt man. lol
Now those budget numbers you threw out are they realistic? lol You need her to explicitly say, "I want to cut the military budget." before you believe she wants to cut the military budget? OK.
because people are obese
we have higher murder rates
we are melting pot of different cultures who have not fully assimilated
we are rich because through innovation and technology rich people live here and create a large disparity between rich and poor
there's various reasons why we are the happiest nation or from a metric standpoint the best nation. I'm happy being #18-#20 out of 230+ nations but we should strive for more, but what makes you think we need to revamp the entire economy to do so (green new deal) or pay for college education (which by the way, using your list we are #6 The 10 most educated countries in the world) in education. These are fool's gold and costly initiatives
Yes she has spoken very clearly on what she wants to do, which is continue spending. Khanna who is a disciple of the same school also hasn't touted this and believes austerity measures are fools gold and believes we should continue to deficit spend. Not one of them have specifically stated they want to cut military spending period.