Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
the effective tax rate of rich are the same as the 1950s btw - so what's your rebuttal to that?

Ok. I don't, but Slate does.

Slate’s Use of Your Data

To Greenberg, the takeaway from this is simple: Progressives should stop fixating on the tax rates from 60 years ago. “All in all, the idea that high-income Americans in the 1950s paid much more of their income in taxes should be abandoned. The top 1 percent of Americans today do not face an unusually low tax burden, by historical standards.”

I’m not convinced. Effective tax rates on 1 percenters may not have fallen by half, as some on the left might be tempted to imagine. But they are down by about 6 percentage points1 at a time when the wealthy earn a vastly larger share of the national income. That drop represents a lot of money. Moreover, as Greenberg admits, tax rates on top 0.1 percent have fallen by about one-fifth since their 1950s heights. That rather severely undercuts the idea that taxes on the wealthy haven’t fallen “much.”

Moreover, there may be reasons to support higher taxes beyond their ability to raise revenue. One popular theory among left-leaning intellectuals right now—advanced by Piketty, Saez, and their protegée Stefanie Stantcheva—is that high tax rates actually ease income inequality by discouraging CEOs and professionals from demanding exorbitantly high pay for their services.* In other words, thanks to high tax rates, people didn’t bother trying to get as rich. After all, there’s no point in bargaining for a giant bonus if the government is going to clip off most of it. I wouldn’t say the theory has been accepted as a consensus fact at this point, but it’s certainly alive and being taken seriously.

So the real tax rates rich Americans paid in the 1950s may not have been so stratospherically high as some progressives assume. But they also may have helped create a more egalitarian society. That seems worth considering.


Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos
She out here trolling republicans. I know it is totally out of the question but I want her to run so bad for president.

Then you must not want to win. Her shyt may work in New York and Cali., but most people that live in the middle of the country aren't going for it.


Feb 28, 2018
This has nothing to do with partisianship - this does hurt those who are moving up from middle class to rich , generational wealth who are heavy in investments aren't paying this tax! this does not hurt htem at all nor does it anyway keep them paying into the system. Either way, I have edited by response as i realized she was discussing a progressive tax, so I would need to see her brackets before making a full analysis of this - however the points I made are valid just the math example was incorrect. Also reviewing some of hte preliminary numbers that 70% progressive increase would not be enough to fund the deal!

the effective tax rate of rich are the same as the 1950s btw - so what's your rebuttal to that?
Bro there is no financial mobility in the US, the odds are you will be the exact same class as your parents. The American dream is a lie and the ruling class loves that broke Americans will feel sorry for them thinking that one day they might strike gold and become rich
May 2, 2012
Conservative idiots lost their minds over a college student dancing.... while in college. You don't need to be a russian agent for that. Only a troll with a day off from work. This isn't top-notch spywork going on here. :hhh:

she imitated the breakfast club while in college OH THE HUMANITY :bryan:

conservatives are retarded :aicmon:


Aug 9, 2014
Bro there is no financial mobility in the US, the odds are you will be the exact same class as your parents. The American dream is a lie and the ruling class loves that broke Americans will feel sorry for them thinking that one day they might strike gold and become rich

That's 100% bullshyt


Feb 28, 2018
That's 100% bullshyt
Social mobility has declined sharply since 1980 because of income inequality. I'm just tired of people voting rich because they have delusions of grandeur . It's okay to be middle class, it would be a hell of a lot better if the top 1% would stop trying to halt bills and politicians that would help us at the cost of some of their profits.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Wrong - it's basic economics over pritning devalues the dollar especially if no one buying , it's supply an ddemand, you keep saying it trigger inflation, it triggers all the stuff i mentioned above as well
Of course increasing the money supply will devalue the dollar. That's the entire basis of inflation. My entire point has been that the amount of money in the economy is what matters, because that has an effect on real economic factors, like inflation and unemployment. The deficit is an abstract metric which is falsely used to imply that the US government uses tax dollars to fund its spending, like a private household.

the new deal established safeguards, the opening of the money supply did help us get out of the depression but that was after the money supply was choked off by paranoia . We are talking apples and oranges and Recession or Depression caused by too much money and a devaluation of the USD is not something that can be repaired simply by creating more money supply and spending it:merchant: are you serious, tf?

The money supply should go up or down depending on real economic factors (inflation and unemployment), not red herring metrics like the deficit. The New Deal spending never didn't have to be "paid off", just like the recession stimulus spending never had to be paid off. The US government doesn't owe anybody that money. It just got put on the ledgers (numbers in computers). In the context of this issue, for the most part, the deficit doesn't matter and has no bearing on how the economy operates.

wrong. Social SEcurity TAx is used to pay it's Social SEcurity. What you're stating is a complete fallacy, I appreciate you're googling now and trying to use what you just found in the argument but is wrong. The fed has the job to combat inflation and you're seeing what they are doing, it's not raising taxes (which is not their remit) it's by increasing rates or decreasing bond prices...
If the US government gets the money to pay for SS by taking it out of the revenues from SS tax, why do they pay it out before any expenditures? Can you take money out of your debit card that you haven't added in yet? No, you can only do that with a credit card, which relies on the bank to loan you the money before you pay it off. They're fronting you the money. The US government is its own bank. When it puts SS money into an individual's account, it doesn't check to see SS tax revenues. It's literally a government employee going to a computer and typing X amount, which the US debits from...itself. Because the government creates, out of thin air, the money it spends. That's the whole point. You can't owe yourself something only you create. Amazon can't owe itself Amazon gift cards.

wrong again (partly), in my scenario I specifically stated for the US to pay it's bills (interest payments) and with a devalued USD because of deficiet spending and money printing, the only option to pay the bills would be tax citizen to get the money supply out, printing more money to pay the bill will only furhter devalue the domestic holdings and create more of a downward spiral. You aren't acknowledging all the pieces here.
In your scenario, the US government is still paying interest payments in the USD which it has sole license to create and can do so with impunity. The only ramifications come if there is inflation, which only happens if the broader economy already has a high flow of money, in which case the government can increase taxes to counteract the inflationary pressure. If that contractionary pressure causes unemployment to increase, the government can provide jobs to balance out the economy. Basically, at any time the government should be concerned with 2 questions: what is the inflation rate (IR), what is the unemployment rate (UR).

High UR + High IR (aka stagflation) = bite the bullet and shock the economy either way

High UR + Low IR = Stimulus (Government deficit spending to increase money supply and create jobs.)

Low UR + High IR = increase taxes on the highly employed economy to cool the money supply and fight inflation

Low UR + Low IR = Good times!

Notice, the deficit is not a piece relevant to acknowledge.

we aren't talking about being in a deficit, we are talking about deficit spending at the levels we are at and the outcome of that. What I'm stating is pretty common economics and only fringe economists have even remotely stated anything close to what you're stating and of course their's no example of this because no one has run up a debt quite like the US has.
:yeshrug: All knowledge is common until it's not. Post-keynesian neo-chartalism is the wave. Surf it.

wrong again - Amazon gift cards are plastic cards, it has nothing to do with valuation, which what bankrupt is about. If you the USD devalues to the point the US can't meet it's obligation they are bankrupt/broke!
Amazon gift cards are plastic cards and the US dollar is paper money. Both absolutely are markers of valuation, and both have different constraints between users and creators. No one is arguing that USD devaluation isn't relevant, my whole point is that the deficit is a red-herring and the US doesn't need to tax to spend.

how does that make a difference, you seem to think the US can't go bankrupt, how did Greece go bankrupt when all they had to do is print more money or tax or whatever else you believe happens in those "just numbers" examples.
Greece was not the sole issuer of its currency, it was on the euro! The US is the sole issuer of its own currency, it hasn't given up financial sovereignty like Greece did. Greece couldn't enact stimulus policies or print more money because the EU was in control of their currency. That's why they were up shyt's creek without a paddle.


Aug 9, 2014
Ok. I don't, but Slate does.

Slate’s Use of Your Data

Good read but it's theoretical, at least the part you marked and doesnt make sense . CEO will just ask for equity and sell it after vesting
Of course increasing the money supply will devalue the dollar. That's the entire basis of inflation. My entire point has been that the amount of money in the economy is what matters, because that has an effect on real economic factors, like inflation and unemployment. The deficit is an abstract metric which is falsely used to imply that the US government uses tax dollars to fund its spending, like a private household.

The money supply should go up or down depending on real economic factors (inflation and unemployment), not red herring metrics like the deficit. The New Deal spending never didn't have to be "paid off", just like the recession stimulus spending never had to be paid off. The US government doesn't owe anybody that money. It just got put on the ledgers (numbers in computers). In the context of this issue, for the most part, the deficit doesn't matter and has no bearing on how the economy operates.

If the US government gets the money to pay for SS by taking it out of the revenues from SS tax, why do they pay it out before any expenditures? Can you take money out of your debit card that you haven't added in yet? No, you can only do that with a credit card, which relies on the bank to loan you the money before you pay it off. They're fronting you the money. The US government is its own bank. When it puts SS money into an individual's account, it doesn't check to see SS tax revenues. It's literally a government employee going to a computer and typing X amount, which the US debits from...itself. Because the government creates, out of thin air, the money it spends. That's the whole point. You can't owe yourself something only you create. Amazon can't owe itself Amazon gift cards.

In your scenario, the US government is still paying interest payments in the USD which it has sole license to create and can do so with impunity. The only ramifications come if there is inflation, which only happens if the broader economy already has a high flow of money, in which case the government can increase taxes to counteract the inflationary pressure. If that contractionary pressure causes unemployment to increase, the government can provide jobs to balance out the economy. Basically, at any time the government should be concerned with 2 questions: what is the inflation rate (IR), what is the unemployment rate (UR).

High UR + High IR (aka stagflation) = bite the bullet and shock the economy either way

High UR + Low IR = Stimulus (Government deficit spending to increase money supply and create jobs.)

Low UR + High IR = increase taxes on the highly employed economy to cool the money supply and fight inflation

Low UR + Low IR = Good times!

Notice, the deficit is not a piece relevant to acknowledge.

:yeshrug: All knowledge is common until it's not. Post-keynesian neo-chartalism is the wave. Surf it.

Amazon gift cards are plastic cards and the US dollar is paper money. Both absolutely are markers of valuation, and both have different constraints between users and creators. No one is arguing that USD devaluation isn't relevant, my whole point is that the deficit is a red-herring and the US doesn't need to tax to spend.

Greece was not the sole issuer of its currency, it was on the euro! The US is the sole issuer of its own currency, it hasn't given up financial sovereignty like Greece did. Greece couldn't enact stimulus policies or print more money because the EU was in control of their currency. That's why they were up shyt's creek without a paddle.

1. Wrong wrong wrong. You said the US doesn't use to tax to fund programs. I gave you the social security tax which is 100% facts, you then mentioned it doesn't check if it has money in its coffers before paying which is false. This is the reason why they have discussed reforming social security, because the social security tax is expected to fund social security, nothing else can be used...its a contribution They would remove benefits before aimlessly printing money.

2. All your other stuff is wrong or youve tapped danced around what you initially stated .

You keep saying it's just inflation without addressing the downward impacts of inflation which I continue discussing the holistic and interconnected framework of the economy noT just "inflation goes up" like you. You don't understand what prevents the US from just printing all this money shjchbwoikd desrkry the USD value and have a domino impact on purchasing power, interest rates, economics outlook, and the debt held and issued. You can't pay for shyt when your currency isn't worth anything .

You mentioned the book definition of fiscal policy which states taxing lowers inflation (in a vacuum )you would need the government to tax and burn the cash and you specifically state that you are increasing money supply to pay for shyt you are taxiing and spending which has the opposite impact of causing higher inflation ! The only counter to that is if they're taxed to pay off the debts which would then have a potential downward impacts of stalling the economy due to lack of domestic consumer spending

3). That leads into the example of Greece. You're wrong again Greece can print it's own money !! They have a central bank in Greece and printing presses, this was discussed several times in economics you're right it's not as easy for them to print without direction but they surely could have with some other adverse impacts to their standing in the euro zones.

So let's table Greece and bring up Venezuela, who has done exactly as you stated and has in turn destroyed their economy. They are a sovereign nation and are a perfect example of printing money excessively and hyperinflation. The people and the market will not take the Venezuelan currency and the emergence of fictitious black market rates and collateral commodity cryptocurrencies are being pushed. Again this is a direct negative impact of what you believe is fake numbers in a computer.

I'm ignoring going tit for tat because you're trying to add in regurgitated concepts that has nothing to do what we are talking about. Which is your failure to grasp why US will not print more money for the sake of paying for programs they can't afford long term .

As much as I want to discuss your poor amazon card example it's a moot point because the above proves my point
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Gus Money

May 20, 2012
Bro there is no financial mobility in the US, the odds are you will be the exact same class as your parents. The American dream is a lie and the ruling class loves that broke Americans will feel sorry for them thinking that one day they might strike gold and become rich
That's 100% bullshyt
It’s actually common knowledge for people who actually know how poverty works. Most Americans remain in the same class they were born into. This is not debatable.


Aug 9, 2014
It’s actually common knowledge for people who actually know how poverty works. Most Americans remain in the same class they were born into. This is not debatable.

Except there have been drastic declines in poverty rates since the 1950s and we have had 3-4 years of declining poverty levels .

While true researchers have printed papers discussing this and the mobility is not great and less than other countries, what was originally stated isn't what happened over r the last 60 years and isnt what is happening now. Additionally social welfare programs keep people from progressing and capture them into the net , in addition consumer spending also plays a part as we tend not to save to create generational wealth. So there's a few items to take in consideration for those who actually what to access education and economic means to move up the ladder it's there...some tend not to for various reasons
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Jun 6, 2012
New York
Conservative idiots lost their minds over a college student dancing.... while in college. You don't need to be a russian agent for that. Only a troll with a day off from work. This isn't top-notch spywork going on here. :hhh:
She's an agent for socialism! It's hilarious. lol