1)You defined strawman, so apply it to anything I've done to you. You tried at the end but that is not a strawman, you didn't even address what I stated, which was regarded Paygo ability to make spending increases without offset transparant to the general public without much digging as they would be called out to the naked eye. You and other who don't want that are putting in transparancy on your own terms - that's not in anyway a strawman, there's no misrepresentation , it's a direct argument regarding the specific attributes of PayGO. Perhaps you brush up on your comprehension and connotations.
2) AOC has mentioned that potential cuts to militay; however, we all know it's not realistic an in addtion her platform and Khanna is that debt doesn't matter and that comes straight from the idealogies they follow. those are facts again. You making quotes of her comparing spending on militiary and questioning why we couldn't allot that to health is misrepresentation of what she actually wants... then you follow up with she "intimated" cutting it. Again we both know she is not asking to cut military she just wants to pile debt and spend on her pet projects...period. Those are 100% facts - not intimates, not double talk, not strawmanning ...facts
As I mentioned before AOC has no plans for any cuts that's why she and her cohorts want PayGo CutGo to GOGO , it has nothing to do with your opinion on it because it's not based in fact and goes against the Progressives plans, they want to increase national debt because they feel America can just print more money and they rather invest now and assumingly kick the can down the road. That is 100% fact not what you're stating.
There you go. Just a reminder Strawman: an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.