Rest In Power Kobe
she started going to the gym and working out with those anorexic white girlsShe had nice titties what happened to her she looks mad unhealthy now

she started going to the gym and working out with those anorexic white girlsShe had nice titties what happened to her she looks mad unhealthy now
Why would she push this narrative...
Anyone have a clue??
Why would she push this narrative...
Anyone have a clue??
If unemployment is low and there’s a lot of currency circulating the economy due to high government spending, then you’re at risk of inflation, and you should increase taxes to decrease that currency flow. Notice, government debt or deficit has nothing to do with this, it’s inflation, employment, and the social good that are/should be the key goals and metrics of governmental action.
Where do you think the government gets the money to pay for its expenditures? When they give out SS payments, what do you think that process looks like?
And it's not "just numbers on a computer", those numbers are very important. The point is that those numbers don't have to abide by the same financial physics of a household/personal budget. Private citizens are constrained by the fact they cannot print legal tender, while the US government is the sole issuer of the US dollar. When a private citizen gets into debt, they cannot just conjure up the money to pay it off. The US government can. It can never run out of US currency anymore than Walmart can run out of Walmart gift cards. By that token, they have to worry about inflation and unemployment and the social good, whereas the private citizen simply has to worry about their own financial situation. Being in "debt" of US currency means totally different things to the two groups.
Because it's true and she doesn't have Trump Derangement Syndrome like most #Resistance libs?
She barely ever even mentions Trump, she looks beyond him. The problems she's aiming at are much deeper and bigger than him.
Because it's true and she doesn't have Trump Derangement Syndrome like most #Resistance libs?
She barely ever even mentions Trump, she looks beyond him. The problems she's aiming at are much deeper and bigger than him.
Because it's true.![]()
Eisenhower, a republican president taxed the highest bracket at 90%. This literally hurts no one I don't know why you feel such sympathy for such a small tiny group of people who have been stealing wealth from the middle class for decadesso wait, no one is gonna say anything about her plan isn't to cut military or anything
she wants to tax the rich at 70%?
So basically if you are a football player and you make $3m, $2.1m is gone in taxes, you will take home $900K
who do you think this hurts THE MOST? Does this hurt the uber wealthy with generaltional wealth or the new millionaires who are coming from the middle class or poor class (i.e. sports starts). This is what I've been talking about , socialists prevent movement outside of your caste and ensures you stay in your caste til death and only supports those who have generational wealth to keep control of things.
Eisenhower, a republican president taxed the highest bracket at 90%. This literally hurts no one I don't know why you feel such sympathy for such a small tiny group of people who have been stealing wealth from the middle class for decades
America has been printing money from its inception, so...nothing? The only time "over-printing" is an issue is when there is too much money in the economy which triggers inflation.2) What happens when America keeps printing and over printing USD?
America literally did print their way out of the Great Depression. The New Deal was a massive program of deficit spending. So was the '08 recession "recovery". What I call "numbers in a computer" were just "numbers in a Treasury ledger" back in those pre-computational days, the fundamental logic behind the acts is the same. The US government doesn't need to tax to spend, which renders PayGo a stupid, erroneous idea, and the country won't collapse due to increasing deficit or debt numbers, it never has, and it never will as long as it is the sole issuer of its currency. It can collapse from inflation, it can collapse from unemployment (recession/depression), or it can from the social good being neglected, but it can and will never collapse from being in debt of a currency it is the sole issuer of lol.a) the Time value of our money/savings/purchasing power will diminish year over yaer and/or comparably with other nations. This will either sink our nation due the devaluation of the USD and/or inflation of good. The downward spiral is of course recessions and depressions...why couldn't America print their way out of the Great Depression? This has nothing to do with running out of paper money, it's the actual economics behind the system which you initially minimalized to numbers on a computer.
As the sole issuer of US currency and sole legitimate taxing authority, the US government has the power and tools to increase or decrease the money supply as it sees fit. This means that if there is too much money in the economy, leading to devaluation of the USD and inflation, then the US can simply increase tax rates to contract the amount of money in the economy. The process you're describing is wrong because the US does not need to "raise taxes to pay its bills", it raises the taxes to take money out of the economy and avoid inflation. Also, recessions aren't inevitably caused by raising taxes, otherwise every tax hike would lead to a recession. Inflation and uneployment are usually inversely correlated, so unless there is a deeper problem with the economy in your scenario (like high unemployment, meaning stagflation, in which case you have to pick your poison like Volcker), you're not going to enter a recession by raising taxes.b) The money we continues print which causes devaluation of the USD, will eventually cause us not to meet our obligations to other countries = in order for that to happen we would have to increase taxes to pay or bills, the increased taxes to pay other countries will of course create a downward drain on domestic purchasing power or household spending, which will result in...ding ding ding recession
Deficit spending does not have to be equalized in the future, because there is absolutely no harm of the US government being in deficit. Cuts to spending done on the basis of government debt is a long-term conservative project based on a faulty understanding of how the the economy works. They've sold a lot of people on the lie that the government spends money like a private household, which is why I keep bringing that up. It's the only way to justify the idiotic idea of cutting benefits and spending to work down the debt. The government can afford to pay for Social Security and the Green New Deal and M4A and whatever other "expensive" progressive plan. The money is there because the government creates it out of thin air, like they do with all existing government expenditures. You just have to worry about inflation. That's the upper boundary of spending, not deficit or debt.c) this devaluation will then cause a decrease in governemnt benefits, so all that deficit spending that was absorbed now will then be cut in the future. Its the same problem you're seeing with social security when they keep moving up the age, eventually they will have to figure out how to pay it or reduce it.
The US government by definition cannot go broke. It's like how Amazon cannot run out of Amazon gift cards.d) once the government is broke it will be unable to actually help citizens and create the ecosystem and infastructure that we currently have.
My guy...refresh my mind...what currency was Greece using when they fell into their debt crisis again?...I can easily point to you to the Greek debt crisis. You clearly don't fully understand the economics so perhaps brush up on what happened to Greece who also though they could deficit spend their way into socialist programs.
Damn....420,000 likes.
that dance video just boosted her popularity like 10 fold. The troll who posted the video deleted his page. I hope he deleted his life while he was at it...
oh the russian agent deleted his page?![]()
the effective tax rate of rich are the same as the 1950s btw - so what's your rebuttal to that?
The data shows that, between 1950 and 1959, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an average of 42.0 percent of their income in federal, state, and local taxes. Since then, the average effective tax rate of the top 1 percent has declined slightly overall. In 2014, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an average tax rate of 36.4 percent.
All things considered, this is not a very large change. To put it another way, the average effective tax rate on the 1 percent highest-income households is about 5.6 percentage points lower today than it was in the 1950s. That’s a noticeable change, but not a radical shift.[3]
Wrong - it's basic economics over pritning devalues the dollar especially if no one buying , it's supply an ddemand, you keep saying it trigger inflation, it triggers all the stuff i mentioned above as wellAmerica has been printing money from its inception, so...nothing? The only time "over-printing" is an issue is when there is too much money in the economy which triggers inflation.
America literally did print their way out of the Great Depression. The New Deal was a massive program of deficit spending. So was the '08 recession "recovery". What I call "numbers in a computer" were just "numbers in a Treasury ledger" back in those pre-computational days, the fundamental logic behind the acts is the same. The US government doesn't need to tax to spend, which renders PayGo a stupid, erroneous idea, and the country won't collapse due to increasing deficit or debt numbers, it never has, and it never will as long as it is the sole issuer of its currency. It can collapse from inflation, it can collapse from unemployment (recession/depression), or it can from the social good being neglected, but it can and will never collapse from being in debt of a currency it is the sole issuer of lol.
As the sole issuer of US currency and sole legitimate taxing authority, the US government has the power and tools to increase or decrease the money supply as it sees fit. This means that if there is too much money in the economy, leading to devaluation of the USD and inflation, then the US can simply increase tax rates to contract the amount of money in the economy. The process you're describing is wrong because the US does not need to "raise taxes to pay its bills", it raises the taxes to take money out of the economy and avoid inflation. Also, recessions aren't inevitably caused by raising taxes, otherwise every tax hike would lead to a recession. Inflation and uneployment are usually inversely correlated, so unless there is a deeper problem with the economy in your scenario (like high unemployment, meaning stagflation, in which case you have to pick your poison like Volcker), you're not going to enter a recession by raising taxes.
Here's the crucial point: the money the US government taxes in isn't then used for spending. The US doesn't pay bills. In fact, if you look at the actual governmental process, expenditures are handled before addressing income. When spending, the US government doesn't look in the national wallet to see if it has enough, it just spends. It can do that because it is the sole issuer of US currency, and as such, it always has enough money for whatever it wants to spend on. The taxes it takes in are literally numbers on a computer. There's no big vault you send your tax dollar bills to that the US then goes into when it wants to spend lol. Again, that doesn't mean those numbers aren't important, it just means they don't abide by the financial physics you or I abide by. We have to acquire before we spend (PayGo), the government doesn't.
Deficit spending does not have to be equalized in the future, because there is absolutely no harm of the US government being in deficit. Cuts to spending done on the basis of government debt is a long-term conservative project based on a faulty understanding of how the the economy works. They've sold a lot of people on the lie that the government spends money like a private household, which is why I keep bringing that up. It's the only way to justify the idiotic idea of cutting benefits and spending to work down the debt. The government can afford to pay for Social Security and the Green New Deal and M4A and whatever other "expensive" progressive plan. The money is there because the government creates it out of thin air, like they do with all existing government expenditures. You just have to worry about inflation. That's the upper boundary of spending, not deficit or debt.
The US government by definition cannot go broke. It's like how Amazon cannot run out of Amazon gift cards.
My guy...refresh my mind...what currency was Greece using when they fell into their debt crisis again?...![]()