This is why non-black people should stay out of black issues. You're either pandering or not doing enough. Can't win.
Or they could, and hold on bear with me because it's a radical idea, address our specific issues and talk to us like we have common sense. If something isnt feasible tell us why it isnt. Don't create fear based campaigns to get us to unquestionably follow them.
Bill Clinton might be the worst thing to happen to politics. When they figured out he had a "cool factor" that helped him get elected, that was the end of campaigning on issues.
Since then we've had a Connecticut Male cheerleader pretending to be a texas redneck, a biracial African man raised by a white mother singing Al Green, "Hot Sauce" Hilary, a mormon billionaire pretending to be just a regular blue collar guy, Kush and Kamala listening to music in a time vortex, Rev. AOC....
And so many damn Democrats Dancing.