
May 7, 2012
And yes my childish friend @Kenny West we need to get rid of all lobbyists and try to eliminate as much of the money in politics as we can.

We need term limits. Right now you can buy or blackmail a politician and he's yours for 50 plus years. Especially if they're in the right state or district. That has to change.

And we need to take a look at the over burdensome regulations like the ones that have allowed archaic energy sources like coal and gas to thrive, so that cheap energy can emerge and shut down the gas and oil racket.

The government has grown way too large, and if we keep on letting it get larger, we'll end up with a leader who has all the tools to make those dystopian futures from the movies and old books a reality.

I know it's hard to process this, because the media got you gassed on Left vs Right and it makes you feel like Bobby Seales to say "Fick Donald Trump" online. But they are all bad. Trump, Clinton, Obama, Bush, all of them. They don't represent us, they whore themselves out to the highest bidder.

AOC was literally found by Justice Democrats in a casting call.
Justice Democrats Helped Make Ocasio-Cortez. They’re Already Eyeing Their Next Targets.

Why do you think she sounds so stupid when she tries to talk policy? Because her agenda is fed to her by her handlers. She has no idea what she's doing


May 7, 2012
:hubie: Your skin isn't black bro. Thats the only thing that matters at the end of the day. :yeshrug:

Breh that was a layup. "Goin' up Yonder" or "soon and very soon" were both acceptable answers

You keep failing on your knowledge of actual black people smh.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012

Her chief of staff, Tech Billionaire Saikat Chakrabarti
He's not a donor, nor do his companies have a direct conflict of interest like say, oil and coal businessmen being the head of the enviormental protection agency?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Names Chief of Staff
He co-founded the justice democrats and wants local representatives of communities in congrees chairs and for politicans to resist corporate money.

Misleading low information statements is disingenuous :mjpls:

Her radical approach to climate change is going to make a select few companies rich beyond their wildest dreams, green construction companies and electric car makers probably the richest. But I'm sure the awarding of those contracts will be fair and the pricing will be competitive. Just like the Iraq war.

So you reference the dirty dealings of oil influence in politics yet advocate for them throughout the thread?:dwillhuh:but whatever

Ok, someone will get rich when the fuel/transportation standard changes....thats the big conspiracy?

People would get rich if hemp became fuel standard

People would get rich if cars ran on electric

People would get rich if flying cars ran on horseshyt

Unless you are the CEO of an oil company, why would you even care? Why is it a bad thing?

lol too bad nobody gullible enough to fall for your concern trolling.

If you really cared, you'd always be a breath away of worse degrees of the same things being done by our current establishment.


Sep 15, 2014
Lol You're an idiot.

How about this one.

Before Obama, most older black people had what 3 pictures displayed prominently in their houses?

Now it is established that you are white, can you leave and go be productive with your life?


May 7, 2012
He's not a donor, nor do his companies have a direct conflict of interest like say, oil and coal businessmen being the head of the enviormental protection agency?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Names Chief of Staff
He co-founded the justice democrats and wants local representatives of communities in congrees chairs and for politicans to resist corporate money.

Misleading low information statements is disingenuous :mjpls:

So you reference the dirty dealings of oil influence in politics yet advocate for them throughout the thread?:dwillhuh:but whatever

Ok, someone will get rich when the fuel/transportation standard changes....thats the big conspiracy?

People would get rich if hemp became fuel standard

People would get rich if cars ran on electric

People would get rich if flying cars ran on horseshyt

Unless you are the CEO of an oil company, why would you even care? Why is it a bad thing?

lol too bad nobody gullible enough to fall for your concern trolling.

If you really cared, you'd always be a breath away of worse degrees of the same things being done by our current establishment.

For one, that is her chief of staff.

Nobody is advocating for big oil. Check my post history.

What I'm saying is that this is a power grab. The new money is trying to get a piece of that old money action.

We can do a better job for the environment without bankrupting the country. The ideas aren't radical, they're actually good ideas. The implementation reeks of a power grab.

And this isn't me saying this to defend the status quo. If I had my way every establishment politician would be rounded up and tried for their various crimes. This is someone who has paid attention to the atrocities of the US government on both sides of the aisle and would like to limit their power and give freedom and independence back to the people.


May 7, 2012
Now it is established that you are white, can you leave and go be productive with your life?

Lol it's been established that I'm white, but yet my picture is on the board. What white man has a beard as nappy as mine? If I put a straightener in it my shyt would be duck dynasty status.

Can I leave you alone, but yet you keep following me around mentioning me until I embarrass you for pretending to be black, then you fall back and try to sneak strike in random threads getting no likes or daps.

You don't participate in any threads about actual black culture, only politics. You don't use any phrases, display any knowledge, and dont give any indication that you're actually black. And you have that wierd profile pic that looks like Rashida Jones, but I don't know any black men or women that actually stan for her. She's mostly in white shows and the average black person is shocked to find out she's Quincy's daughter.

So nah, I'm not gonna leave you alone. Every time you say some stupid shyt, imma blow your cover. Do better research. Your black act is trash. Even Nap posted in the booth and the Coliseum

Oh and your name is bagger of tea, which is either a reference to the tea party or the act of tea bagging :dame: both of which black people don't fukk with.
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Kenny West

May 29, 2012
For one, that is her chief of staff.

Nobody is advocating for big oil. Check my post history.

What I'm saying is that this is a power grab. The new money is trying to get a piece of that old money action.

When you say the bolded in a negative sense, yes you are advocating in their intrests. Because this is only an issue to them.

Again I ask, if you're not a big oil advocate, why does this matter?

As a consumer you only have pollution to lose if the fuel standard changes. Old money or new money that shyt wasnt going into your pocket either way. But go on and defend the wallets of billionares

We can do a better job for the environment without bankrupting the country. The ideas aren't radical, they're actually good ideas. The implementation reeks of a power grab.
We're about ideas over here.

The implementation was a albietly awkward propsal to seriously attack pollution and climate change. Considering personal fiancial intrests to oil has always taken priority over it, I want it done and I dont care how many oil billionare cacs and arabs lose money in the process. The money changing hands doesnt effect my life in the slightest

I cant see how a black man can feel differently

Your framing of "power grab" is whats delusional, green new deal or not AOC is still just a democratically elected congresswoman at the end of the day.

And this isn't me saying this to defend the status quo. If I had my way every establishment politician would be rounded up and tried for their various crimes. This is someone who has paid attention to the atrocities of the US government on both sides of the aisle and would like to limit their power and give freedom and independence back to the people.
Yet you cast boogeyman narratives when people try.:yawn:


May 7, 2012
When you say the bolded in a negative sense, yes you are advocating in the intrests. Because this is only an issue to them.

Again I ask, if you're not a big oil advocate, why does this matter?

As a consumer you only have pollution to lose if the fuel standard changes. Old money or new money that shyt wasnt going into your pocket either way. But go on and defend the wallets of billionares

We're about ideas over here.

The implementation was a albietly awkward propsal to seriously attack pollution and climate change. Considering personal fiancial intrest has always taken priority over it, I want it done and I dont care how many oil billionare cacs and arabs lose money in the process.

I cant see how a black man can feel differently

Your framing of "power grab" is whats delusional, green new deal or not AOC is still just a democratically elected congresswoman.

Yet you cast boogeyman narratives when people try.:yawn:

Speaking out against one thing doesn't mean I'm for another. That's a childish way of thinking and not befitting of a grown man.

I care because, like I said before, 90 trillion dollars doesn't just fall out of the sky. So let's say we do this and run up the debt.

Here's the problem tho, the United states isnt the powerhouse it used to be where the central banks can just let us run up the tab as high as high as possible with no repercussions. China is a major player and ready and willing to play the role we usually play when countries default on their debt.

So if history is any indicator throwing money at a problem never solves anything. It may bandage it for a few years but the house of cards always crumbles. Look at the original new deal. Social security probably won't be around when you and I get old enough to collect it. They've pushed the age to collect it to 65 when the average life expectancy of a black man is 63 and they still give out more money than they take in.

So let's say we spend all this money and give everyone a nice government job and a college education. Sounds sweet. But the thing about prices is, if more people have money, the prices of goods goes up. Have you ever heard the stories of people in the Soviet union using wheelbarrows full of money to buy a loaf of bread? And if everyone has a college degree, the degree itself becomes less valuable. Remember when a high school diploma was enough to find a job making a nice living wage? Then the market flooded and you needed a degree, an associate's degree was enough. Then the market got flooded again, now you need a bachelor's degree to make $30,000. So people got master's degrees. You see where I'm going with this?

So now, we've bankrupted the country, devalued the dollar even further, and devalued education. The rich have long since fled the high taxes. Now what?

Do you now see why situations like Venezuela happen? China steps in and "liberates" us

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Speaking out against one thing doesn't mean I'm for another. That's a childish way of thinking and not befitting of a grown man.

I care because, like I said before, 90 trillion dollars doesn't just fall out of the sky. So let's say we do this and run up the debt.
Im going to cut it here before I play armchair economist with someone who just had these points argued in this same thread. Answer me this one question among the others you've dodged constantly

Why does this matter to you personally?

Actual implementation of climate change bills and costs will come with specific bills, which can be debated and voted on like the rest. Spare me the dystopian scenarios
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May 7, 2012
Im going to cut it here before I play armchair economist with someone who just had these points argued in this same thread. Answer me this one question among the others you've dodged constantly

Why does this matter to you personally?

Actual implementation of climate change bills and costs will come with specific bills, which can be debated and voted on like the rest. Spare me the dystopian scenarios

It matters to me because I'd like my grandchildren not to be raised in a united states either decimated by debt, or owned by China, just so people can feel good about themselves now for getting a participation degree and a busy work government job. The fact that you seem unwilling to think about the future consequences of actions is troubling but not surprising. It's pretty much why we're in the situation we're in now. I guess humans are inherently lazy and selfish and there will always be people, right and left, to take advantage of it.

we'll just have to agree to disagree.