Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Briahna Joy Gray dance around reparations at SXSW


Aug 6, 2015
This is a really good one too cause I believe whole heartedly in reparations

1) we were already promised them but didn't get them

2) other groups DO get them

So fukc. That. shyt. I want mines too

The trick is: "Sit out so Trump can win, then somehow magically that gets you CLOSER to reparations"

Another trick: "Just because they are Black doesn't mean you're on the same side. Divide Black people up into 17 smaller factions who will bicker amongst each other"

Reparations: good

Letting Trump win again: bad

Bickering with other Black people over who is Blacker than who: bad

I don't agree with not voting -- and the majority of ADOS do not agree with this either. I think that is Tariq saying that. I do agree with him on tangibles -- but due to our ancestors being killed and fighting since Reconstruction for the right to vote - I can not -- not Vote.

ADOS is not about who is "black" enough -- it's never been about that -- but distractors think so for some reason. We are also not bickering -- I think we are now all at a point where we realized it's best not to engage and debate with them - them being anti-ADOS and concern trolls.

But ADOS is not anti-Black immigrant. Sure, it's some people in ADOS who are -- but the movement isn't.

On the other stuff..

you can't say you are for reparations and be "anti-ADOS" and/or be on some -- "I think we are owed it BUT..." or "I want you all to get it but Im not down with" insert some ish that don't have anything to do with reparations. Either you support ADOS - or you don't --ADOS is the path to reparations.

All in all -- it will all work out in the end. :smile:
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May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
The Trump/Russian bots love the division........................but it is a problem that's going to have to be solved.

The Dems don't want to appeal exclusively to us because all the non-black Dems (hipster whites, immigrant Latinos/Asians/Africans etc) will get upset. Unfortunately for them, we are by far the most reliable Dem voters and they need our 90% just to have a chance. Without us, there's no mathematical path to victory.

#ADOS is forcing them to declare in a non-ambiguous way. Either they are on our side or they aren't. There's definitely a split in the party: the Bernie Bros wing that's liberal but doesn't really care about black issues and the #ADOS supporters.

We got the juice now :wow:

Peter Popoff

Baba Yega in black uptowns
Dec 25, 2012
:mjlol: Free Education... Meanwhile white man and white familes hoarding generational wealth built by our anscestors....:camby: BLACK PEOPLE'S MEDIAN INCOMES WILL BECOME 0 IN THE FUTURE... WE WILL BE A PERMANENT UNDERCLASS... what good is an education if no one who's white will hire us... :mindblown: Think muthafukka!!!:dahell:
VA loans to own our own businesses and hire our own ppl. Education to understand how the business works. I don't wanna work for these cacs, I just wanna take out a loan interest free to invest in my own shyt and create my own black wall street.


Aug 6, 2015
VA loans to own our own businesses and hire our own ppl. Education to understand how the business works. I don't wanna work for these cacs, I just wanna take out a loan interest free to invest in my own shyt and create my own black wall street.

Why loans though? We are owed. Grants. Also, education should be included in the reparations plan - but that is not the way out of our issues. What about those who are too old for college, those who don't want to go to college, those who are in trades? Those who are already in business and struggling to stay open and compete?

Again -- we need the H.R. 40 passed so we can put together a panel of scholars and experts to come up with the true plan on making us whole. Yes, free education is vital, so is loan/debt forgiveness -- but it's so much more needed.

For instance check out the Black Belt -- the median income is about 20K -- and most are past college age -- they need resources, funding and more. Education and giving them MORE loans they can't afford isn't smart.

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
VA loans to own our own businesses and hire our own ppl. Education to understand how the business works. I don't wanna work for these cacs, I just wanna take out a loan interest free to invest in my own shyt and create my own black wall street.
I don’t understand the loan argument

Why would you want reparations to be something you have to pay back


Aug 6, 2015
I don’t understand the loan argument

Why would you want reparations to be something you have to pay back

Especially all the land theft, redlining, property tax scams, white terrorism and insurance and land scams that have been executed on ADOS. Forget a VA Loan.

My daddy got that (VA Loan) before I was born and it helped my parents purchase their first home. He had to pay it back too. Why would want something to payback again - when we are owed.


All Star
May 22, 2012
This is what Mr. Darity is suggesting:

1) First, individuals would have to establish that they are indeed descendants of persons formerly enslaved in the United States, and

2) Second, individuals would have to establish that at least 10 years prior to the adoption of a reparations program they self-identified as ‘‘black,’’ ‘‘African American,’’ ‘‘Negro,’’ or ‘‘colored.’This would preclude persons who have lived as white, thereby benefiting from white privilege, suddenly claiming a black identity to access reparations. (Darity and Frank, 2003:327).

Dr. Darity has explained #2 and said that this would mean self-identifying on government documents that you are "Black" "African American" "Negro" or "Colored"...nothing else. The criteria would not be based on skin color or DNA....only LINEAGE....if that committee uses Dr. Darity's criteria.​

Thanks @dj-method-x for sharing the above with me a while ago. :smile:

So going by that -- I am confident those who are half-ADOS are definitely eligible. I am not sure what the levels will be -- but reparations is not just about money -- it will be multi-faceted. That is why the H.R.40 bill is greatly needed.

If one needs to find out if their ancestors were enslaved in America -- please visit -- and sign up -- it's free and start doing your family tree.

All of that makes sense. It’ll be a sh*t show having millions of people trying to prove all of that, but it makes sense nonetheless. But that’s not what homeboy said. He implied that only 100% ADOS would get reparations... and that would be a stupid flimsy leg to try to stand on. What if one parent was mixed and the other was 100%? 75%ers couldn’t get it either? lol. Y’all need to get on the same page and keep holding people accountable, otherwise the opposition is going pick this apart when people say stupid things like that... and it’ll weaken your movement, however necessary it may be.

Peter Popoff

Baba Yega in black uptowns
Dec 25, 2012
Especially all the land theft, redlining, property tax scams, white terrorism and insurance and land scams that have been executed on ADOS. Forget a VA Loan.

My daddy got that (VA Loan) before I was born and it helped my parents purchase their first home. He had to pay it back too. Why would want something to payback again - when we are owed.
I didn't think about it that way. In reality, fukk this country.


Aug 6, 2015
All of that makes sense. It’ll be a sh*t show having millions of people trying to prove all of that, but it makes sense nonetheless. But that’s not what homeboy said. He implied that only 100% ADOS would get reparations... and that would be a stupid flimsy leg to try to stand on. What if one parent was mixed and the other was 100%? 75%ers couldn’t get it either? lol. Y’all need to get on the same page and keep holding people accountable, otherwise the opposition is going pick this apart when people say stupid things like that... and it’ll weaken your movement, however necessary it may be.

Honestly, it's not -- and let's be real -- the government know who is ADOS.

But, I do think there will be a sprouting of Genealogy businesses and companies that are birthed from this movement. Knowing your family tree is vital.

Yeah, a lot of people are putting in their opinions - but in the end - I think Mr. Darity and possible others from the H.R.40 panel will determine the requirements.

And YES! I was on YouTube this week and it's a MESS. It's all types of people weighing in and talking ish. Also, fighting back and forth with Black immigrants on videos.

As a whole -- ADOS needs to get it together.

I think it's going to be branch out into other ADOS movements sadly. But, I hope it doesn't. In the end -- we are all fighting for the same thing.

Like the Civil Rights Movement -- it was so many people doing their own thing in that -- but we had one goal -- well those who were fighting.

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
Especially all the land theft, redlining, property tax scams, white terrorism and insurance and land scams that have been executed on ADOS. Forget a VA Loan.

My daddy got that (VA Loan) before I was born and it helped my parents purchase their first home. He had to pay it back too. Why would want something to payback again - when we are owed.
Exactly. It's just continuing a legacy of vulnerability to predatory nature.

I feel like the loans and free/reduced education argument tends to tie into the "if we get reparations we'll just blow it" rhetoric. Like we need to kept on a leash to make sure we "do right".
Like you said, specific loans should be relegated to ados and made more available and forgiven; but as apart of a list of corrective actions, not the only thing


All Star
May 22, 2012
Honestly, it's not -- and let's be real -- the government know who is ADOS.

But, I do think there will be a sprouting of Genealogy businesses and companies that are birthed from this movement. Knowing your family tree is vital.

Yeah, a lot of people are putting in their opinions - but in the end - I think Mr. Darity and possible others from the H.R.40 panel will determine the requirements.

And YES! I was on YouTube this week and it's a MESS. It's all types of people weighing in and talking ish. Also, fighting back and forth with Black immigrants on videos.

As a whole -- ADOS needs to get it together.

I think it's going to be branch out into other ADOS movements sadly. But, I hope it doesn't. In the end -- we are all fighting for the same thing.

Like the Civil Rights Movement -- it was so many people doing their own thing in that -- but we had one goal -- well those who were fighting.

For your sake, I hope it works out. But if this turns into an application process, it will indeed be a sh** show. The amount of ways to try to undermine this process will be almost infinite. The right people will need to be involved in the process from the beginning (how do you choose those people and who chooses them), you’ll have to sift through the people attempting to defraud the process, and you’ll have to monitor it to make sure no one is taken advantage of (I.e bribed, coerced, blackmailed) to push the process to failure. And considering we live in America, all of these scenarios are more than likely.

People have taken advantage of every social program to date and now we’re talking about a social program for black people only? People are going to be waiting in line to tear this down. I’m not saying don’t move forward. All I’m saying is not to be naive about human nature... and that includes the black people you’re trying to help.

I can already predict that there will be some payday loan type service out there trying to give people a monetary advance reparations for a “small service fee.” That’s the type stuff people need to be thinking about now. A lot of black people will get reparations and lose half of it before the metaphorical check clears because of some crooks taking advantage of people.