This is a really good one too cause I believe whole heartedly in reparations
1) we were already promised them but didn't get them
2) other groups DO get them
So fukc. That. shyt. I want mines too
The trick is: "Sit out so Trump can win, then somehow magically that gets you CLOSER to reparations"
Another trick: "Just because they are Black doesn't mean you're on the same side. Divide Black people up into 17 smaller factions who will bicker amongst each other"
Reparations: good
Letting Trump win again: bad
Bickering with other Black people over who is Blacker than who: bad
I don't agree with not voting -- and the majority of ADOS do not agree with this either. I think that is Tariq saying that. I do agree with him on tangibles -- but due to our ancestors being killed and fighting since Reconstruction for the right to vote - I can not -- not Vote.
ADOS is not about who is "black" enough -- it's never been about that -- but distractors think so for some reason. We are also not bickering -- I think we are now all at a point where we realized it's best not to engage and debate with them - them being anti-ADOS and concern trolls.
But ADOS is not anti-Black immigrant. Sure, it's some people in ADOS who are -- but the movement isn't.
On the other stuff..
you can't say you are for reparations and be "anti-ADOS" and/or be on some -- "I think we are owed it BUT..." or "I want you all to get it but Im not down with" insert some ish that don't have anything to do with reparations. Either you support ADOS - or you don't --ADOS is the path to reparations.
All in all -- it will all work out in the end.

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