Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Briahna Joy Gray dance around reparations at SXSW


Aug 6, 2015
For your sake, I hope it works out. But if this turns into an application process, it will indeed be a sh** show. The amount of ways to try to undermine this process will be almost infinite. The right people will need to be involved in the process from the beginning (how do you choose those people and who chooses them), you’ll have to sift through the people attempting to defraud the process, and you’ll have to monitor it to make sure no one is taken advantage of (I.e bribed, coerced, blackmailed) to push the process to failure. And considering we live in America, all of these scenarios are more than likely.

People have taken advantage of every social program to date and now we’re talking about a social program for black people only? People are going to be waiting in line to tear this down. I’m not saying don’t move forward. All I’m saying is not to be naive about human nature... and that includes the black people you’re trying to help.

I can already predict that there will be some payday loan type service out there trying to give people a monetary advance reparations for a “small service fee.” That’s the type stuff people need to be thinking about now. A lot of black people will get reparations and lose half of it before the metaphorical check clears because of some crooks taking advantage of people.

I agree. I am so worried about this. But, I hope that the government does not ALLOW this -- we have to be very adamant about that.


All Star
May 22, 2012
Honestly, it's not -- and let's be real -- the government know who is ADOS.

But, I do think there will be a sprouting of Genealogy businesses and companies that are birthed from this movement. Knowing your family tree is vital.

Yeah, a lot of people are putting in their opinions - but in the end - I think Mr. Darity and possible others from the H.R.40 panel will determine the requirements.

And YES! I was on YouTube this week and it's a MESS. It's all types of people weighing in and talking ish. Also, fighting back and forth with Black immigrants on videos.

As a whole -- ADOS needs to get it together.

I think it's going to be branch out into other ADOS movements sadly. But, I hope it doesn't. In the end -- we are all fighting for the same thing.

Like the Civil Rights Movement -- it was so many people doing their own thing in that -- but we had one goal -- well those who were fighting.
Another question for you since you seem to be more knowledgeable about the movement at its foundation:

Let’s say you are from a family who are descendants of slaves. Grandmother, Grandfather, Children and Granchildren are all living.

Who gets reparations. Just the grandparents since they are still alive? The Grandparents and their children? Grandparents, Children and Grandchildren?

Will you have to be a certain age to receive reparations? Is there an age limit for receiving reparations? We are so far removed from slavery that I’m curious to how that’s going to work. If there are limits and cutoffs, there are going to be some very upset people. Especially if your family isn’t on the best terms.

Surprisingly today was the first time I even thought about this. Just wasn’t sure if this topic had been discussed before.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
3 kids and one on the way. :damn:

They going for that 60 million. Here is the question, how many are undocumented?
theres estimates that theres between 10-20 million undocumented and like 85% of them are from latin america who knows...cause you can't ...document them..

Remember, we're talking literally about people who DO NOT EXIST on paper. Theres illegal aliens then theres flat out UNDOCUMENTED ones.

Immigrants in America: Key Charts and Facts

Key findings about U.S. immigrants


Aug 6, 2015
Another question for you since you seem to be more knowledgeable about the movement at its foundation:

Let’s say you are from a family who are descendants of slaves. Grandmother, Grandfather, Children and Granchildren are all living.

Who gets reparations. Just the grandparents since they are still alive? The Grandparents and their children? Grandparents, Children and Grandchildren?

Will you have to be a certain age to receive reparations? Is there an age limit for receiving reparations? We are so far removed from slavery that I’m curious to how that’s going to work. If there are limits and cutoffs, there are going to be some very upset people. Especially if your family isn’t on the best terms.

Surprisingly today was the first time I even thought about this. Just wasn’t sure if this topic had been discussed before.

Yeah, it's plenty of ADOS who have that situation.

I think it will be per household. Meaning if you have a ADOS family in one household. Then your Grandparents are in one household. And so on. If those Grandkids are now grown with kids that is a household.

I don't think age will be a factor. We are not really that far removed. My 2nd Great Grandparents were enslaved. Meaning my Grannie's and Grandfathers Grandparents.

But, I do think reparations will not be just money -- it will be resources, grants and credits, wiping out debt. student loan forgiveness, free education, insurance and more. Concentrating on ADOS communities is vital as well. I don't think just money is the way -- as we all say -- it's multifaceted.

The H.R. 40 bill is the only way to figure out all these questions and possibly issues -- that why I hope it's passed soon.

Peter Popoff

Baba Yega in black uptowns
Dec 25, 2012
I guess what i'm saying is that white ppl advantage over us is credit. Even though generational wealth has assisted them, they're able to bounce back off good credit. If we even got a fourth of the benefits they have, we'd easily have the upper hand....and that's what they're scared of.


Aug 6, 2015
I guess what i'm saying is that white ppl advantage over us is credit. Even though generational wealth has assisted them, they're able to bounce back off good credit. If we even got a fourth of the benefits they have, we'd easily have the upper hand....and that's what they're scared of.
I agree. That is why debt forgiveness, financial literacy, and some requirements for using reparations funds should be required. Black Banks and credit unions back into our communities again.

I say set some of it up like a trust fund -- you don't get to use it until a certain age -- and it's approved under certain guidelines. But, I know that is telling people what to do.

But, I think some rules and requirements are dire.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
I don't agree with not voting -- and the majority of ADOS do not agree with this either. I think that is Tariq saying that. I do agree with him on tangibles -- but due to our ancestors being killed and fighting since Reconstruction for the right to vote - I can not -- not Vote.

ADOS is not about who is "black" enough -- it's never been about that -- but distractors think so for some reason. We are also not bickering -- I think we are now all at a point where we realized it's best not to engage and debate with them - them being anti-ADOS and concern trolls.

But ADOS is not anti-Black immigrant. Sure, it's some people in ADOS who are -- but the movement isn't.

On the other stuff..

you can't say you are for reparations and be "anti-ADOS" and/or be on some -- "I think we are owed it BUT..." or "I want you all to get it but Im not down with" insert some ish that don't have anything to do with reparations. Either you support ADOS - or you don't --ADOS is the path to reparations.

All in all -- it will all work out in the end. :smile:

You said it all with the voting thing

I don't care about anything else in that platform besides

Telling people not to vote

Creating divisions between Black people

So if you're on the right side of those two issues then I am down with you 100%

The basic idea is people think someone is gonna pay their ass to vote. Dangling that carrot out there is what makes many gung ho about NOT voting

"So all I gotta do is NOT vote and someone will send me a check for $100k!"

I think some people don't understand well enough to unpack all this talk so the idea of a check for every Black person in return for a vote seems like a great idea

But everyone knows this is a slow burn at best so we can work on it AND get rig of the Nazis in our government

Its not either or


Aug 6, 2015
You said it all with the voting thing

I don't care about anything else in that platform besides

Telling people not to vote

Creating divisions between Black people

So if you're on the right side of those two issues then I am down with you 100%

The basic idea is people think someone is gonna pay their ass to vote. Dangling that carrot out there is what makes many gung ho about NOT voting

"So all I gotta do is NOT vote and someone will send me a check for $100k!"

I think some people don't understand well enough to unpack all this talk so the idea of a check for every Black person in return for a vote seems like a great idea

But everyone knows this is a slow burn at best so we can work on it AND get rig of the Nazis in our government

Its not either or

I kind of understand the logic behind those saying they won't vote -- but I just don't see how that will help. It's also dishonorable to our ancestors, IMO.

If we stop voting -- I don't see how that will make anyone fight for us to vote. We will get wrote off as always. We have to be a united vote -- now what party -- I don't know -- I say who pledges tangibles or specific solutions for BLACK/ADOS people.

And this (ADOS) does not stop with the 2020 election -- we have to keep this momentum and movement before, during and after.

People who are jumping in for reparations need to put work in -- meaning feet on the ground and learning about ADOS history so they can be well-informed.

Tariq should be pushing that -- not don't vote. Push them to be active in the community - but the right and professional way.

Not just anybody saying "hey - we want tangibles! -- when they don't even know what tangibles mean. Make sure they know what we are due - and can explain that to anyone who ask.