Nah...Rock wrestled more, didn't have a year off, and produced the best feuds of the generation. Who would Cripple H bewithout Rock? Kurt Angle? Foley would of fell off he didn't play the Rock's sidekick in 99..Rock had fans paying for a damn Al Snow cage match...louder than any match AJ Styles or Shawn Michaels have ever been in.
Rock was very important to the era but I felt Austin was more so the face/backbone of the era.
Hell him feuding with Bret brought in the Attitude Era, his entire attitude in that feud when it came to being so defiant against Vince starting their long feud, beating HBK at Mania 15. Going into the Foley/Dude Love feud, the Taker feud, the Rock feud, etc literally the entire 99 Rumble match was about Austin vs. Vince.
Not to mention his 1996 King of the Ring speech.
"Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass." Which literally was pushing out the old era(since he was speaking to Jake Roberts who he just beat, basically told dude to hang up his boots) and ushering in the new era.