:stupid: I wonder who had the bright idea of selling these. I cringe at the thought of some of the sick things that will be done to it.
Looks like they made up *rolls eyes*
I have no idea what the WWE is trying to do with this group now. If Ziggs can appear with AJ/E on the apps.etc why not the actual show?
Lord knows I HATE this freaking pairing with every fiber of my being, but I must admit, they do look cute together.
He wearing AJ shirt, but he was alone when he has a match... WWELogic
It's impossible having Dolph as a face and AJ as a heel together. There's no logic.
I just don't get why they don't split them. And I actually had a master plan about how they should break up. But I don't know if the things I'm thinking are actually going to happen or if that's even possible because Dolph and AJ are super happy doing separate and different things.