Automation in my experience (manufacturing background) usually makes jobs easier and safer. Doesn't erase them.But as time goes on, the new jobs will become automated. It is not like the industrial revolution because of the speed of technological advancement from a.i will be instant. @Savvir had mentioned that it will take at least ten years. The millions of jobs that might not offer the best pay but provide employment for millions of Americans will be automated.
A.i will become hostile the moment it is able to become weaponised.
But lets imagine a scenario where an AI machine actually does take all the human jobs.
Is that bad? That just means we would all live a life of leisure and pursue our interest. Robots aren't going to eat our food or take our homes.
business owners still have to sell food or homes to humans at the end of the day, so prices would gradually fall on everything (deflation) until the cost of living is basically free.