After The Zimmerman Trial And What It Means For Us...


Mar 18, 2013
No, what's sad is when bytch nikkas like you continue to parrot this straw man talking point that has JACK shyt to do with this case and its implications. I'm TIRED of this fukking LIE that black people aren't upset by and working to end black on black violence. It's a fukking myth and isn't immaterial to what happened in Florida.

whats a myth? nikkas is expected to die in the hood. as long as its by black hands its just another day in the neighborhood :manny:. i dont see this outrage u talking about. somebody might be like "damn thats fukked up whats going on in chicago" n the next might be like "speaking of chicago u heard that new track by lil' murda? shyt IS TIGHT! DAT nikka KEEP IT REAL SON"


To update, in the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and the Zimmerman verdict, 11,106 African Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans.

UPDATE: In 503 Days Between Trayvon Shooting and Zimmerman Verdict, 10,865 Blacks Murdered by OTHER BLACKS | Independent Journal Review


May 1, 2012
How do I join the "fight"?

Please tell me what I'm supposed to do. Go riot? Maybe take off from work to go protest outside of the office of a rich white guy who thinks it's amusing? Send a email to my congressman?

Please explain what I should be doing right now.

King Poetic

I’m Washed
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California

i'm doing part. i'm telling blacks don't waste there money on kanye & apc sh!t buy some cheap sh!t


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
how can some of you continue to make the topics you do and discuss the meaningless bullshyt that so many of you waste your time arguing over? kanye's sweatshirt collab with apc? stanning for jay-z? worrying yourself over chris brown?

after the verdict, i shouldered a combination of depression and anger, taking myself to bed and trying in vain to fall asleep. while some of you are on here bickering over BULLshyt, there are protests taking place in LA, NY, and other cities RIGHT NOW.

seriously, if you're BLACK, :stop: with the dumb topics and get your fukking mind right. we could be in the midst of a much needed awakening, one that finally sees us confront the nationwide assault on our brothers and sisters. it has always been taking place since the supposed end of jim crow, but obama's presidency only made them more flagrant with their racism, and this zimmerman trial cemented how these cac fakkits really think about us. they :cape: for this hispanic fakkit the same way their ancestors would :cape: for a house ****** who snitched on a slave about to break free from the plantation.

if you have any respect for yourself and your fellow black man and woman, open your eyes and join the fight. stop c00ning. stop caring about meaningless shyt. start fighting for your rights.

You're a fukking biracial mulatto.

Shut the fukk up and mind your own confused business.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
i read somewhere that something like 11,000 black males have been murdered in america since the murder of trayvon. nobody losing sleep over black on black crime for some reason :mjpls:. thats almost like saying its ok for a black dude to kill a black dude, but let a white dude do it and its on! (kinda like the use of the n-word). shyt murder among blacks and latinos is not only accepted, its glorified thru rap. nobody marching over that shyt tho. its kinda sad what that says about us minorities as a whole.

So just because we kill each other and get thrown under the jail that makes it ok for white people to do it and get away with it? I mean they have been killing us for years before we started doing it ot ourselves. You think us making peace with each other will stop acts of racism? Know your history

Nobody cares when innocent Chicago nikkas get merked :patrice:

Black on Black violence isnt the problem...the problem is it got a label. Instead of it just being violence, people...(white people) decided to put a label on it so it can just be written off and not be dealt with like how a society should deal with it. Instead we just get thrown aside by already hyper violent society. All because of the race label. You had newton shooting, columbine, the Aurora movie shooting the Oklahoma city bombing, waco and other shootings that take place and you never hear the term white on white violence, you always hear its a tragedy, we should all come together and pray for the families, have donations and counseling.

They wouldnt dare put a label of color on it, but when it comes to us, no need for donations, grief counseling etc its just blacks killing each tragedy there. Now we have blacks saying the same thing, downplaying our own deaths. Its just not about us, its about this society being a violent fukking mess and we just get blame and the most hurt from it for being at the other end of the stick. So quick to throw rap songs in our face, but what about the video games, arnold, stallone, wills's action movies. Cartoons of guns, violence etc. WW2 propaganda cartoons, the list goes on. Long story short, black on black violence isnt the problem, living in a violent society is the problem.

If we stop killing each other, all that will is leave more for white people to kill. This is why putting a color of race on violence is counter productive. All races need to stop killing period.
May 1, 2012
How do I join the "fight"?

Please tell me what I'm supposed to do. Go riot? Maybe take off from work to go protest outside of the office of a rich white guy who thinks it's amusing? Send a email to my congressman?

Please explain what I should be doing right now.

Join a protest. I did. Make your anger known. Raise the treble of the anger and they won't be able to avoid it. This self destructive defeatism is what white people want. You can sit here and make snarky posts like yours, or you can actually fight for your value as a human being.

Your choice.


Mar 18, 2013
So just because we kill each other and get thrown under the jail that makes it ok for white people to do it and get away with it? I mean they have been killing us for years before we started doing it ot ourselves. You think us making peace with each other will stop acts of racism? Know your history

Black on Black violence isnt the problem...the problem is it got a label. Instead of it just being violence, people...(white people) decided to put a label on it so it can just be written off and not be dealt with like how a society should deal with it. Instead we just get thrown aside by already hyper violent society. All because of the race label. You had newton shooting, columbine, the Aurora movie shooting the Oklahoma city bombing, waco and other shootings that take place and you never hear the term white on white violence, you always hear its a tragedy, we should all come together and pray for the families, have donations and counseling.

They wouldnt dare put a label of color on it, but when it comes to us, no need for donations, grief counseling etc its just blacks killing each tragedy there. Now we have blacks saying the same thing, downplaying our own deaths. Its just not about us, its about this society being a violent fukking mess and we just get blame and the most hurt from it for being at the other end of the stick. So quick to throw rap songs in our face, but what about the video games, arnold, stallone, wills's action movies. Cartoons of guns, violence etc. WW2 propaganda cartoons, the list goes on. Long story short, black on black violence isnt the problem, living in a violent society is the problem.

If we stop killing each other, all that will is leave more for white people to kill. This is why putting a color of race on violence is counter productive. All races need to stop killing period.

see ya take it too far. all of a sudden theres scores of white dudes out there cleaning their guns ready to massacre black people.

if black people (and latinos) stopped killing each other and being so violent, then we will be taken more seriously. thats what will happen. but while we doing the stupid shyt we do and glorifying it, then us killing each other wont mean shyt to anybody.

of course its a tragedy when some white dude blows up a building or shoots up a school or a movie theatre. he just killed a bunch of kids that werent doing a god damn thing. how can u compare that to 2 rival gangs wiping each other out over drug turf?

and 1 more point, the difference between rap music and violent video games and movies is that action movie stars dont need STREET CREDIBILITY nor do DIRECTORS or VIDEO GAME DEVELOPERS. RAPPERS HAVE TO HAVE STREET CREDIBILITY. a rapper that does not live the life he raps about gets chastised and run out of the scene. im not talking about the mainstream guys like drake or kanye that win over white people, im talking about the kids from the street trying to make a name for themselves as rappers. Let nikkas find out that Uncle Murda actually never sold drugs or banged on anyone or that Biggie Smalls and Tupac never actually hustled or held a gun and are afraid of guns and enjoy reading books and drinking tea. ITS OVER FOR THEM. THAT part of the culture is what breeds more and more violence. In the urban community, street credibility = manhood.

shyt i actually heard some nikka in a rap song say "u never hustled yousa worker nikka/9-5 slave to the system n im out here getting money and thuggin"(im paraphrasing i dont remember). i just shook my head and laughed.


Feb 21, 2013
Lakers, Dodgers
Join a protest. I did. Make your anger known. Raise the treble of the anger and they won't be able to avoid it. This self destructive defeatism is what white people want. You can sit here and make snarky posts like yours, or you can actually fight for your value as a human being.

Your choice.

destroy your city brehs! :skip: thatll show white people. :comeon:


strawberry bubblegum
Jul 20, 2012
Nobody cares when innocent Chicago nikkas get merked :patrice:

Why do yall keep bringing up this sorry ass excuse? Its not true. There are a lot of black people who rally and try hard to bring attention and a solution to whats happening in Chi. :dahell:

The thing is, that is not centered on as much as this case has been.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
see ya take it too far. all of a sudden theres scores of white dudes out there cleaning their guns ready to massacre black people.
if black people (and latinos) stopped killing each other and being so violent, then we will be taken more seriously. thats what will happen. but while we doing the stupid shyt we do and glorifying it, then us killing each other wont mean shyt to anybody.

of course its a tragedy when some white dude blows up a building or shoots up a school or a movie theatre. he just killed a bunch of kids that werent doing a god damn thing. how can u compare that to 2 rival gangs wiping each other out over drug turf?

and 1 more point, the difference between rap music and violent video games and movies is that action movie stars dont need STREET CREDIBILITY nor do DIRECTORS or VIDEO GAME DEVELOPERS. RAPPERS HAVE TO HAVE STREET CREDIBILITY. a rapper that does not live the life he raps about gets chastised and run out of the scene. im not talking about the mainstream guys like drake or kanye that win over white people, im talking about the kids from the street trying to make a name for themselves as rappers. Let nikkas find out that Uncle Murda actually never sold drugs or banged on anyone or that Biggie Smalls and Tupac never actually hustled or held a gun and are afraid of guns and enjoy reading books and drinking tea. ITS OVER FOR THEM. THAT part of the culture is what breeds more and more violence. In the urban community, street credibility = manhood.

shyt i actually heard some nikka in a rap song say "u never hustled yousa worker nikka/9-5 slave to the system n im out here getting money and thuggin"(im paraphrasing i dont remember). i just shook my head and laughed.

:mindblown: so they not preparing to do that?

Gang war in the hood produce more innocent deaths then it does for gang members. I think thats a tragedy, but no one gave a fukk but us. But when some kids get killed in a suburban town, now we wanna start talking gun laws

Riddle me this though, how did we get so violent?

Do you just think we woke up and started killing each other?


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
i almost beat the brakes off a snitch last night for trying to actively defend the Babel-On boys in my presence,but i realized it twas truly a fruitless endeavor,dude called me "Blackwashed",but truthfully i prolly lost for trying to talk sense with a meth head

the wound's still too fresh though,and i'm a flour doggie:manny:

don't know how to really phrase this right per say but this is the Coli,fukk it,it really pains me on how many minorities in general rationalize this garbage now-a-dayze,trying to talk logic about this shyt while a genocide is in the works,this Stockholm Syndrome shyt has to be obliterated

if i'm a wigga so be it:ehh:

i'll say one thing though aside from the emotional aspect,this shyt was a setup from the beginning,Trayvon could be O'Bomba's son but all the dead melanin rich youth in Chicago can't? BET won't play a video with anything resembling a message on 106th&Park but they care about Trayvon? Then last night after the encounter with the snitch afore i passed out i see the LA Riots documentary on VH1&Higher Learning on BET concurrently.

what are they trying to incite?


Jun 1, 2012
If you wanna do something, report the crimes in your area, do volunteer work, etc

armchair revolutionaries are a joke.