After observing the SAHBI video for "PULL UP WITH A STICK"..i think i owe PHONZI an apology

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
If you recall, '03 was around the time BET was exposed for keeping more thought provoking, intelligent rap videos out of programming and playing a lot more mindless bullshyt. That directive didn't come from the shot callers at BET...that most likely came from Viacom. Every poster in this thread who doesn't see the correlation between the negative images and music our community is inundated with and the strategy of keeping us chained to violence, drugs and misogyny is functionally retarded and not worth going back and forth with...and it's about 4 of you dudes in this thread.

03 was when Lil Jon blew up and made the south rise in the mainstream. Also, lyricism took a MAJOR backseat. They dumbed us down AND put out even more negative images.

Dixon Cider

Doing numbers and breaking stan hearts
Sep 8, 2014
Coli Suburbs
I was trying to explain to someone white how AA's are given the shyt end of the stick to someone and brought up efeminization,gentrification, prison populus, drug culture,crack epidemic etc and it's terrible all around when you aren't white.


"Get out" in theaters now.


Feb 2, 2016
And dudes is asking for the statistical evidence that shows the negative effect rap music has on the youth lol come on now

Way too many other variables involved to even quantify it

I can provide proof its not
Lemme share this...

Don't know how old you are, but im old enough to where the radio was completely different. Your sexual or violent message had to ne carefully hidden in metaphors or similes.

None of that shyt where the key words are bleeped. You had to make a real CLEAN version to get play.

As a youth we didn't like that and championed 2 Live Crew to win their court case. Radio completely changed after them.

Now, on the radio today, while you're riding with your kids. You will hear songs with the sexual or violent lyrics barely bleeped. A idiot can place the one profane word bleeped out. You hear things about one leg over here, the other leg over there, and I'm in the middle smashing.

Kids now through media know much more than we did as kids. They're exposed to it early. That's why kids in large numbers are fukking as early as 6th grade!

Music isn't the cause of course. But it is the soundtrack. Many kids wouldn't know shyt bout dope or guns if not for music. Many kids don't have crackhead parents now. Why are they still yearning to grow up like they do? Because the artists they see and hear portray themselves as growing up in thay environment.

Kids now through media know much more than we did as kids

This is the reason why music has changed, call it a sign of the times, the country is way less private thanks to social media breh. You talk about sexual music, when kids can go on facebook and twitter and or youtube or world star hiphop, and see nudity, violence, extreme violence, drug usage, drug endorsement. If not there what about the TV shows and movies they watch. The same shows we love to watch Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, The Wire, are shows that offer nonstop violence. What about the Sandy Hook massacre, the Boston Marathon we the whole damn world watch the police shoot thousands of rounds into a houseboat in attempts to obtain the accused terrorist.

The world is not the same world it used to be and social media/ the internet is the PRIMARY reason for this. You talking about vulgar lyrics.....when kids can on any porn website and see straight, gay, bi, animal, food, porn, you name its out there for them.

But you also made an interesting point. Kids championed 2 Live Crew, yet your not some sexed crazed pervert out there raping women are you? You didn't see women's normal outfit as 2 piece bikinis, because even back then you had common sense to know that of all the things that you were impressed by, music was the one that had the least affect on your decisions in life.

You might have smoke weed for the first time because of the chronic, or even dabbled in dealing a sack or two because UGK......but you didn't become a hardened criminal, you didn't become a fukking drug addict because of smoking weed. And this has ALWAYS been musics affect on the world. It can lead to some impressionable behavior but nobody is going to drop out of school or college and become a King Pin because some idiot on a song endorses it. Nobody is going to just decide to quite they job and go rob banks and people for the hell of it.

You know the people who are selling drugs and robbing people, people who either were already living that life, or people who are so hard up financially they have no choice......which often times is one in the same.

You stated we need to be honest with ourselves. That lil dude is probably going to make enough money to get his family out that apartment building, and maybe help other people in the process. If he didn't have that song, would even give 2 fukks about him, his family, those people. They would just poor ass nikkas living in poverty with no opportunity, nobody to help. So who the fukk are about them having guns around kids. Those kids are already in that life, hence the damn song. And the song wasn't influenced from some hiphop anthem, it was influenced by the life they live.....but here's the catch the fans that like the song......they aren't living in poverty most of em. They not toting guns.....they are white and black kids in college, Suburban fans with money to spend and not a care in the world, and the ones who are not rich who may listen to it might be more influenced by the music......but you and I both know they not going out buying guns to kill nikkas for the hell of it......that's not real life for a majority of Americans nor it is for Black Americans. Its like yall believe the entire black race lives in a non stop Boyz in the Hood movie. This is how I know cats like Phonzi are full of shyt. That dude don't know any black people.......all he knows world-star videos that's the extent of his "black experience" but he can't stop running his damn mouth about black people and hiphop.......when he has NEVER been in those environments to know the mindset of a majority of those people is to get out of poverty, not to indulge in reckless behavior. But he keep telling us the black race is one thug video away from extinction......its ridiculous


Pass me the rock nikka
Mar 12, 2013
I grew up in a white trash hood ass community. And no I don't know killers. Some of my child hood friends ended up being killers, but I didn't know them by that time. And you can talk about the nikkas in the video all you want, but they are a mere handful of the full majority of black people, so HOW THE fukk do they endorse genocide? Basically your double talking. If I don't know killers I didn't grow up in the hood, like that's the qualifications for living in a ghetto is mass murder.........foh talking out your ass like life is a 24/7 Menance II Society, I grew up in Kansas City (which in the 80's was the murder captial of the world) and the amount of violence I saw coming up was little to none. And its not because of my neighborhood, put simply the entire city is a hood.......but not every black man is a thug in those environments, Just like in the video you see something and start assuming you know whats going on. While you see "genocide" I saw an entire community coming together to support a young artist they were proud off. Just cause they have guns, don't mean they are thugs, they have ever used them, they dont just have them for protection, or they have them legally. All you see is the same same ol rhetoric, black negativity.....with no proof but bullshyt stereotypes
Murder cap of the world in the 80's? :dwillhuh:

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
I can provide proof its not

Kids now through media know much more than we did as kids

This is the reason why music has changed, call it a sign of the times, the country is way less private thanks to social media breh. You talk about sexual music, when kids can go on facebook and twitter and or youtube or world star hiphop, and see nudity, violence, extreme violence, drug usage, drug endorsement. If not there what about the TV shows and movies they watch. The same shows we love to watch Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, The Wire, are shows that offer nonstop violence. What about the Sandy Hook massacre, the Boston Marathon we the whole damn world watch the police shoot thousands of rounds into a houseboat in attempts to obtain the accused terrorist.

The world is not the same world it used to be and social media/ the internet is the PRIMARY reason for this. You talking about vulgar lyrics.....when kids can on any porn website and see straight, gay, bi, animal, food, porn, you name its out there for them.

But you also made an interesting point. Kids championed 2 Live Crew, yet your not some sexed crazed pervert out there raping women are you? You didn't see women's normal outfit as 2 piece bikinis, because even back then you had common sense to know that of all the things that you were impressed by, music was the one that had the least affect on your decisions in life.

You might have smoke weed for the first time because of the chronic, or even dabbled in dealing a sack or two because UGK......but you didn't become a hardened criminal, you didn't become a fukking drug addict because of smoking weed. And this has ALWAYS been musics affect on the world. It can lead to some impressionable behavior but nobody is going to drop out of school or college and become a King Pin because some idiot on a song endorses it. Nobody is going to just decide to quite they job and go rob banks and people for the hell of it.

You know the people who are selling drugs and robbing people, people who either were already living that life, or people who are so hard up financially they have no choice......which often times is one in the same.

You stated we need to be honest with ourselves. That lil dude is probably going to make enough money to get his family out that apartment building, and maybe help other people in the process. If he didn't have that song, would even give 2 fukks about him, his family, those people. They would just poor ass nikkas living in poverty with no opportunity, nobody to help. So who the fukk are about them having guns around kids. Those kids are already in that life, hence the damn song. And the song wasn't influenced from some hiphop anthem, it was influenced by the life they live.....but here's the catch the fans that like the song......they aren't living in poverty most of em. They not toting guns.....they are white and black kids in college, Suburban fans with money to spend and not a care in the world, and the ones who are not rich who may listen to it might be more influenced by the music......but you and I both know they not going out buying guns to kill nikkas for the hell of it......that's not real life for a majority of Americans nor it is for Black Americans. Its like yall believe the entire black race lives in a non stop Boyz in the Hood movie. This is how I know cats like Phonzi are full of shyt. That dude don't know any black people.......all he knows world-star videos that's the extent of his "black experience" but he can't stop running his damn mouth about black people and hiphop.......when he has NEVER been in those environments to know the mindset of a majority of those people is to get out of poverty, not to indulge in reckless behavior. But he keep telling us the black race is one thug video away from extinction......its ridiculous

All facts, these basement dwelling bozos need to go outside.

Dank Hill

May 25, 2012
I grew up in a white trash hood ass community. And no I don't know killers. Some of my child hood friends ended up being killers, but I didn't know them by that time. And you can talk about the nikkas in the video all you want, but they are a mere handful of the full majority of black people, so HOW THE fukk do they endorse genocide? Basically your double talking. If I don't know killers I didn't grow up in the hood, like that's the qualifications for living in a ghetto is mass murder.........foh talking out your ass like life is a 24/7 Menance II Society, I grew up in Kansas City (which in the 80's was the murder captial of the world) and the amount of violence I saw coming up was little to none. And its not because of my neighborhood, put simply the entire city is a hood.......but not every black man is a thug in those environments, Just like in the video you see something and start assuming you know whats going on. While you see "genocide" I saw an entire community coming together to support a young artist they were proud off. Just cause they have guns, don't mean they are thugs, they have ever used them, they dont just have them for protection, or they have them legally. All you see is the same same ol rhetoric, black negativity.....with no proof but bullshyt stereotypes


Feb 2, 2016
Did you grow up around other black people?

I grew up around all people except Hispanics......but KC back then was like 80% black. Actually I take that back, had a Mexican who lived next to us for a few years, remember cause he gave us a bag full of fireworks back in the day full of M80's on 4th of July.........the block was fukkING LIT.......:blessed:
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Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014


Feb 2, 2016
:mjlol: tore your feelings to pieces :laff:

Just hate emotional dumb nikkas who can't explain thier stance without resorting to using the most bytch ass cop out response on the board. And let it be known you never did respond to the post. But somehow I het the feeling you honestly couldnt if you tried