After being briefed today US congressman said the public not ready for Aliens (Update: NASA hearing Sept 14)


That nikka
May 28, 2012
Tampa Florida
That gets me the most when they claim the US government has been covering up all these crashes. As if the aliens only crash on US territory or our allies. If they crash on the wrong side of the border in cartel territory, what keeps the cartel from getting it first? Who gets the ones that crash in Haiti, or North Korea? Do we think that India or Brazil have the capacity to keep that shyt a secret if they landed in some slum or village?

If an alien spacecraft crashed in most of the world, there would be 100 tiktok videos and instagram posts before the first government official even got to the scene. They claim the USA is getting 1-2 of these every five years, which would mean multiple crashes every year if you're looking at the whole world. Yet we've literally never seen a single civilian photo of a single crashed UFO or alien body?
Damn,i never thought about it like that...

I think about how If there are "Bad" Aliens out there,what's stopping them from exposing themselves and enslaving us? The Reptilians got a contract with the US government too? Lol


May 21, 2012
That gets me the most when they claim the US government has been covering up all these crashes. As if the aliens only crash on US territory or our allies. If they crash on the wrong side of the border in cartel territory, what keeps the cartel from getting it first? Who gets the ones that crash in Haiti, or North Korea? Do we think that India or Brazil have the capacity to keep that shyt a secret if they landed in some slum or village?

If an alien spacecraft crashed in most of the world, there would be 100 tiktok videos and instagram posts before the first government official even got to the scene. They claim the USA is getting 1-2 of these every five years, which would mean multiple crashes every year if you're looking at the whole world. Yet we've literally never seen a single civilian photo of a single crashed UFO or alien body?
I’m going to assume the craft are being tracked by the government. They know where they supposedly crash and can get to the location before everybody. There are people that claim the gov takes civilian photos and threatens the people to never speak about what they see.

And we’ve already discussed how this isn’t only a us thing. I assume other countries may have craft to and are trying to reverse engineer them. They’d want to keep that technology to themselves and would hide it from the public.

The whistleblowers also claim the craft were found buried in the ground, meaning they had been there for a long time. Craft may also have been found in the ocean. Who knows how mapped out the ocean is by the government. I’m assuming it’s pretty good. They would be in the best situation to find craft in the ocean.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I’m going to assume the craft are being tracked by the government. They know where they supposedly crash and can get to the location before everybody.

That's clearly impossible. Where are the line-of-sight radar installations that would have to be covering the entire country? And how would they be able to discern alien craft from everything else in the air merely by a radar signal?

When the military wants to maintain radar control over an area, they have to have AWACs in the air over the entire area of operations. Where are the AWACs blanketing the entire USA at all times? How where is the thousands upon thousands of people it would take to monitor that? How would they tell what is a hawk/eagle/vulture in the air, what is a drone, what is a balloon, what is a private plane, and what is an alien craft? If it dropped off the radar, how would they know if it crashed, or if it just landed, of if it just went low?

Not to mention that these things supposedly go in and out of water and blink into other dimensions, right?

Talk to anyone who has ever dealt with such systems. Full surveillance over the entire country isn't remotely possible.

There are people that claim the gov takes civilian photos and threatens the people to never speak about what they see.

That hasn't been a viable excuse for 20 years - they'd already have been posted on the internet long before government could get involved.

And we’ve already discussed how this isn’t only a us thing. I assume other countries may have craft to and are trying to reverse engineer them. They’d want to keep that technology to themselves and would hide it from the public.

The whistleblowers also claim the craft were found buried in the ground, meaning they had been there for a long time. Craft may also have been found in the ocean. Who knows how mapped out the ocean is by the government. I’m assuming it’s pretty good. They would be in the best situation to find craft in the ocean.

Yet again, how would all those countries being keeping that shyt a secret from all their citizens? Even if India did want to reverse engineer a UFO, don't you realize how piss-poor Indian government/military efficiency is? There are 1,500 regular-ass Indians who would have seen the craft before the first government official got there. And there are a LOT of countries like that.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Joe Rogan. :mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

That's the Varginha incident. Almost every part of how he told the story is wrong, and some of it is so blatantly cap its fukking crazy.

1. The incident didn't begin with a UFO crash. It began when three teenage girls claimed they saw a "devil" on the street. It was later determined that they had just freaked out after seeing a dirty, mostly naked disabled man who lived in the neighborhood they were walking through.

They described the creature as brown, dirty, skinny, unsteady, hairless, with limited clothing, didn't talk, looked sick, red eyes, crouching in the dirt next to the wall.

Here are the recreations people made of the "alien" based on the girls' description:


Now, here is the mentally ill man who lived in that EXACT home closest to where the girls saw the creature, who couldn't speak, was very skinny, often wore limited clothing, crouched all the time, and played in the dirt by walls.

Luiz Antônio de Paula, known as "Mudinho"


It's literally the exact dude. :dead:


There had been heavy rains recently, so he probably got muddy which explains "brown" and "oily". The second two girls didn't see him until the first girl screamed and claimed she saw the devil, so that's how they got caught up in the hysteria. They never said it was an alien at first, they said they saw a devil, the alien shyt got added by other people later.

What are the chances that someone who looked and acted EXACTLY like the alien in question would be living in the house next door to the sighting?

2. No one else ever saw this creature. No one got any pictures.

3. AFTER rumors about the girls' sighting spread through the town and an atmosphere of hysteria developed, some people started claiming they had seen a crashed object and maybe it was a UFO. But they had no evidence, no clear description, and the vague rumors didn't even surface until the hysteria was already in full force.

4. A rumor spread that there was a pair of small aliens which had been taken into the local hospital. But the hospital said they were a couple with dwarfism who were expecting a baby. Not a single hospital employee has ever stated that they treated an alien there (not to mention how stupid the idea is that there would be a full-fledged government/military operation to deal with the aliens, yet they would just take the aliens to a regular-ass city hospital).

5. Some citizens started claiming that the police, firefighters, and military all deployed full force and were in operations around the city. But everyone in the police, firefighting, and military deny this - not just the leaders, but the regular people. Not a single firefighter or police officer or soldier has ever come forward saying they were involved in any sort of UFO operation. There were military exercises going on near the city at the time, but they were regular training exercises, nothing unusual.

6. The military officer who died was Marco Eli Cherese. But literally nothing that Joe Rogan said about his death was true. He had nothing to do with the events of that day or any other unusual events, no one had even seen him picking up an alien or all that other stupid rubbish that Joe Rogan was going on about. He'd been dealing with an infected cyst under his armpit for months, and the surgery to have it removed had already gotten scheduled BEFORE any of the above events took place. The surgery finally took place a few weeks after the "incident", and while he was in the hospital afterwards, the infection spread to his blood and he died. Literally no one had connected him to the "alien" events until after his death, and his death clearly had nothing to do with aliens. It was just a random-ass rumor that started afterwards by people taking advantage of the fact that a poor guy died young.

The entire story is one of the wildest examples of how mass hysteria can grip an area and make something out of nothing. Just the dumbest shyt - three teenage girls freaking out cause they got scared by a disabled guy. After that, literally nothing else happened. And yet people under the throes of hysteria had to twist every unrelated event - two dwarves having their baby, a soldier unfortunate enough to have a routine surgery go wrong, a military training exercise nearby - into some wild story.

although I don't believe any of this. how many damn crashes can their be? do they suck that bad? also earth is 70% water, if they crashed, it would be there the majority of time.

The "whistleblower" claimed the US government was retrieving 1-2 crashes every five years. If that's just the USA, then there must be a dozen crashes a year around the world, right?
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May 21, 2012
That's clearly impossible. Where are the line-of-sight radar installations that would have to be covering the entire country? And how would they be able to discern alien craft from everything else in the air merely by a radar signal?

When the military wants to maintain radar control over an area, they have to have AWACs in the air over the entire area of operations. Where are the AWACs blanketing the entire USA at all times? How where is the thousands upon thousands of people it would take to monitor that? How would they tell what is a hawk/eagle/vulture in the air, what is a drone, what is a balloon, what is a private plane, and what is an alien craft? If it dropped off the radar, how would they know if it crashed, or if it just landed, of if it just went low?

Not to mention that these things supposedly go in and out of water and blink into other dimensions, right?

Talk to anyone who has ever dealt with such systems. Full surveillance over the entire country isn't remotely possible.

That hasn't been a viable excuse for 20 years - they'd already have been posted on the internet long before government could get involved.

Yet again, how would all those countries being keeping that shyt a secret from all their citizens? Even if India did want to reverse engineer a UFO, don't you realize how piss-poor Indian government/military efficiency is? There are 1,500 regular-ass Indians who would have seen the craft before the first government official got there. And there are a LOT of countries like that.
I’m of the assumption that the government has more sophisticated technology that they don’t publicize. There are videos of jets following strange craft.

I also think they can get to people quickly and threaten them. It’s been reported several times.

We also don’t know when these craft allegedly crashed. Bob Lazar, and I’m aware of the problems with his story, claimed the craft were found buried. As if they had been there for a long time.

If there are supposedly 12 craft, some of which were may have been buried or found in the ocean, that leaves probably half found other ways. One would expect there had to be reports of down craft found on the big ufo databases. It would be interesting to dig into that data and see what the observers saw and reported. Maybe there are pictures. Maybe there are descriptions of the craft. The ufo databases have a ton of info in them. One would just have to look for it, which would take a while, but it could be done.

If they crashed in other countries, and I’m sure some did, maybe the us gov pressured those other countries. There was talk about an Italian crash, and I know you think it’s a rocket, and the Vatican got involved and send the craft to the us.

There was a Roswell-like crash in Russia. I don’t remember the details, but I’m sure Russia kept that alleged crashed object. If it crashed in India, I assume there are Indian scientists with the qualifications to attempt to study it.

If the cartels got a crash first, that would be interesting. Maybe there would be an overwhelming show of force by the Mexican and US to get it.

If crashed alien craft exist I would think it would be a top priority in the government no matter where the crash was. They might pull out all the stops and use every type of force and authority to get it for the government to evaluate. It’s probably like that in every country.

Why hasn’t another country disclosed aliens then? A few have released reports, but none of explicitly acknowledged aliens. Could there be an country by country agreement we don’t know of. I mean the Russians and Americans were working together for space projects. Maybe all the countries realize just how enormous disclosure would be and have an agreement. Who knows? It’s all just speculation.

I’m sure from your perspective this all seems like wishful thinking and would never happen. I’m sure all of this suggests to you that there are no alien craft.

We shall see if the future hearing address Grusch’s claims. I just wonder if they will be reported to the public I fear they may not.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Still no 4K huh? Just security footage like it came from the 1960s

The 4k footage would be from the government and them secretly withholding information makes sense as to why there isnt. The congressman and women who were briefed seen the footage


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
shyt there are reports that these crafts can distort time and space which make sense as to why they can appear and dissapear at will.

One whistleblower stated that a crash UFO appeared small as fukk from the outside but when the military went inside it was the size of a football field.

The next question is how far advance are they compared to us since the government been following them since the 1800s according to the briefing


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Let me guess those Aliens also spoke english:comeon:....why is everything regarding aliens have to be centered around USA like 99% of the planet don't exist.

Well America is one of the most advanced countries in the world. China snd Russia are communist so you wont get any information.


Apr 30, 2012
Do I get a check if these motherfukkets appear? I'm struggling in poverty what the fukk do I give a shyt about this. I'm living worse than people worse than people in unkraine but there will never be billions for the bottom of the middle class. No war for us and when we resort to other alternatives here comes the crucifixion. Actually you know what happens cops murder you and a bunch of lesbians hijack your death. All some bullshyt just gotta keep my head down and keep mopping one day I'll get rich. That's the dream.

If I keep pushing this mop I'll become a billionaire

If you follow some of these alien related threads in regards to aliens you will also notice how a lot of energy resources and other inventions have also been taken under the guise of national security. Basically at this point with what is known we should at least be towards near free energy now. So with low to no cost energy the price of certain things will go down….

The companies that own those items naturally will do whatever they can in order to keep this technology away from the public but able to be used by them.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
There are some things even the president doesn't know. If you believe the whistleblowers, government contractors have the alien craft and only they know about the vehicles or the aliens. They don't share it with the government widely.

Also, even Donald Trump would know how serious disclosure would be. It's like nuclear war. He's crazy, but he's wasn't crazy enough to launch a nuke at anybody.
Nah Trump would absolutely tell

But I believe there's shyt they keep hidden from the President


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012

The craziest ufo footage I've ever seen. People are gonna come in here and try and debunk it. You'll likely see that in future posts. But make up your mind for yourself.

Edit: Here's a longer, better version:

Never heard of this case. lol at the alien brehs opening up the sun roof and just taking in the cool night breeze.

I'm sure videos are out there.. but not able to be disseminated to the public for "national security reasons"

I agree that I wish there was a clear video/photos of whatever these people/radar are seeing. And I hope that these upcoming briefings will force the government to release more compelling "evidence" of whatever these things are so the general public can get a better understanding as well.


This is the first time I've seen the radar footage. Good shyt. dap/rep