Essential Afro-Latino/ Caribbean Current Events

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The “Lima Group” Mandate to Trigger Regime Change in Venezuela
Its Pretence to be an International Body Is Irresponsible and Dangerous

By Nino Pagliccia
January 10, 2019

Sixty years ago Canada did not break diplomatic relations with Cuba while the OAS expelled Cuba from the organization after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. Today the OAS remains firm with its mandate of no interference while Canada is leading an illegitimate splinter of OAS countries, self-anointed as Lima Group, to push for regime change in Venezuela. That is irresponsible and dangerous.

At this time sixty years ago Cuba had just won its revolution through a popular uprising that overthrew a dictator. Two years later in 1961 the US masterminded a false flag invasion of Cuba that failed. Later, in 1962 the Organization of American States (OAS) turned against Cuba and expelled it from the organization isolating the country until 2009 when the OAS invited Cuba to join again. Cuba declined. The US has maintained a progressively squeezing unilateral trade and financial blockade on the island since 1960.

Since that January 1, 1959 Canada has taken mostly an independent stance on Cuba and has maintained diplomatic and commercial relationships with the country. Even today when the US government places Cuba as a member of the “troika of tyranny” together with Nicaragua and Venezuela, the Canadian government is practicing a formal association with the Cuban government still overtly declared socialist. It may well be in order to protect the extensive interests built over time without the competition of US businesses. But that is a different topic.

Today in a different socialist revolution in Venezuela we have a reversed situation.

Hugo Chavez has won the presidency of Venezuela through democratic ballots in 1999, as current president Nicolas Maduro did in 2013. All 25 elections at different levels in the last twenty years have been democratic and constitutional with participation of opposition parties. This is an undeniable truth despite misinformation from the compromised media and governments.

Unlike its past position towards Cuba, the OAS has repeatedly refused to condemn Venezuela even under the strongest pressure from Washington. The organization has seen fit to abide by the OAS Charter of 1948 that in Article 19, Chapter IV states:

“No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. The foregoing principle prohibits not only armed force but also any other form of interference or attempted threat against the personality of the State or against its political, economic, and cultural elements.”

Breaking that explicit mandate and contrary to its independent position with respect to Cuba sixty years ago, Ottawa has been instrumental in the creation of the so-called Lima Group with the sole mission of regime change in Venezuela.

For the record it has to be emphasized that the “Lima Group” is not an international organization. It’s just an ad hoc group of governments with no other purpose than to promotes the overthrow of the legitimate Maduro government.


Permanent Council to consider Situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Source: OAS)

In that context its latest declaration that calls to not recognize Maduro’s presidency beginning with the inauguration ceremony on January 10, and to impose various other forms of “punishment”, cannot to be taken as a formal resolution issued by an established international body like the OAS or the UN. Unfortunately, the Venezuelan opposition conveniently chooses to take it that way. For example, the self appointed members of the “Supreme Court of Justice” in exile issued their own call to “recognize the Lima Group resolution.” That is extremely misleading, irresponsible and dangerous.

The “Lima Group” of 13 governments (out of 33 OAS member States), signatories of the declaration (Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru y Saint Lucia), is totally illegitimate in its pretension to be an international body. The group wants to achieve outside the OAS what it could not achieve within the OAS. Ultimately, it will have to be held accountable as the foreign ideological instigator of any violence that might occur in Venezuela.

Despite the above necessary explanation of a clear international illegal act that tramples on the sovereignty of another country, it is important to broaden the perspective of the situation by highlighting two points. First of all, the Mexican government, although member of the “Lima Group”, has not endorsed its document. More sensibly, it justified its abstention by requesting that an open dialogue be established with the government of Venezuela instead of imposing isolation and threats. Mexico was another country that maintained diplomatic relations with Cuba 60 years ago. It seems to be more consistent than Canada.

Secondly, by a reported count, it appears that the majority of countries in the world will accept the legitimacy of Nicolas Maduro’s presidency and will recognize his government for the next six years. In fact, a few heads of State may even attend the inauguration ceremony on January 10 in Caracas.

In concluding however, not for one second anybody should expect that the elected president of Venezuela, or of any other country for that matter, must be declared legitimate by any foreign State. That privilege belongs only to the six million 244 thousand Venezuelans, representing 32% of the total number of people with the right to vote, with more than 4 million votes ahead of the candidate who came in second, and with a voter participation of 48%. By all accounts Venezuelans have chosen their president democratically for the next six years. That is the meaning of self-determination.

The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Nino Pagliccia, Global Research, 2019

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
@loyola llothta

Without Western interference how much would Haiti benefit from its natural resources?
Probably would be the real wakanda by now but without the c00ning. Most likely Haiti would share the natural resources with others

Before the US military invaded Haiti(1st occupation) the fist time. Haiti was part of the pan-african movement and had great relationship with ethiopia. Ethiopia is where the top officials in Haiti celebrate Haiti 100 years anniversary

As of now Haiti would probably team up with Cuba and Venezuela in the Caribbean to fight against the west

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Probably would be the real wakanda by now but without the c00ning. Most likely Haiti would share the natural resources with others

Before the US military invaded Haiti(1st occupation) the fist time. Haiti was part of the pan-african movement and had great relationship with ethiopia. Ethiopia is where the top officials in Haiti celebrate Haiti 100 years anniversary

As of now Haiti would probably team up with Cuba and Venezuela in the Caribbean to fight against the west
Yea Haiti was very pan africanist back in the day even sending doctors to Africa during colonial times. The potential is limitless.

Is it true we have MORE oil than Venezuela? But the bolded is why Venezuela can not fall to the west.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Yea Haiti was very pan africanist back in the day even sending doctors to Africa during colonial times. The potential is limitless.

Is it true we have MORE oil than Venezuela? But the bolded is why Venezuela can not fall to the west.
I believe so. If Venezuela fall by the west the only place will be left is Cuba

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Why the UN does not want to leave Haiti?
By Isabelle L. Papillon -

January 23, 2019


From left to right: UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Miroslav Jena, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, French Jean-Pierre Lacroix and Haitian Puppet President Jovenel Moise
FROM 16 to 20 January, a United Nations delegation led by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix of France and Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Miroslav Jena visited in the country. During this visit, this UN delegation met, among others, the executive, legislative and judicial powers, representatives of certain political parties, leaders of the Office of the Protection of the Citizen and members of the said civil society.

Should we remind that under the UN cover, using peacefully baptized soldiers, the United States, the imperial leader occupied the country in a format this time of mandate renewed every year by the Security Council of the UN. This false pretext has allowed Minustah to defile the soil of our country for 13 consecutive years.


Remembrance photo of the members of the UN delegation with those of the government of Jovenel Moise

The current journey of the United Nations delegation is not without importance. It is part of the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission for the Support of Justice (MINUSJUSTH), whose mandate ends on 15 October 2019. In this sense, other reasons must be found for holding this occupying force in the country but under another label.

However, to do so, they use humanitarian pretexts and, above-the-market, they are not interested, it is we who ask them to step on us. "It is of utmost importance for us to listen to the Haitian government's analysis and vision regarding our ongoing partnership." In a sense, they are right since the Haitian governments of Boniface Alexander to Jovenel Moise that they imposed on us, are all in their wake and can not have any contrary idea that to answer the wishes of the dominant classes and their patrons of the system capitalist.

" Over the last two decades, Haiti has made significant progress in areas that are essential for its stability and development. There is a general consensus that a United Nations peacekeeping operation is no longer necessary in the country, "Lacroix suggested. Haiti has made progress, is not it to make fun of us. What an aberration, M. Lacroix! You have recognized that it is no longer necessary, but it has never been!

To better mount his film, Lacroix addressed himself to Jovenel Moise " We came to discuss with you, Mr. President, on the continuation of the UN's engagement in Haiti, as well as on your priorities, your projects in together, how the United Nations can accompany Haiti in its quest for development. "


Meeting of the UN delegation with President Jovenel Moise
Moses, to answer him by this masquerade "There will be more chapter 7, more armed foreign forces on the Haitian territory. This will belong to the past »

In a note from the delegation, it is reported that " There are several ways in which the UN can continue to support Haiti in order to consolidate democratic gains and stability; but also to contribute to strengthening socio-economic development.

You only humiliate us more, when, despite the conditions in which we live, in a totally exploited country, devoid of everything, you think we believe that Haiti has benefited from this occupation, and that the country is on time of some economic development.

The people, Mr. Lacroix, will never cease to tell you and your henchmen: Get out! Get out of the country!

Other than the bourgeois patripoche, the Haitian people have never approved or tolerated the presence of the occupying forces whose record is more disastrous than that of the 2010 earthquake added to the catastrophes of Hurricane Matthew, which, in fact, are disasters natural that we could not avoid. But the UN forces themselves were deliberately programmed for the destruction of the Haitian people by an imported epidemic. And it is in this calculated perspective that the Nepalese peacekeepers were well placed to make the Artibonite River, the infectious center of the cholera epidemic by the massive introduction into the river of fecal matter contaminated by the disease. infectious agent Shigella, vector of cholera.

In short, it's the same thing. The UN is on a mission, it will never leave the country without seeing its end. They just need to find another Minu like Minujusth had replaced the Minustah to continue the guardianship and take over the insecurity, misery and poverty orchestrated. The acts of rape, of pedophilia of the Blue Helmets are not condemnable and precisely it is necessary that this armed force, an instrument in the service of the imperialist forces, continues to oppress the disadvantaged masses Haitian so that they are held under systematic surveillance to avoid a upheaval born of their resistance.

The UN will never leave Haiti as long as the Haitian people do not organize to put it out of the country, and for the big sweep of the nation.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Haiti’s Ruling Party Betrays Venezuela in OAS Vote, Sparking Universal Outrage

January 16, 2019

Pres. Jovenel Moïse greets Pres. Nicolas Maduro during a visit to Caracas on Nov. 17, 2017

On Jan. 10, Haitian President Jovenel Moïse’s government did the unthinkable. It voted to not recognize the legitimacy of Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, who on the same day was inaugurated for a second six-year term after winning the country’s May 20, 2018 election with almost 68% of the vote.

It is the first time that Haiti has voted with Washington against the Bolivarian Republic, which since 2006 has provided Haiti with some $4 billion in oil under the PetroCaribe accord.


In recent months, massive demonstrations have rocked Haiti, demanding how the Haitian government spent the revenues which it received from the oil’s sale. Under the bilateral accord, Haiti only pays 60% of its oil bill up front, with 40% going to a development fund which Haiti repays to Venezuela over 25 years at 1% interest.

This PetroCaribe fund has been mostly squandered and embezzled by the Haitian government, a November 2017 Haitian Senate report found.

In the face of government foot-dragging, repression, and continued corruption, demonstrators are now calling for Jovenel Moïse to step down.

The vote against Venezuela was taken in Washington, DC at the Organization of American States (OAS), which Cuba calls the U.S. “Ministry of Colonial Affairs.” A resolution “to not recognize the legitimacy of Nicolas Maduro’s new term” was approved with 19 votes in favor (Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, United States, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, and Saint Lucia); 6 against (Bolivia, Dominica, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Venezuela); 8 abstentions (Mexico, St. Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, and El Salvador); and one absent (Grenada).

Since Jovenel Moïse’s inauguration in February 2017, Haiti has gradually turned on Venezuela, although its solidarity had financed 94% of all Haiti’s development projects up until 2015, according to former Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, who served under Moïse’s mentor, Pres. Michel Martelly, and was also from Moïse’s neo-Duvalierist Haitian Bald-Headed Party (PHTK).

Haiti’s OAS Ambassador Harvel Jean-Baptiste, who had been appointed by Moïse’s predecessor Pres. Jocelerme Privert, voted against a similar Maduro-bashing resolution on Mar. 28, 2017, making an impassioned speech defending Venezuela against the Washington-sponsored attack on its sovereignty.

But a year and two months later, Haiti’s position had cooled. When another anti-Venezuela resolution was presented at an OAS session on Jun. 4, 2018, Haiti’s Foreign Minister Antonio Rodrigue traveled to Washington to abstain from the vote. “We have no position,” Haiti’s Interim OAS Ambassador Léon Charles told Haïti Liberté. (Charles earned a reputation for being reactionary and repressive when he was Haiti’s police chief during the coup-installed de facto regime from 2004-2006.)

But on Jan. 10, Léon Charles voted against Venezuela, shocking Haitians throughout Haiti and its diaspora. Comments and discussions on Haitian social media groups, now joining radios as a good barometer of Haitian public opinion, were almost universally outraged by the vote.

“This is so shameful,” said one post in kreyòl in a Haitian Whatsapp group. “We’ve become Washington’s servant (restavek).”

“No, their colony,” replied another.

“The Americans said that they would support the street demonstrations against Jovenel if his government didn’t vote against Venezuela,” opined another group member.

“We can’t be our own masters when we can’t even be autonomous in our decisions,” said another.

Blocked by the likely veto of Russia and China in the UN Security Council, Washington’s goal is to have the OAS invoke the Inter-American Democratic Charter to invade Venezuela with an “international peace-keeping force” under Washington’s direction, much as was done in Haiti in March 2004 after the U.S.-engineered overthrow of Pres. Jean-Bertrand Aristide.


The Democratic Charter is a Washington-promoted pact, adopted on Sep. 11, 2001, which authorizes OAS military intervention if two-thirds of the OAS’s 34 active member countries vote for it. The number of votes that Washington needs is 22.

“President Donald Trump is mulling whether to recognize the president of Venezuela’s opposition-controlled National Assembly [Juan Guaidó] as the de facto leader of Venezuela instead of President Nicolás Maduro, according to two people familiar with the discussions,” reported the Sacramento Bee on Jan. 15, 2019.

In recent days, Venezuelan popular movements have been setting up “anti-imperialist camps” to defend Venezuela’s sovereignty, according to the news site

“I tell the people: this presidential sash is yours, this power is yours,” Maduro declared in his speech upon taking office. “It does not belong to the oligarchy or to imperialism. It belongs to the sovereign people of Venezuela!”

Meanwhile, in Haiti, on Mon. Jan. 14, a delegation of popular organizations visited the Venezuelan Embassy in Port-au-Prince to denounce the Haitian government’s OAS vote and express their solidarity with Pres. Maduro and the Venezuelan people. Representatives of the Democratic Popular Movement (MODEP), KONBIT, the Assembly of Solino Neighbors, and Revolting Slaves were among the various community groups and unions which pledged to maintain their support through demonstrations, pickets, and conferences.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
the question should be who own Boukman Botanical Rhum. seem like foreign white people AKA white american
They been buying a lot of the small brewries in the caribbean. Only recently did i find out that BRANA Haiti is now owned by Heineken. At least that's what someone in the FaceBook thread said. I see some white chick owns the Instagram name for Simbihaiti and is always posting shyt made in Haiti like bracelets and shyt but she's white American or Canadian from her accent. As you know Simbi is the voodoo goddess of the waters.

When i saw that i made sure to lock up the true name (SimbiNanDlo) before they could claim it

Edit: BRANA = Brasserie Nationale D'haiti who makes all the local soda/pops. Been around for over 50 years and make Prestige (haitian beer) and Cola-Couronne among others.
Last edited:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Dominican Republic: Protesters Denounce their Government's siding with Trump against Venezuela
February 18, 2019
Protesters in Santo Domingo and Santiago de los Caballeros have come out in support of Venezuela's elected government. The protesters criticized their corrupt government's recent vote at the OAS which sided with neo-conservative war hawks in Washington against Venezuela. Such rallies look set to expand over the coming weeks and months.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Digicel dragged into $1.5bn US lawsuit over alleged corruption in Haiti
Telecoms firm denies it is a ‘co-conspirator’ in ruse to divert funds meant for education
Thu, Feb 7, 2019, 05:40
Mark Paul


Digicel said it had ‘always conducted its business in Haiti consistent with all applicable laws and regulations’.

Digicel, the Caribbean telecoms company owned by Denis O’Brien, has become embroiled in a $1.5 billion US lawsuit over allegations it is a “co-conspirator” in a “ruse” to divert cash that is meant to fund education in Haiti, but is instead allegedly spent corruptly.

The company is among five businesses and several current and former political leaders of Haiti – one of Digicel’s most lucrative markets – who are being sued in New York by US residents from the Haitian diaspora over the alleged “scam”.

Digicel last night said it “categorically denies . . . any wrongdoing of any kind” and insisted it follows the law.

“Digicel has always conducted its business in Haiti consistent with all applicable laws and regulations,” it said.

The class-action case revolves around levies that the Haitian government applies to all international phone calls and money transfers to and from the impoverished nation. A fee of $1.50 is automatically added to every money transfer, while an extra 5 cents per minute is added to every international call.

Digicel controls more than 70 per cent of the Haitian telecoms market, and the overwhelming majority of international calls between the nation and the US are connected via its telecoms network, therefore it is the main collector of the 5 cents per minute that is passed on, purportedly to fund free education.

Levy scheme

The levy scheme was started in 2011 by former Haitian president Michel Martelly – a one-time singer and musician known as “Sweet Micky” – who promised voters the cash would be ring-fenced to pay for “free and compulsory education”.

Since its establishment, the fund has been dogged by allegations of mismanagement and corruption, and has been strongly criticised by US-based Haitian emigrants, who say Haiti’s education system remains an underfunded mess.

Mr O’Brien, too, has in the past acknowledged concerns over the scheme. In a 2012 New York Times interview, for example, he responded to concerns that $26 million had allegedly gone missing from the fund by promising that he would ask then-president Martelly for it to be audited.

The bubbling discontent among Haitian emigrants over allegations of corruption has now culminated in the New York lawsuit taken by eight US residents of Haitian descent who either make phone calls to relatives there, or wire money.

The case was first filed on Christmas Eve, and the court papers make a series of lurid allegations against all the defendants, including Digicel.

As well as Mr O’Brien’s company, the plaintiffs are also suing Digicel’s much smaller rival Natcom, three money transfer companies including Western Union, Mr Martelly and his two successors since he left office in 2016.

The lawsuit claims that the enactment of the scheme was not lawful under Haitian law, and that its operation also breaches US law. The cash that is supposed to fund free education is instead used to fund politicians’ “personal and private needs”, it is alleged.

Digicel is specifically accused of “horizontal price fixing” and, along with the other defendants, of engaging in “a fraudulent scheme concocted and agreed to” by them all.

“The Haitian government in exchange for payments has allowed Digicel to monopolise both the local market and international calls,” it is also alleged.

All the defendants are also accused of furthering “private interest to increase the government’s purse so that they can convert and embezzle more funds”.

The plaintiffs allege “at least $500 million” of cash was wrongly used in the scheme and are seeking treble this in damages.

Digicel dragged into $1.5bn US lawsuit over alleged corruption in Haiti

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
For the Haitian american diaspora on the class action lawsuit

Members of the diaspora file a complaint against the Government of Haiti



On December 24, 2018, a class action was filed and registered at the Eastern District District Court in Manhattan, NY, by Marcel Denis, a lawyer of Haitian origin, of the Denis Law Group, PLLC. Representing Haitian plaintiffs Odilon S. Celestin, Widmir Romelien, Alexander Goldie Lamothe, Vincent Marazita, against the accused Michel Joseph Martelly, Jocelerme Privert, Jovenel Moïse, Western Union, Caribbean Air Mail inc., Unitransfert USA inc., Digicel-Haiti, Natcom SA and the Government of Haiti, for violation of US federal laws as well as those of the States of New York, Florida and California. The plaintiffs dispute the levies on phone minutes and money transfers, to finance in Haiti the National Fund for Education (FNE).

Recall that the FNE was created under the Presidency Martelly in May 2011 Haiti - Education : Launch of the National Fund for Education (FNE) by Martelly (UPDATE 1h03pm) - : Haiti news 7/7currently financed by the diaspora by a phone fee of US $ 0.05 on each incoming minute and a charge of US $ 1.50, on incoming and outgoing funds transfers, which are collected by the Central Bank (BRH) has been ratified by both Chambers of Parliaments in August 2012 by the Chamber of Deputies Haiti - Education : The FNE becomes progressively legal - : Haiti news 7/7 and in July 2017 by the Senate Haiti - Politics : After 5 years of blocking the Senate votes the law on the FNE - : Haiti news 7/7

This 54-page class action contains 12 counts :
  • Violation of general business law, according to the laws of New York in force (deceptive acts and practices);
  • Violation of New York State Business Law (False Advertising);
  • Violation of Florida law on unfair and deceptive marketing practices;
  • Civil theft under Florida law;
  • Violation of California State legislation on the operation of businesses and professions;
  • Unfair competition under the California State Code of Professional and Business Law;
  • Violation of the California State Law on Consumer Litigation;
  • False statements intentionally made in violation of New York law;
  • False statements intentionally made under the laws of Florida;
  • Conspiracy to defraud Haitian consumers through remittances from the diaspora;
  • Unjustified enrichment;
  • Misrepresentation of the use to be made of additional fees collected from transfer houses and phone companies.

Download the complaint for all the details (PDF) :