Essential Afro-Latino/ Caribbean Current Events

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Another Earthquake Rocks Northern Haiti

Kim Ives -

October 7, 2018

Dozens of homes in northwestern Haiti were damaged in the Oct. 6, 2018 earthquake of magnitude 5.9 off Ile de la Tortue.

like St. Louis du Nord, were flooded by sea water after the quake, in what some called a “mini-tsunami.”

A magnitude 5.2 aftershock occurred at 4:00 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 7, some 10 miles north of Port-de-Paix. It was 11 times less powerful than the quake the day before.

Haiti’s north has registered several tremors and temblors in recent weeks. A 5.2 earthquake struck about 36 miles east of Fort Liberté on Sep. 23 at 1.46 a.m. and a 3.6 magnitude tremor struck 11 miles north of Cap Haïtien on Sep. 24 at 8:04 p.m..


The Catholic Church-run St. Gabriel Primary School in Gros Morne was mostly destroyed. Credit: Jonathan LaMare
“All this seismic activity could be a precursor to a major earthquake of magnitude 7 or 8,” said geological engineer Claude Prépetit, the director general of Haiti’s Office of Mines and Energy (BME). “We have to be ready for more powerful events.”

Prépetit said Haiti had recorded some 26 tremors between 2.9 and 4.6 from January to August 2018.

Another house damaged in the Oct. 6, 2018 quake.

A 5.9 magnitude seism is about 45 times less powerful than the 7.0 earthquake that devastated the area around Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, on Jan. 12, 2010. Nonetheless, it was still able to cause considerable damage due to the poor construction of many homes and buildings in Haiti. In Gros Morne, a large auditorium completely collapsed and St. Gabriel’s primary school crumpled. In Plaisance, the front of a large Roman Catholic church fell down, and in Port-de-Paix, the main police station was badly damaged.

Many houses in Haiti, like this one damaged in the Oct. 6 quake, are of very poor construction.

The Septentrional Fault Zone runs the length of Haiti’s northern coast while the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone runs down the middle of Haiti’s southern peninsula.

On May 7, 1842, an estimated 8.1 magnitude struck near Cap Haïtien, leveling the city and triggering a tsunami. Some 5,000 were killed by the earthquake and 300 by the tsunami

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Clinton E-Mails Point to US Intervention in 2010 Haiti Elections

Written by Jake Johnston
Published: 07 September 2016
En français

“The situation cannot afford Washington to sit on sidelines. They elected him and they need [sic] pressure him. He can't go unchecked,” Laura Graham, then the Chief Operating Officer of the Clinton Foundation, wrote to Bill Clinton in early 2012. Graham was referring to the increasingly erratic, and potentially dangerous, behavior of Haitian president Michel Martelly. When she said “They elected him,” she was referring to the US government, which intervened through the OAS to change the election results of the first round of Haiti, putting Martelly in to the second round. The e-mail, one of many Graham sent to Bill Clinton’s deputy chief of staff on February 26, 2012, eventually was sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aide, Cheryl Mills. The note is perhaps the clearest evidence to date that key officials, even within the Clinton camp, viewed the US intervention in the 2010 Haitian election as decisive.

The 2010 Haitian election was a mess. Held less than a year after a devastating earthquake, millions of people were displaced or otherwise disenfranchised and then-president René Préval was accused of fraud on behalf of his preferred candidate Jude Célestin. A majority of candidates held an afternoon press conference on election day denouncing the process and calling for new elections. But Washington and its allies, who had funded the election, pushed forward, telling the press that everything was okay. Mirlande Manigat, a constitutional law professor and former first lady, and Célestin came in first and second, respectively, according to preliminary results, putting them into a scheduled run-off. Martelly was in third, a few thousand votes behind.

Protests engulfed the capital and other major cities, threatening the political stability that donors have long desired, but have failed to nurture. With billions in foreign aid on the table and Bill Clinton overseeing an international effort at “building back better,” there was a lot on the line: both money and credibility.

With Martelly’s supporters leading large, and at times violent, protests, the US turned up the heat by publicly questioning the results just hours after they were announced. Within 24 hours, top State Department officials were already discussing with Haitian private sector groups plans to force Célestin out of the race. “[P]rivate sector have told RP [René Préval] that Célestin should withdraw … This is big,” then US Ambassador to Haiti Ken Merten wrote the next day. Merten wrote that he had personally contacted Martelly’s “camp” and told them that he needs to “get on radio telling people to not pillage. Peaceful demo OK: pillage is not.” Unfortunately, much of Merten’s message and those in response have been redacted.

The Haitian government eventually requested that a mission from the Organization of American States (OAS) come to Haiti to analyze the results. The mission, despite not conducting a recount or any statistical test, recommended replacing Célestin in the runoff with Martelly. With the lowest turnout for a presidential election in the hemisphere’s recent history, and at least 12 percent of the votes simply missing, any decision on who should be in a second round would be based on faulty assumptions. (CEPR analyzed all the voter tally sheets at the time, conducting a statistical analysis of the vote, and later showed how the OAS recommendation could not be supported by any statistical evidence.)

Nevertheless, pressure began to mount on the Haitian government to accept the OAS recommendations. Officials had their US visas revoked and US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice even went so far as to threaten to cut aid, even though the country was still recovering from the devastating earthquake earlier in the year.

In late January 2011, two months after the elections, but before any decision had been made, Laura Graham wrote to top Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills, warning that her boss, Bill Clinton [wjc] would be very upset if certain visas were pulled:

There are rumors abt ur second visa list and jmb [Prime Minister and co-chair of the Clinton-led reconstruction commission, Jean Max Bellerive] being on it. He's a conflicted guy and is being pressured on both sides and we believe trying to help. Wjc will be v unhappy if that's the case. Nor do I think u need remove his visa. Not sure what it gets u. Remove elizabeth's [Préval’s wife] and prevals people. I'm also staying at his house fyi so exposure in general and this weekend in particular for wjc on this.

In response, Mills questioned the “message it sends” for Graham to stay at Bellerive’s house, but Graham replied, indicating a certain coordination between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department in influencing Haitian politics: “For the record, I discussed staying at his house w both u and wjc long ago and was told good strategic value and ive [sic] stayed there every time.”

But being at Bellerive’s house, with a decision on the election coming any day, would send an inappropriate signal, Mills pointed out. “Think of all the rumors you have heard?” Mills asked, “that we want to pressure Célestin out when that is Brazilian and UN position,” she added as an example. There is no doubt that high-level Brazilian and UN officials were involved in the decision and efforts to exclude Célestin. Edmond Mulet, the head of the UN military mission in Haiti, even privately suggested flying Préval out of the country on election day. But it was the US that funded the OAS mission and that had been applying the most pressure on the Haitian government, and another e-mail from Graham to Mills a few days later confirms this.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
I think you need to consider a message and outreach strategy to ensure that different elements of haitian society (church leaders, business, etc) buy into the mms solution and are out their [sic] on radio messaging why its [sic] good.

The “mms solution” here likely refers to the presence of Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly being placed in the second round over Célestin, the scenario State Department officials and Haitian private sector groups had been discussing since the day after results were announced. “Seems to me IC [international community] needs a complimentary message-outreach strategy to support this solution,” Graham added, noting that the US government was being made out as a “villain.”

A week earlier, a separate e-mail reveals, the Haitian government had proposed cancelling the elections, as many had been calling for, and running new ones, but the plan was rejected by the EU and US. The international actors opted instead for the arbitrary removal of Célestin and moving forward with the “MMs,” two rightist political candidates who would support the “Haiti is open for business” slogan that emerged after the quake.

The e-mail from Graham came just days before Hillary Clinton would fly to Haiti, in the middle of the crisis in Egypt, to force the government’s hand. Mills forwarded Graham’s message to Hillary Clinton, with a note, “Let’s discuss this on the plane,” to which Hillary responded simply: “Bill talked to me about this and is quite worried about what I do and say tomorrow.”

“As we all are,” Mills responded, passing along talking points for the following day’s Haiti trip. “Ask him if he has any thoughts,” Mills wrote, in reference to Bill Clinton.

The next day Hillary Clinton traveled to Haiti and met with Préval. “We tried to resist and did, until the visit of Hillary Clinton. That was when Préval understood he had no way out and accepted” it, Bellerive told me in an interview last year. Martelly won in the second round, in which just over 20 percent of the electorate voted.

But the hoped-for political stability wouldn’t come so easy. After Martelly’s first two choices for prime minister failed to pass parliament, Garry Conille, who had previously served as Bill Clinton’s chief of staff when Clinton was UN Special Envoy to Haiti, became prime minister in September 2011. E-mails reveal that Graham had been vetting potential prime minister picks as early as June 2011 and had suggested Conille. E-mails show State Department staff helped to sway parliamentarians on Conille, who was expected to be the partner that the international community needed in the Haitian government to help oversee the massive reconstruction underway. But it didn’t work out that way.

After just five months on the job, Conille resigned on February 24, 2012. Two days later, Laura Graham wrote to Bill Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Jon Davidson. In the e-mail, written while she said she was with Conille, Graham expressed extreme frustration with Martelly and pointed the finger clearly at him for the resignation of Conille, who had begun investigating a number of high-profile reconstruction contracts involving Dominican firms. Graham also warned that the US must step up and act to rein in Martelly, or risk the consequences, urging Bill Clinton to “convince” the US government:

GC [Conille] believes that his resignation offers the IC [International Community] an opportunity to join in the chorus (media, business, civil society, parliament) of pressure on MM [Martelly]. He can no longer use GC as his obstacle. He has to act and show he's for democracy or there needs to be consequences. Waiting for this truck wo brakes to hit the bottom of the hill will be too late. You can be helpful in convincing USG and the IC.

Graham continued, suggesting Bill Clinton go forward with his investor trip to Haiti, but also use the time to pressure Martelly. Graham was also concerned that the State Department was going too easy on their new friend Martelly, whom they had helped elect:

The US has to push here and I believe some at state, definitely Merten [US Ambassador], are advising a wait and see attitude. The situation cannot afford Washington to sit on sidelines. They elected him and they need [sic] pressure him. He can't go unchecked. Same thing with UN. Mariano Fernandez [Top UN military official at the time] needs to act more like "mulet" [UN official who helped oust Célestin] than the quiet peaceful guy he is.

Graham, having been in close communication with Mills and other high-level State Department staff, as well as Bill Clinton, who, as the e-mails clearly indicate, was kept well informed, was certainly in a position to know just how influential the US intervention in the 2010 election was. “They elected him,” is as clear as it gets, though given previous e-mails, perhaps it would have been more accurate to say “We elected him.” But it’s clear that forcing her colleague Conille to resign had pushed Graham.

“MM [Martelly] wants GC [Conille] to leave the country,” she began another email later that same evening. Conille’s “life has and continues to be threatened by people associated with” Martelly, Graham added, and that Martelly “said himself he will do all it takes to take” Conille down. Once again, Graham questioned Merten’s stance regarding Martelly:

The US – Cheryl [Mills] - promised him American backed security immediately but when he met with Merten yesterday Merten was not only in the mind frame of "well MM is not such a bad guy and he's better than previous presidents" but he didn't discuss or offer any security. Every day, GC life and reputation are at risk. The US and or the IC must go to MM and tell him that nothing is to happen to GC, not even a tree accidentally falling on him, or MM will face consequences.

A few minutes later Graham writes again, warning of Martelly’s efforts to form armed militias throughout the country:

I now have seen the actual intel from MINUSTAH [UN military contingent] and the evidence of the armed militia training throughout the country including evidence that the palace is funding and supporting it. I'm meeting with Mariano Fernandez tomorrow but GC shared with me this intel last night and its obvious from the documents and the pictures what is going on here.

“The evidence is clear as day and they have already begun parading in the streets with guns and chanting in carrefour (less than 1 hour from PaP [Port-au-Prince]) and other areas of the country,” Graham adds.

Finally, an hour later, Graham sends the last e-mail after viewing Conille’s preliminary audit, which “details the amount of corruption and the arrogance in they [sic] way they did it.” Graham continues:

It is the contracts that MM is saying he will come after GC with everything he's got to prevent the real details (presumably including his take) from coming out.

The next day, Oscar Flores, a long-time Clinton aide, forwards all of the messages to Mills and Hillary Clinton. “Pls print,” Clinton responds.

But despite Graham’s concerns and the apparent evidence of corruption and armed militias, the US continued to stand by the Martelly administration. His term ended in February 2016, and Graham’s e-mail on Martelly’s lack of democratic credentials now reads especially prescient. After no elections were held during his first four years in office, Martelly began ruling by decree in January 2015. Presidential elections, held last fall, were so marred by fraud and irregularities that they were entirely scrapped (unlike the controversial elections in 2010), leaving Haiti without a democratically elected president. Once again, the US argued for accepting the flawed elections and moving forward with a second round, this time between Martelly’s hand-picked successor and an old friend from 2010, Jude Célestin. But this time, the US didn’t get their way ― entirely new elections are scheduled for this October.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets. They Want the Western-imposed government out of Haiti

Janjak Desalin (Jean Jacques Dessalines), said, “I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided” and for that he was assassinated, 212 years ago today.

Nearly a million Haitians took to the streets nationwide in Haiti today, October 17, 2018. The day marked the 212th year anniversary of the assassination of Haiti’s liberator and founding father Janjak Desalin by the mulatto sons of France and their slave-making European fathers and white settler colonists. The comical colonial co-option was obvious as many of the suspected criminals/Bafyòti who are at the heart of Haiti’s neocolonial corruption and who are accused of stealing state funds, entered the demonstrations, also asking for the stolen monies to be returned and for a stop to impunity! But the people know who they are. The Haitian population assures they are mobilized in an unprecedented manner and won’t be distracted…. Haitians died today. They want the Western-imposed government out of Haiti. They want an end to impunity. The people of Haiti want the $3.8 billion PetroCaribe funds returned to Haiti with a legitimate government ruling.

Honor to Defile – Kouwon pou Defile, the warrior mother who gathered the pieces of our Liberator and held on to our dignity on that October day, 212 years ago, as Aset did for Kmt. Thank you Defile!

If I am a whole human being today I have to say: Thank you Desalin! End the Unjust System.

If you read the Associated Press reporting for today on Haiti, Haitians protest alleged misuse of Petrocaribe funds, you’ll see the complicit media are at it again. How is it possible that the significance of October 17th to Haitians is NEVER really mentioned in this Associated Press article for today. At least 7 Haitians died today. They did not die in vain or just because they WANTED to get shot or violent. They want the Western-imposed government out of Haiti, their resources to be used for local Haiti development, infrastructure, education and health, not flown to foreign coffers or used for the sole comfort of the few Western puppets imposed on them… But the racist Associated Press reporting fails to make any sense.
Won’t explain about the Digicel’s monopoly and role in the fake elections; won’t point to the Obama-Clinton, consultant-create fake elections that put in a far-right colonial puppet government in Haiti to services the oligarchs, sell out the country.

No real context was given other the imagery of the violent Haitians throwing rocks and burning tires. The magnitude of the popular revolt wasn’t conveyed. The AP article also fails to mention the United Nations is in Haiti making millions for 15-years training the police who shot the unarmed demonstrators and that said same United Nations also transported the doctored ballots that gave Haiti the unelected, Western-supported Jovenel Moise, the people did not elect, call “legal bandit” and the incriminated money-laundering president!

AP and their crew are a bunch of oligarchy waterboys. These racists and decontextualized articles from AP and the complicit media should not be trusted by anyone with a brain cell. Their tapping into racist imagery and stereotypes about “rioting Haitians”. But, I’ll say his name: “Janjak Desalin (Jean Jacques Desalin”) since AP cannot utter the name of the man who first put liberty into application in the Western Hemisphere, beat three European nations and was assassinated by the mulatto sons of France and their slave-making European fathers and white settler colonists, exactly 212 years ago today.
This October 17th, Haitians came out to say this system in Haiti that started at the assassination of the man who ended slavery in the Western Hemisphere, that day is when neocolonialism and the social/economic exclusion of the Black masses began. It began with endless indebtedness, unfair trade, privatization of public assets for the oligarchs’ interest, wage slavery and a black face to Eurocentricism to rule on behalf of the white oligarchs. Colonialism and imperialism in Haiti will end, the demonstrators said, using the PetroCaribe $3.8 billion theft done after the earthquake, as their latest example of neocolonial theft in Haiti.

It is reported that today’s gatherings were the largest protests and popular dissent to a colonial government, ever seen in Haiti, in terms of the sheer numbers of people who took the streets, nationwide to protest the post-earthquake embezzlement of monies in the name of “helping Haitians.”

The populace gathered at several key locations in the capital and converged at Champ de Mars, in Port au Prince to show the colonial puppets, put in power through fake elections, have NO POPULAR SUPPORT and cannot investigate themselves, indict and punish themselves for stealing monies and putting Haiti in debt that must be repaid by the oppressed and exploited Haitians majority.

The Clinton-Obama installed, puppet president, Jovenel Moise, and the other unelected narco-trafficking Parliamentarians must get out of the way, the leaders of this movement said. That’s what the people are saying. They knew the police, paid and funded by the colonists and the small white Arab/Lebanese/Syrian/Jewish (Bigio & Mev) oligarchs ruling Haiti, would shoot them. Freedom is not FREE! A lot of people got hurt today. We knew this. The battle for liberty, inclusion, and economic justice is hard in this profit over people world. It’s been interminably long for Haitians, who, after 300 years of brutal European slavery, now are at 212-years of containment in poverty while their natural resources get pillaged and plundered by Empire’s oligarchs and puppets. But, though long and horrific, for the descendants of Defile and Desalin, every day die to stop the despots, tyrants and this time say they fight to bring economic liberty to all, not just to end chattel slavery…to be replaced by wage slavery…or cloaked in humanitarian imperialism, the charitable industrial complex poverty pimping do-gooders or other such sophisticated frauds, dubbed “free trade, democracy, neoliberal economics, et al… ” We know the complicit media can’t tell our story. But FreeHaiti lives – Nou La! We’re still here

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Venezuela Ditches US Dollar, Will Use Euros for International Trade

October 18, 2018

Venezuela has just taken the next step in its quest to “free” itself from the tyranny of US dollar hegemony. One year after the country said it would stop accepting US dollars as payment for its (ever shrinking) oil exports (saying the country’s state-run oil company would accept payment in yuan instead), Venezuelan Vice President for Economy Tareck El Aissami said Tuesday that Venezuela will officially purge the dollar from its exchange market in favor of euros.

While we’re sure that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro would love to frame this as his latest gesture of defiance against tyrannical imperialist overreach by Washington, which he has blamed for aggravating the country’s humanitarian crisis by waging an “economic war” against the oil-rich nation, remember that the US effectively blocked the Venezuelan government from transacting in dollars last year when it imposed restrictive sanctions on the Maduro regime and the country’s state-run oil company, PDVSA. Maduro started the process of moving the country’s DICOM system of official tiered exchange rates in September 2017 when he declared that Venezuela would use a “new system of international payments.”

“Venezuela is going to implement a new system of international payments and will create a basket of currencies to free us from the dollar,” Maduro said in an hours-long address to a new legislative superbody, without providing details of the new mechanism.

“If they pursue us with the dollar, we’ll use the Russian ruble, the yuan, yen, the Indian rupee, the euro,” Maduro declared.

The sanctions have largely excluded Venezuela from international capital markets and the US dollar-based financial system, forcing Maduro’s regime to rely on money-for-oil loans extended by China.

Maduro and many senior members of his government have been personally singled out for sanctions by the Treasury Department, a punishment that Maduro has called “an honor.”

To help seed the Venezuelan financial system with euros, the country’s cash-strapped central bank is planning to auction 2 billion euros some time between November and December.

The American “financial blockade” of Venezuela affects both the country’s public and private sectors, including pharmacy and agriculture, and shows “just how far the imperialism can go in its madness,” the vice president said.

Venezuela’s floating exchange rate system, Dicom, “will be operating in euro, yuan or any other convertible currency and will allow the foreign exchange market to use any other convertible currency,” El Aissami said.

The vice president added that all private banks in Venezuela are obliged to participate in the Dicom bidding system.

Even if it’s insignificant relative to Russia and China’s plans to create an alternative global financial system based on rubles and the yuan, this move is one more blow against US dollar hegemony, and one more step into the open arms of China, which has helped keep Maduro’s teetering regime afloat in the face of an assassination attempt and an aborted US-backed coup.

The original source of this article is Zero Hedge
Copyright © Zero Hedge, Zero Hedge, 2018
Last edited:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Washington Imposes New Sanctions Against Venezuela and Cuba

November 03, 2018


US National Security Adviser John Bolton announced an escalation of US sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela during a bellicose speech delivered in Miami on Thursday to an invitation-only audience of right-wing exiles and Republican functionaries.

Bolton’s speech on the Trump administration’s policy toward Latin America amounted to a demand for regime change in Cuba and Venezuela, as well as Nicaragua, and a naked assertion of US dominance over the hemisphere, with repeated statements concerning behavior that Washington would not “tolerate” on the part of countries to the south of the US border.

Coming just five days before the US midterm elections, the speech was unquestionably part of the Trump administration’s drive to turn out its base, which in Florida includes Cuban exile organizations that have been based in Miami since the 1959 revolution that overthrew the US-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.

While Bolton’s bombastic rhetoric was no doubt intended to throw out red meat to his reactionary audience, it also provided a genuine expression of Washington’s increasingly aggressive and militaristic policy toward Latin America.

He labelled Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua the “Troika of Tyranny,” a deliberate imitation of George W. Bush’s “axis of evil” rhetoric that was employed during the launching of protracted and continuing US wars in the Middle East.

He continued, declaring that this

“triangle of terror is the cause of immense human suffering, the impetus of enormous regional instability, and the genesis of a sordid cradle of communism in the Western hemisphere.”

He vowed that the so-called troika had “met its match” in the Trump administration, which would “no longer appease dictators and despots near our shores.” He vowed that they would “meet their demise,” that “their day of reckoning awaits” and that Washington looked “forward to watching each corner of the triangle fall.”

Bolton called upon the rest of the hemisphere to “look to the north, look to our flag” for its inspiration, presenting the United States as the champion of “human rights” and the “rule of law.”

The absurdity of this pretense was made plain by a speech delivered by Trump just hours after Bolton’s address in which the US president vowed to violate US and international law by imposing a blanket denial of asylum against Central American refugees and threatening to have US troops shoot down immigrant men, women and children on the US-Mexican border.

The most significant of the new sanctions announced in Bolton’s speech was a measure aimed at impeding Venezuela’s exports of gold, which have become an important source of foreign exchange for the country’s crisis-ridden economy. US officials claim that Venezuela has exported some 20 tons of gold to Turkey, a NATO ally with which Washington has come into increasing conflict. Caracas and the government of China also recently signed an agreement to develop what the Venezuelan government termed a strategic alliance to develop the country’s gold-mining sector.

Trump Pressed Aides, Latin American Leaders on US Invasion of Venezuela

The gold sanctions announcement claims that by evading other US sanctions aimed at strangling the Venezuelan economy, the country’s trade in gold involves “deceptive practices” and “corruption.” Significantly, it adds that the measure can be extended to any other sector of the economy on the same basis, opening the door to the rapid implementation of a US embargo against Venezuelan oil, which accounts for roughly 98 percent of the country’s export earnings.

Also announced was a new set of sanctions against Cuba targeting some two dozen economic entities allegedly tied to the country’s military, which has extensive economic holdings. This is in addition to some 180 Cuban entities targeted by the Trump administration last year.

Bolton delivered his speech on the same day that the United Nations General Assembly condemned the 58-year-old US economic blockade against Cuba, with 189 countries voting for the resolution and only two – the United States and Israel – voting against.

In a question-and-answer period after the speech, Bolton indicated that the Trump administration is considering implementation of a section of the 1996 anti-Cuba Helms-Burton Law to take effect, allowing Cuban exiles in the US to file lawsuits in federal courts against companies doing business involving properties that were expropriated in the wake of the 1959 revolution. The measure has been routinely waived for over two decades because of its extra-territorial reach.

As part of its “America First” global trade war policy, it appears that the Trump White House may break with this practice, leading to a direct conflict between Washington and its leading trade partners, including Canada and the European Union, which both have extensive investments in Cuba.

While no new sanctions were announced against Nicaragua, Bolton advanced the same kind of charges and demands for regime change leveled against Cuba and Venezuela, vowing that the government of President Daniel Ortega “will feel the full weight of America’s robust sanctions regime” with measures coming “in the very near future.” Until now, Washington has exhibited a certain ambivalence toward the government of the Sandinista leader, who returned to power in 2007 on the basis of an economic program geared to the interests of Nicaraguan and foreign capital.

Amid all of the denunciations and threats, Bolton pointed to a supposed bright spot in the Americas, the election last month in Brazil of the fascistic former army captain Jair Bolsonaro, who has celebrated the country’s former military dictatorship and its regime of torture and threatened that his political opponents would have to choose between jail and exile.

Bolton described Bolsonaro as a “likeminded leader”, whose election was one of the “positive signs for the future of the region” and demonstrated “a growing regional commitment to the free market principles and open, transparent and accountable governance.”

Among Bolsonaro’s attractions for the US administration – aside for the affinity between the fascistic views of Trump and the Brazilian president-elect – is his vow to pursue a policy aligned with that of Washington and against the influence of China in the hemisphere. During the Brazilian election campaign, he denounced Beijing for attempting to “buy Brazil” and even made a provocative trip to Taiwan last February in an affront to the “one China” policy recognized by Brazil since the 1970s.

Behind all the posturing about “human rights” and the refusal to tolerate “despots,” US policy in Latin America is driven ever more openly by its strategic conflict with China, whose influence has steadily grown in a region long regarded by US imperialism as its “own backyard”. Once again, US officials are invoking the Monroe Doctrine and Washington’s supposed “right” to intervene to prevent “outside” powers from poaching on countries it regards as semi-colonies.

The Trump administration in September recalled its ambassadors from El Salvador, the Dominican Republic and Panama and threatened to cut off aid over the decisions by the governments of these countries to break with Taiwan – which had cemented ties with previous anti-communist dictatorships — and establish relations with Beijing.

Even so, as Bolton was making his speech in Miami, the presidents of both El Salvador and the Dominican Republic were both in Beijing meeting with President Xi and other top officials, while China and Panama announced on the same day that Panama City would host a China-Latin America Caribbean Business Summit next year, focused on promoting economic-commercial cooperation between both regions. To the extent that the influence of China’s trade and investment challenges that of the US, Washington will respond with increasing provocations and militarism.

Notable in Bolton’s speech was his repeated denunciations of “communism” and “socialism,” and his insistence that the economic and social catastrophe in Venezuela—a country where finance capital has only strengthened its grip over the economy over the past 20 years and the government is run largely by the military—is an example of socialism “implemented effectively.”

Underlying this reactionary rhetoric is the fear within the US ruling class that the desperate conditions being created by the crisis of capitalism is producing a new revolutionary challenge from the Latin American working class.

The original source of this article is World Socialist Web Site
Copyright © Bill Van Auken, World Socialist Web Site, 2018

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Cuba will support maternal services with new specialists in Haiti


Port-au-Price, Oct 31. -Cuba will increase its medical presence in Haiti, in response to a request from the health authorities of this nation, confirmed to Prensa Latina Ambassador Luis Castillo.

According to the diplomat, a team of 16 Cuban specialists in gynecology, obstetrics and neonatology will inaugurate a medical position in Anse a Pitres, a border area with the Dominican Republic.

From that region, many pregnant women cross the border to attend in the neighboring country, where, they allege, they have better sanitary conditions.

The Haitian Minister of Health, Marie Greta Roy Clement, who on Wednesday held a meeting with the Cuban ambassador, together with the general coordinator of the Medical Brigade in the country, Evelio Betancourt, thanked the government of the island for the decision to send doctors to support maternal services in the area.

Similarly, he underlined his cabinet's willingness to ensure the conditions necessary to allow the doctors’ good performance.

The holder also announced that the portfolio will organize a plan of activities to commemorate the 20 years of uninterrupted presence of Cuban physicians in Haiti.

On December 4th, 1998, a hundred white robes arrived at this nation after the passage of Hurricane George, which ended up with the lives of some 230 people, left homeless more than 167,000 and caused losses of more than 80% in agriculture.

To date, some 8,000 collaborators provided services in the country, and Cuban specialists attended about 30 million people, performed about 578,000 surgeries, 178,104 births, 185,828 rehabilitated patients, and more than 300 thousand lives saved. Currently, more than 700 cooperators work in the 10 departments of Haiti, distributed in 51 medical positions, while offering 31 comprehensive rehabilitation services. (PL) (Photo: File)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
^^^America is evil. What tf did Cuba even do?:mindblown:

US Middle-level Adversaries :

1) Cuba, because of its independent foreign policies and its alternative socio-economic system stands in contrast to the US-centered neo-liberal regimes in the Caribbean, Central and South America.


Cuba has a powerful highly professional military backed by a million-member militia. They are capable of prolonged resistance and can count on international support. A US invasion of Cuba would require a prolonged occupation and heavy losses. Decades of economic sanctions haven’t worked and their re-imposition by Trump have not affected the key tourist growth sectors.

President Trump’s ‘symbolic hostility’ does not cut any ice with the major US agro-business groups, which saw Cuba as a market. Over half of the so-called ‘overseas Cubans’ now oppose direct US intervention.

US-funded NGOs can provide some marginal propaganda points but they cannot reverse popular support for Cuba’s mixed ‘socialized’ economy, its excellent public education and health care and its independent foreign policy.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
TPS for Haitians to be Extended until 2020

November 14, 2018

Many Haitians have demonstrated against the Trump administration’s cut-off of TPS. Now a Federal judge has effectively delayed the departure of Haitians holding TPS for at least six months.

U.S. District Judge Edward Chen has again ruled in favor of the nine plaintiffs in a Federal lawsuit charging that the Trump administration’s termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is racist, illegal, and inhumane. The decision all but guarantees that some 50,000 Haitians living and working in the U.S. under TPS will not have to leave the country by Jul. 22, 2019 (as the TPS termination order dictates), but can stay at least until January, or possibly September, 2020.

The extension also applies to some 198,000 other TPS holders from El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan.


U.S. District Judge Edward Chen has ruled in favor of the nine plaintiffs in a Federal lawsuit charging that the Trump administration’s termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is racist, illegal, and inhumane. Photo by Hillary Jones-Mixon

In June, Judge Chen rejected a motion by the defendant, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to dismiss the lawsuit, which was brought in March. The complaint argues that “deportation of TPS holders will impose extraordinary harm on their minor U.S. citizen children, as well as on the TPS holders themselves and their communities,” that “U.S. citizen children of TPS holders face an impossible choice between the care and support of their parents [abroad], and the rights and benefits of U.S. citizenship,” that “TPS holders face irreparable harm from being forced to return to countries they fled decades ago,” that the administration’s “adoption of a new rule for making TPS determinations was motivated in significant part by racial and national-origin animus” as “evidenced by numerous statements made by President Donald J. Trump and other officials in his administration,” and that “DHS’s TPS terminations were based on an arbitrary interpretation of the TPS statute, breaking with decades of prior practice without explanation.”

In a press release, the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH) explained that “Haitians with TPS who didn’t re-register for it in 2017 or 2018 out of fear, confusion, or another good reason can and should seek to re-register now” because the U.S. government “has agreed to give such applications ‘presumptive weight’ as being filed late for good cause – meaning they should be granted and then entitled to the TPS extensions” until 2020.


The U.S. government has appealed Judge Chen’s order to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, but it has agreed, while the court’s order is in effect, to certain important measures including automatic nine month extensions, starting in April 2019, unless the Appeals Court rules in their favor. But it is almost certain that no Appeals Court ruling will be made before April 2019.

Furthermore, the IJDH explains, “TPS work and legal status will be automatic for those registered” and there will be “no need to pay for employment authorization cards or further registration.” TPS holders “can rely on their existing (to-be-expired) EAD [Employment Authorization Document] or TPS approval notice, as well as the Federal Register Notice, as valid authorization to work or as proof of legal status in the United States.

“They do not need to pay any further money to the U.S. government and should not need to pay for additional legal assistance either,” the IJDH adds.

Even if Chen’s decision is overruled by the Appeals Court, the U.S. government has agreed to at least six months of additional protection. “In the event the preliminary injunction is reversed and that reversal becomes final, DHS will allow for an orderly transition period,” the government states.

In other words, the IJDH explains, “the earliest that TPS holders from [Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan] could lose their legal status is about six months after the appeals court’s decision,” which likely will not come until the middle of 2019. And whatever the Appeals Court’s ruling, it will surely be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The case has been brought in the Northern District of California, and the plaintiffs are from Haiti, El Salvador, and Sudan, representing diverse organizations fighting to defend TPS, including the National TPS Alliance, CARECEN-Los Angeles, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), UNITE-HERE, and African Communities Together. They are represented by the ACLU of Southern California, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, and Sidley Austin LLP.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Blatant Fraud in Haiti Elections: Form Unity Government
27 December 2016


Of all the crooked presidential elections that have happened in Haiti since the February 2004 coup against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the current one is the most blatantly fraudulent. There is no longer any attempt to hide the manipulation.
The new attitude is rather that there will be fraud, and it will be blatant. This coincides with the publication of the final election results on December 29, 2016, is practically scheduled to coincide with the 213th anniversary of Haitian Independence on January 1. The psychological battering from the experience has become more important than the fraud itself.


Ever 1.0 million voters

According to the Interim Electoral Councils (CEP) that have organized Haiti’s elections, since 2010 the number of ballots cast in every election has been 1.0 million plus a few tens of thousands. In the November 2010 first-round presidential elections, there were supposedly 1.07 million voters. Four months later, in the second-round cholera elections that brought Michel Martelly to power, the number of voters was 1.05 million. For the most recent elections on November 20, 2016, the CEP reported the number of Haitian voters as 1.07 million.


Always a turnout around 20 percent

Back in 2010-11, the CEP was reporting the number of registered voters as 4.69 million; so in both rounds of the cholera election the official turnout was 22 percent. For the November 2016 election, the CEP said that the number of registered voters had grown to 6.19 million. Nevertheless the turnout of 1.07 million voters was reported as 21 percent instead of 16 percent. I believe this was because the CEP calculated the turnout in 2016 using the number of registered voters in 2010 instead of 2016. Since the CEP has not corrected itself, the error was probably deliberate and the mainstream press, which amplified it, was in on the lie.


Hillary Clinton’s sweet M&M

In between the first and second-round elections of 2010-11, Hillary Clinton traveled to Haiti to demand the removal of Jude Célestin from second place so that the second round would yield the “MMs solution”: a contest between Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly. According to emails released by Wikileaks, Laura Graham initially proposed to Cheryl Mills the “MMs solution” that became adopted by Clinton. Former OAS Special Representative to Haiti, Ricardo Seitenfus, blew the whistle on the meetings involving US Ambassador Kenneth Merten and United Nations Mission Chief Edmond Mulet, where President René Préval was threatened with removal if he did not cooperate.


Clinton got her man in Martelly, who became quite rich from signing off on every US decision. By the time he was forced out of office in February 2016 by popular protests, Haiti’s agricultural exports had dropped to a mere $29 million per year, and its agricultural trade deficit had grown to nearly $1 billion per year. Of the roughly 1,500 elected officials who had populated the parliament, city halls, and local courts, only 10 remained: a group of senators without a quorum.


The monumental zombie vote

Attempts by Haiti’s politicians to recover the country through the ballot box have yielded plebiscites that a population wary of elections under a UN military occupation has overwhelmingly boycotted. In January 2016, the boycott was total, and the second-round elections had to be cancelled. According to the mainstream press, the cause of the cancellation was violence, but the real reason was that the party of the second-placed presidential candidate and more than 10 others had refused to participate in legislative and presidential elections without first getting a credible verification of the October 2015 first-round elections.

It took nearly half a year, but ultimately an Independent Commission of Electoral Evaluation and Verification (CIEVE) was formed. The CIEVE discovered that more 70 percent of the votes were faked, and it invalidated the October 2015 elections. In that election, the reported turnout was 25 percent, but the real turnout was only 6 percent. About 19 percent of the turnout, or 1.1 million votes, had been fabricated! In other words, to replace the wide-awake Haitians who had boycotted the elections, a massive army of zombie voters had been created.


Vote-tabulation sheets

Haiti’s National Electoral Litigation Office (BCEN) is reluctantly considering the cases of three candidates (Jude Célestin, Moise Jean Charles, and Maryse Narcisse) who believe that the November 2016 presidential elections were also rigged. There were not only the usual 1.07 million votes but also a surprising win in the first round by US protégé, Jovenel Moise. More than 50 of the vote-tabulation sheets were recently leaked to the public. They help to understand not only the cheating that raised Jovenel Moise to the top of the pack but also the fraud that went into inflating the number of voters.


  • Consider the vote-tabulation sheet from Jérémie’s Lycée des Jeunes Filles (Slide 1). In it Jude Célestin and Moise Jean Charles are tied with 14 votes each, Maryse Narcisse and Jovenel Moise trail them with 4 and 0 votes, respectively, but Jovenel Moise’s votes have been changed from -0- to 107.
  • In another tabulation sheet from the Ecole Nationale de Savanette (Slide 2), Jude Célestin gets 46 votes, Maryse Narcisse 18 votes, Moise Jean Charles 8 votes, and Jovenel Moise’s 000 vote is changed to 067.
  • In yet another tabulation sheet from Ecole Nationale Calbassier (Slide 3), Jude Célestin gets 22 votes, Maryse Narcisse 6 votes, Moise Jean Charles 5 votes, and Jovenel Moise’s 000 vote is changed to 088.
The rest continue, more or less the same way (see slide show). On average, on each tabulation sheet the total number of votes was multiplied by a factor of slightly more than two, and the difference between this multiplied total and the real total was added to the Jovenel Moise pile, of usually zero to a few votes, to achieve an edge of more than 50 percent over the other candidates. In this case, about 500,000 zombie votes were fabricated to make an 8 percent turnout appear to be 16 percent. Most of the fraud has worked in Jovenel Moise’s favor. This alone should be sufficient ground to disqualify him from the elections. The UN, which delivered and collected the election materials, should be kicked out of the country altogether.



Haiti Rejects Election Under Occupation
Toward a return to Haitian governance

Ordinary wide-awake Haitians care little about elections at the national level. Instead, they worry about their deteriorating local situation, which involves more than 85 percent unemployment, land theft, displacement, homelessness, looming famine, lack of drinking water, a dying agriculture, the disintegration of infrastructure, and perennial natural disasters.

Rather than invest in yet another expensive election, Haitian patriots like Jude Célestin and Moise Jean Charles would do well to join forces in assembling a unity government council to administer Haiti for the next five years, with the restoration of local government as a priority. Later this work could grow to the departmental level, and ultimately the national level.


Sources: News Junkie Post. Dady Chery is the author of We Have Dared to Be Free. | Photographs three and ten from the archive of Agencia Brasil Fotografias; four, five and seven from the archive of UN Photo; six by Etant Dupain; eight from the archive of Ansel.


Dec 24, 2014
How is "La Madre de la Patria" going to be: an ambitious co-production between Argentina and Nigeria to be shot in Córdoba

The film about María Remedios del Valle, an Afro-Argentine woman who fought for independence alongside Manuel Belgrano, begins production in 2019.


Daniel Santos
Friday, December 28 2018 — 12:23

One has to go back to the late 1700s and early 1800s to meet María Remedios del Valle, the daughter of an African slave bought in Río de la Plata, who ended up becoming "Madre de la Patria" ("Mother of the Nation") after fighting in the Army of the North commanded by Manuel Belgrano.

Pablo César is the director of this ambitious project called La Madre de la Patria that is going to recover the historical figure of this Afro-Argentine woman, which will be shot 90 percent in Córdoba during 2019, under a budget of five million dollars from Mohammed Ahmed Hayatu's Nigerian production company. The remaining 10 percent will be shot in Nigeria.

History of slavery

María Remedios' mother belonged to the Yoruba, a very large ethnolinguistic group from West Africa that came to America enslaved and took on the names of its buyers.

In Benin (on the border with Nigeria) there are still records of those violent times. From there the loaded ships departed, and, according to César, two key places in this story are still there: "the Tree of Forgetfulness", where they forced the men taken as slaves to make seven turns to make them forget their past, and "the Door of No Return", an arch through which they had to pass before boarding.

"The story of the mother is fictionalized, taken from the story of a Nigerian slave on his journey to America. The story exists, but it is not precisely hers", he says.

According to the historical reenacment, the mother became pregnant with Remedios after being raped by her master. "She escapes from the family, before the man could do the same with her, and participates in the defense of Buenos Aires during the British Invasions of 1806 and 1807", says César.

The director, amazed by the history of the woman, assures that Remedios asked Belgrano to participate in the battles in the North and the first answer was "this is not women's work".


"María Remedios goes to the front lines regardless, and fights. Then she dedicates herself to nursing the wounded soldiers. During those battles she is eventually captured by the Spanish forces. Her story is chilling", says the director, who a few months ago filmed in Capilla del Monte El día del pez, with Boy Olmi as the protagonist.

The story does not end there. Several years later, she is found near the Buenos Aires Cabildo by general Viamonte in a state of begging and abandonment. Juan Manuel de Rosas intercedes, she is granted a lifelong pension and regains the honorary position she had received decades ago.


"The idea of the film is not to do something anti-Hispanic, something vengeful. We want to revalue an emblematic, important figure in Argentine history and recover our roots", says César.

The co-production agreement was signed at the Argentine embassy in Nigeria on December 7, and pre-production and the casting process should begin by January.

The production is ambitious, and the idea is to project it internationally. For that they will try to hire a black Hollywood actress for the main role, although it is still too early.

"The budget is high because it is a period film and you will have to shoot with several cameras; there are battle scenes with 400 people, it cannot go wrong". The plan is to begin filming in September and finish between November and December.

The definition of the casting must take into account that a double version will be made: one in English and one in Spanish, in addition to the scenes filmed in Yoruba.

La Madre de la Patria is the upcoming project of César, who has had links with Africa for years. In addition, he decided to move to a house in Ascochinga where he will move his production company and the idea of a foundation for film preservation.

He says they will try to get support from the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts and the Audiovisual Hub of Córdoba for the project. "If we get it, good. If not, we are still going to give jobs to many people in Córdoba".

How is "La Madre de la Patria" going to be: an ambitious co-production between Argentina and Nigeria to be shot in Córdoba


Dec 24, 2014
Afro-Bolivians open their radio station in Coroico

One of the purposes of the station is to fight against racism and discrimination.


Afro-Bolivians at a ceremony in the city of La Paz. Photo: Archive

Friday, December 21, 2018 — 13:34

The Afro-Bolivian people will inaugurate tomorrow a radio station called "Radio Afrobolivia" on the 93.7 FM dial in Coroico, in the La Paz Department. According to former congressman Jorge Medina, representative of this sector, it is a station destined to inform, entertain and educate the population with values related to the fight against racism and all forms of discrimination.

The station will operate only in the municipality of Coroico, but will also be available online through or the mobile app "Radio Afrobolivia", which can de downloaded for Android in the Play Store.

"We, the Afro-Bolivian people, happily welcome the inauguration of a social and inclusive community radio, from which values and principles related to the fight against racism and all forms of discrimination will be promoted", said Medina, who draftef Law 045 of 2010 Against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination.

It is the Afro-Bolivian Center for Integral and Community Development (Centro Afroboliviano para el Desarrollo Integral y Comunitario, CADIC) that organized this event that will take place tomorrow starting at 10:00 in Coroico, and that will have the participation of the Afro-Bolivian people, municipal authorities and other guests.

Afro-Bolivians open their radio station in Coroico