Essential Afro-Latino/ Caribbean Current Events

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
‘Cuban Twitter’ and Other Times USAID Pretended To Be an Intelligence Agency


Foreign governments have long accused the U.S. Agency for International Development of being a front for the CIA or other groups dedicated to their collapse. In the case of Cuba, they appear to have been right. In an eye-opening display of incompetence, the United States covertly launched a social media platform in Cuba in 2010,
hoping to create a Twitter-like service that would spark a "Cuban Spring" and potentially help bring about the collapse of the island’s Communist government.

According to an Associated Press investigation, the project ultimately failed to foment political unrest, but it did turn out to be a useful way for Havana to secretly gather intelligence on the political leanings of the 40,000 Cubans who used it. It was a digital Bay of Pigs, but it was funded by USAID, an arm of the government dedicated to doing good work in bad places, not by the CIA.

Though better known for administering humanitarian aid around the world, USAID has a long history of engaging in intelligence work and meddling in the domestic politics of aid recipients. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the agency often partnered with the CIA’s now-shuttered Office of Public Safety, a department beset by allegations that it trained foreign police in "terror and torture techniques" and encouraged official brutality, according to a 1976 Government Accountability Office report. USAID officials have always denied these accusations but in 1973, Congress directed USAID to phase out its public safety program — which worked with the CIA to train foreign police forces — in large part because the accusations were hurting America’s public image. "It matters little whether the charges can be substantiated," said a Senate Foreign Relations Committee report. "They inevitably stigmatize the total United States foreign aid effort." By the time the program was closed, USAID had helped train thousands of military personnel and police officers in Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and other countries now notorious for their treatment of political dissidents.

Rajiv Shah, the head of USAID, defended the Cuba program Thursday, in an interview with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. "Sometimes the work we carry out is carried out discreetly, in the context of keeping the people who are doing this work safe," he said. "It doesn’t make it covert, but it does make it discreet." Meanwhile, agency spokespeople have repeatedly insisted that USAID is "a development agency, not an intelligence agency."

In recent years, USAID’s alleged political meddling has been more subtle. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez frequently and famously accused the United States of covertly trying to overthrow him, but only after his death did evidence emerge to support his seemingly paranoid claims. A WikiLeaks cable released in 2013 outlined the U.S. strategy for undermining Chavez’s government by "penetrating Chavez’s political base," "dividing Chavismo," and "isolating Chavez internationally." The strategy was to be carried out by USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives, the same office responsible for developing "Cuban Twitter," and involved funding opposition organizations in Venezuela.

USAID’s previous efforts to potentially weaken Cuban President Raul Castro’s hold on power came to light in 2009, when Cuban authorities arrested USAID contractor Alan Gross and later convicted him for "acts against the independence or the territorial integrity of the state." Gross had been secretly outfitting the island’s small Jewish community with communications and satellite equipment as part of a program funded by USAID. Castro called Gross a spy, which wasn’t true, but bringing in the equipment broke Cuban laws regulating their citizens’ Internet access. During his 2011 trial, Gross characterized himself as "a trusting fool" who had been manipulated by his employers. "I was duped. I was used. And my family and I have paid dearly for this," he said. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison anyway.

These incidents have fed a narrative, embraced by some foreign governments, that USAID acts as a cover for U.S. intelligence programs. In recent years, an array of countries have accused USAID of interfering in their domestic politics or attempting to undermine their power. In 2013, Bolivian President Evo Morales expelled USAID officials from his country on the grounds that the agency had conspired against his government by allegedly "manipulating" social movements in the country. He also charged that that a previous USAID program that sought to help coca farms switch to new crops was politically motivated.

Russia expelled the agency in 2012 for similar reasons. Its foreign ministry argued in a statement that USAID "attempts to influence political processes through its grants," while President Vladimir Putin blamed U.S.-funded NGOs for inciting protests against his re-election.

And in February, Kenyan Cabinet Secretary Francis Kimemia claimed that his government had evidence that USAID had hired activists to organize anti-government protests in Nairobi, in an effort to "topple" the government.

There is little evidence, at least so far, to verify those charges. But the new Cuba scandal won’t help USAID repair its tattered reputation.

‘Cuban Twitter’ and Other Times USAID Pretended To Be an Intelligence Agency



Apr 15, 2017
this shyt came across my TL


and some black women really agreed to partake in that shyt smfh!

And speaking more about Cuba.

Found this interesting. And of course some Dominicans in the comments hating.:mjpls:

No offense to Dominicans on here but Cubans seen to be closer blood brothers to Haitians than the people next door.

thats dope!
hopefully the two countries can help build each other up

AB Ziggy

Dec 14, 2012
And speaking more about Cuba.

Found this interesting. And of course some Dominicans in the comments hating.:mjpls:

No offense to Dominicans on here but Cubans seen to be closer blood brothers to Haitians than the people next door.

Funny about Dominicans hating when my homeboy that grew up in Port Au Prince told me Dominican women come to Haiti in high demand for prostitution. And half of em get finessed by local clients:mjpls:

AB Ziggy

Dec 14, 2012


I'm skeptical of any country's future when it comes to oil discovery, it almost always turns into corruption.

Let's hope Cuba doesn't fall into the same traps and encourages citizens in oil to get proper training to build and maintain their own infrastructure so foreign companies don't claim most of the profits.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Funny about Dominicans hating when my homeboy that grew up in Port Au Prince told me Dominican women come to Haiti in high demand for prostitution. And half of em get finessed by local clients:mjpls:

No offense to the Dominican brehs on here(I'm cool wit many of yall) but Dominicans looking down on Haitian immigration is ironic because many Dominicans believe it or not are LOOKED DOWN upon by many English speaking islanders. Dominicans are the second group of Caribbeans that immigrant the most. English West Indians are PISSED at them coming to their islands in large numbers that there even is a MOVIE about it believe it or not.

Heck just hear the intro.:picard: But yea Dominicans in the Caribbean are looked down upon the same way Haitians are. Again no offense to my Dominican brehs but those pale elitist Dominicans from Santiago need to look in the mirror.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
I'm skeptical of any country's future when it comes to oil discovery, it almost always turns into corruption.

Let's hope Cuba doesn't fall into the same traps and encourages citizens in oil to get proper training to build and maintain their own infrastructure so foreign companies don't claim most of the profits.
Doubt it personally. More worried about USA sabotage tho. They can be like Venezuela under Hugo before the oil crisis.


Dec 5, 2012
Funny about Dominicans hating when my homeboy that grew up in Port Au Prince told me Dominican women come to Haiti in high demand for prostitution. And half of em get finessed by local clients:mjpls:
Dominicans and Haitians (especially Dominicans) are known for being prostitutes throughout the islands