pretty sure igbos were the ones that made the first runaway slave safe haven, i can't remember the exact location but word was once a slave set foot there before boarding they were free.
There is no dispute with a that statement. It was probably under the Nri Kingdom. However, only about 1/3 of the Igbo were apart of that Kingdom.
" The kingdom was a safe haven for all those who had been rejected in their communities and also a place where slaves were set free from their bondage. Nri expanded through converts gaining neighboring communities' allegiance, not by force. Nri's royal founder,
Eri, is said to be a 'sky being' that came down to earth and then established civilization. One of the better-known remnants of the Nri civilization is its art, as manifested in the
Igbo Ukwu bronze items.
Nri's culture had permanently influenced the Northern and Western Igbo, especially through religion and taboos. British colonialism, the
Atlantic slave trade and the rise of Bini and Igala kingdoms, contributed to the decline of the Nri Kingdom. The Nri Kingdom is going through a cultural revival... ."
Kingdom of Nri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Identity in the Shadow of Slavery
The Aro Confederacy were real as well and they are probably responsible for most of the Igbo's being in slavery as well as the Tikar people of Western Cameroon.
Aro Confederacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia