You didn't burst my bubble tho.
The theory is pseudoscience.
But that does not mean the existence of a Hamitic people is false.
There are Hamitic Africans and Negro Africans.
"Negroes" were primarily in West and West-Central Africa...they were the ones who came into contact with Spanish and Portuguese (the first Europeans to explore the coastal of that region of Africa)..thus being called "Negro" a Spanish/Portuguese/Iberian word for "Black". It was people from this region that made up the bulk majority of slaves in the new world. Hamitic Africans were not taken into slavery in the Americas because they were considered "Caucasian" and more "advanced".
BTW, I don't agree Hamitic peoples are Caucasian but many of them do have Caucasian traits (Limb proportions, phenotype, hair texture, etc.). If you look at an Ethiopian or Somali they look different then a Nigerian or a Ghanaian..let's keep it funky and stop with all the games.
Breh, there is a difference between the Hamitic Hypothesis and the term Hamitic. My issue is with the former.
And you're preaching to the choir right now.
^Since I mentioned where the term Negro came from and what it means in that post
But you seem to be missing where West African ancestry originates from, which is from the East/North-East. Or are you forgetting that Kenyans and Sudanese look VERY much like West Africans?
But let's not forget there was also an Arab Slave trade, where many of those "superior" North African Hamites were taken captive.
Furthermore, let's examine who Herodotus thought the Colchians (who lived in what is today the country of Georgia) came from and how he described them.
Herodotus -The Histories, Book 2, Chapter 104
For it is plain to see that the Colchians are Egyptians; and what I say, I myself noted before I heard it from others. When it occurred to me, I inquired of both peoples; and the Colchians remembered the Egyptians better than the Egyptians remembered the Colchians; [2] the Egyptians said that they considered the Colchians part of Sesostris' army. I myself guessed it, partly because they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too."
Again, the only reason @Marvel makes appeals to the Hamitic Hypothesis is due to the ignorant pseudo-belief system he's bought into, which also makes appeals to it.
But I wouldn't expect anything less from dude, since he can't even get basic Roman and Western Asian history right.
Never in history have white people ever said they were from Ham, they used pseudoscience to try and make links with Ethiopians so they can claim some glory of Ancient Hamitic empires through them
You just might be one of the most ignorant and lamest dudes on the coli.
You've been caught quoting Zondervan's bible dictionary in an attempt to discredit Africans, being African yourself. Not realizing that Zondervan is promoting a pseudo-theory which does just that. Claim white people came from Ham.
Zondervan's NIV Study Bible, notes on Genesis 9:25
Noah’s curse cannot be used to justify the enslavement of blacks, since most of Ham’s descendants are known to be Caucasian, as the Canaanites certainly were.
Yet now that your ignorance has been exposed you wanna back track. Nah breh, it's time for you to own those L's.
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