Excellent post! You hit the nail right in the coffin. Like I said the Hamitic myth was to separate non-stereotypical looking Africans from other Africans. But also like you said; to claim every advanced civilization in Africa.
Also I watched the video you posted. I came to the conclusion that the
Egyptian girls black friend is a straight up c00n and seems to subscribe to the "true negroid" nonsense.
1. "Black" is not biologically defined. You're either black or you're not. So if the Egyptian girl choses to consider himself black then she is black. I have met many Egyptians online that considered themselves black, like this one:
2. Even though today's Egyptians are heavily mixed, especially those in the North(lower Egypt). There are still Egyptians today that still carry significant number of African linkages:
There are still "black" Egyptians today in Egypt in the South:
The girl in the video seems like she is of Upper Egyptian descent, probably from Luxor. She could easily pass for a mulatto.
Like I said again her black friend and other people who hold the Hamitic theory nonsense subscribe to "true Negroid" nonsense that Africans/blacks most only look a certain way. When in fact Africans are said to be the most diverse people on the planet, with built-in diversity which has nothing to do with foreign admixture. Here's a quote that shatters there theory:
(S O Y Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)
Most diverse skin color:
-- Relethford JH.(2000). Human skin color diversity is highest in sub-Saharan African populations. Hum Biol. 2000 Oct;72(5):773-80.)
So to me I would consider that Egyptian girl black since she chooses to consider herself black.
According to her black friend, these Khoisans are not "black":
Due to having very light skin. Yet these girls are the most "African" on the continent with the most ancient lineages and with very little foreign influence, besides with other Africans(Bantu).