What facial sub-type would you use to characterize the Igbo/Niger Delta peoples like the Ijaw?

What facial sub-type would you use to characterize the Igbo/Niger Delta peoples like the Ijaw?
You're retarded nikka I swear to God, how you gonna pick out the three dustiest nikkas you could find out of hundreds as a representation of Africans. You on that sus shyt cuz.
I'm Ghanaian and D Wade looks just as GH as I do if not more. I agree with dude above though.
"igboid"white people called it palenegroid or forest negro back in the day but that didn't cover the numerous phenotypes in that part of africa because they really didn't take the time to properly group the phenotypes.
2nd map is strange given how they characterize the Hausa as having s Fulbe phenotype.
yeah, I guess you can say that because of the Huasa-Fulani dynamic that their are Hausa's with that look but yeah, white anthro's basically tried to paint all of West Africa as having the same, limited, look.
Like the daughter of Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari
But most Hausas look like this, I think
shyt Igbos and Hausas don't look anything alike and they live within 100 miles of each other.AA's are usually lighter but thats it.
but this question is kinda off b/c there's diversity even among West Africans.
B/c Senegalese and Gambians look different from even Ghanaians and Nigerians
I remember this website, that's now, down, where there were pictures from a trad Hausa wedding and many of the people had some unique/odd looking phenotypes. The only pics I can find from the link are these
We've seen you. You wouldn't pass as AA.
These people are admixed Hausa. Given that they are wealthy Nigerian Hausa, they likely have some Fulani ancestors because of the Sokoto Caliphate.