Degenerate culture? Races that are on top of the world dont have degenerate culture?
Black people try and downplay problems within the black community by saying these are the same problems you see in any community.
That's wrong for a couple of reasons.
1. The magnitude of the degenerate culture within the black community is much higher than in any other community and its not even close. No other community has 70% out of wedlock births, and no other community accounts for 50% of all murder victims in the country.
2. Lets say if this degenerate culture only applies to like 10-20% of the black community. It actually applies to more like 95% of the black community and you know why? Because NO black person will EVER denounce the actions of these thugs and this degenerate culture. I can't think not one single black leader who can criticize the black community without coming across as a racist, sell out, or "uncle tom."
So whenever asian people look at blacks and make stereotypes about them, you CANNOT blame them. You can't say "oh well that only applies to 5% of blacks, we're not all like that." No, you can't say a damn thing if you don't ever publicly denounce the actions of these thugs. You are essentially supporting black degenerate culture by your
acquiescence. Actually this goes beyond acquiescence. Black people go out of their way to let others know what it means to be black with all this bafoonery you see in hip hop music videos and reality tv shows.