You fail to comprehend anything I wrote in that other thread. I never said or even IMPLIED that most black people are thugs. In fact I explicitly said the contrary. I said that there is a huge population of blacks within the black community that are thugs and they are a HUGE drag on this country and the black community as a whole. These thugs and welfare queens are the reason why 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock.
The point I drove home over and over again, which you guys seem to conveniently gloss over, is the fact that the rest of the black community (read: you and 90% of people here) REFUSE to denounce the actions of these thugs. At no time ever do I see african americans criticizing the black community. When I do see someone doing it, like Lary Elder, or Bill Cosby, oh he's a sell out or an "uncle tom."
So nothing you cited here contradicts anything I have said in the slightest bit.
There are poor misguided violent people in every community but for some reason we have to speak for them?