To act like African nations are without fault is would be disingenuous but to act like African nations have control is a lie. I say that as someone who doesn't business with African nations as well as Western nations.
Africans have similar issues as Black Americans without the identity issues.
Secret societies rule the land and are more of watchdog for white supremacy than they are leaders for the people.
Most if not all African leaders are puppets, even Mugabe.
Gaddifi for maybe a 5 year old period might have been the only non-puppet and they raped and killed that man. Literally. The white supremacists don't play fair.
Most Africans are poor but the media shows though with the means, even if they are working class but they never show the poor which represent a large segment of the popl.
Self hate is real, c00nfrican nikkas at the airport treat white people like kings when these same white people treat them like shyt in other countries when they come. Self hate is terrible in these parts.
Poverty is a disease, it turns families cold, it can be life or death. No lie.
There isn't a group of Blacks worldwide living good as a collective. That's not just due to leadership breh