Barbados, hell naw. Botswana, IDK. All in all, the DeBeers/cacs run that shyt as far as wealth goes.
No white person runs anything in Botswana.
Barbados, hell naw. Botswana, IDK. All in all, the DeBeers/cacs run that shyt as far as wealth goes.
Yeah Europeans collectively are white but they don't all see themselves the same the English had a 100 years war with the french.So when Europeans killed each other over tribalism. Was that c00ning? Fighting for power over your neighbors is human nature. Empires are built on one group dominanting another
What if that tribe doesn't believe in the concept of race, because they never had too.....? seeing someone of the same hue might not mean shyt to them.....
I don't know.... most of them weren't indoctrinated in the concept of "race" like African Americans..... and I'm not sure if that's a bad or good thing....
Interesting, are you the one who consisting calling my people "arabs" and non Africa, would you call that c00ning? since the facts of history is against you? and you are more African than me genetically, and no you are insulting a whole continent of billions of people. Also you have never step foot to any of the countries, OK.
I think that's your problem bruh you're applying american concepts to the contiential africans. Africans don't call themselves africans they call themselves by their ethnic groups just like every other group of people on earth. Only in America do we branch everybody under one label. Literally repeating history that's just like the negroes who left America in the 1800s to go to Africa and they end up colonizing it.
Where in the world does the need to acknowledge race as a concept not exist? This isn't the 1400s.
I read nikkas on here saying they wanna break up Nigeria.
The white man didn't put it together correctly
Break up what's already together
Yeah Europeans collectively are white but they don't all see themselves the same the English had a 100 years war with the french.
If you're black & don't understand white supremacy you're setting yourself up for an L. Being ignorant of the L doesn't make the L any less valid.
I never thought that was up for discussion. I really don't know what some posters are talking about in this thread. I mean, some 1st gen Americans and their parents be c00ning their asses off but you shouldn't use that to describe the average west African.nikkas need to stop lying their asses off. Many Africans DO see themselves as Black. I had an immigrant ass co-worker straight from Namibia who was Black ass hell and he easily considered himself black. I met a Ghanaian and many other Africans with similar experiences.
Anyone saying Nigerians don't consider themselves Black are lying their asses off. Its similar with Europeans who go by ethnicity first but still consider themselves white obviously.
THE CAPTURE OF BOTSWANA BY DE BEERS | Business Weekly & ReviewNo white person runs anything in Botswana.
I probably understand white folks, let alone white supremacy better than most people on this forum....
AA before anything but proudly Black....collectivist before individualist always.....and I advocate that all Blacks across the diaspora do smart business together.
Doesn't sound tribal to me.
What about World War 2? One of the deadliest human conflicts in history. That was a time around globalization if I remember correctly. Or better yet the Yugoslavia wars which we are seeing parallels in Africa? That was tribalism on steroids.
That's not what I'm getting at... Do the majority of Africans subscribe to the "concept" of race just as hard as African Americans?
I don't know.... most of them weren't indoctrinated in the concept of "race" like African Americans..... and I'm not sure if that's a bad or good thing....
Don't really understand you're tangent here doesn't apply to me. But look you can have a race and an ethnic group and your respective cultures . When it comes to white people you have the franks, anglo-saxons,slavs, celtics, nordics, itlians, nordics, russians, etc. Same for asians. Europeans and Asians still fight to this day over ethnic groups. They just come together a lot of times when it comes to doing politics with people outside of their racial group.See this is what i take issue with.
Yall nikkas wanna pick and choose which western concepts you apply - which is fine.
But when you get called out for not applying one you don't agree with, you start with the colonization/wester influence talk.
What makes this particular issue doubly bad, is when you guys don't apply a very beneficial concept